Since the beginning of the mainland blockbuster era in 2002.

Many blockbusters have proven this truth.

That is, when the publicity of a movie is much higher than the quality of the movie itself, the ending of the movie will generally not be good.

This truth was fulfilled again in May 2008.

By mid-May, following the explosive popularity and results of "Kung Fu King" in the first week, word-of-mouth and box office quickly fell off a cliff.

It has been in theaters for three weeks so far.

On the mainland, the box office was originally expected to be close to 500 million, but now it is just over 300 million.

The results in North America are pretty good.

After all, it is a kung fu movie, and the plot of the movie is more Hollywood-style.

So the overall box office came to $42 million.

The results in other regions are also pretty good, with total revenue of around US$25 million.

Less than a month after its release, the global box office exceeded 100 million US dollars.

This is a very good result, especially for Chinese themes.

So the cast of "The King of Kung Fu" are happy.

Li Binbin gained the most this time.

A white-haired witch, very impressive.

Hollywood is already interested in giving her an olive branch.

Mr. Zhou's Golden Swallow is also okay. Although the bonus is not as big as that of Li Binbin, at least she can be regarded as an actress who has acted in Hollywood blockbusters.

Needless to say, Cheng Long and Lianjie are the ones who get paid and leave after the performance. The quality of the film has little to do with them.

Of course compared to Lian Jie, Cheng Long is the more stable one.

Last year, he had "The Peak 3" and "Kung Fu Panda" as an endorsement. Even if "The King of Kung Fu" was a little more aggressive, it would be insignificant to him.

Lian Jie is also very confident because "The Mummy 3" has been filmed and will be released in the second half of the year.

With this film around, "The King of Kung Fu" might be a bit more flamboyant, so that won't be a big problem.

So after going around and around, the one who was injured in the end was still Huayi King.

The cost of "The King of Kung Fu" is high after all.

The cost is 600 million yuan, which is close to 80 million US dollars.

According to the split, the box office would have to be around 180 million U.S. dollars at the very least to make back the money.

So "The King of Kung Fu" is clearly unqualified in this regard.

However, mainland media people do not think Huayi will suffer losses.

After all, Huayi is not a star.

Not all of Renxingchen’s movies are split overseas. Only Southeast Asia, North America and a few other countries can actually do split splits on a regular basis.

The remaining areas are arranged flexibly, but generally speaking, there are not many areas where Xingchen will actually choose to split accounts.

Huayi doesn't have the strength of Xingchen, how can he do this?

Therefore, everyone’s first preconception is to calculate the proceeds from the copyright sale.

Then someone revealed that the copyright of "The King of Kung Fu" was sold for a very high price, at least 50 million US dollars.

80 million US dollars was sold for 50 million US dollars, and the accounts were divided between Mainland China and Xiangjiang. Coupled with advertising revenue, now, everyone thinks Huayi can make back its original investment, right?

But soon it was revealed that Huayi was adopting the split-account route overseas this time, and signed split-account agreements with more than 40 countries at once, including Laos and the United States.

Now many people in the industry are not calm.

Because if this is the case, then it will be calculated based on the current results of "The King of Kung Fu".

Huayi has more to lose!

Because if the account is divided, the maximum you can get is only 30%.

Calculating based on the current box office, that is, the cost is 80 million US dollars, and now only more than 30 million can be recovered at most?

Many colleagues in the industry immediately covered their mouths and tried their best not to laugh out loud.

Then look back at the stars on the road to safety.

Then I once again lamented that Lu Ping An is really powerful, and I have never suffered any losses so far.

So some people began to joke that the little king had no safe life, but he got that disease!

Of course, the big and small kings of Huayi remained silent about this.

They had already prepared the draft.

That's the same as "Heroes of Heaven and Earth" back then: we still made money!

Anyway, you still have to speak hard, tears will flow from your heart, and you must not bow your head!

In fact, big and small kings have begun to contact various types of capital to prepare for capital bridges, lending and other matters, and have begun to have dinner with theaters, seeking to shorten the settlement cycle, and even begun to plan to sell shares.

Because they have already calculated that they will lose at least 200 million yuan this time.

"Assembly" just earned them over 100 million, now they all have to get in!

The big and small kings felt bitter.

At this time, a fund company called Small Target with a scale of 60 billion invested an olive branch.

The conditions were okay, but of course the big and small kings were not so quick to let go at the beginning.

In fact, they still have expectations for the box office.

After all, there will be no other films for the whole of May or even June.

"King of Kung Fu" is postponed for another month or two, and maybe tens of millions can be made back.

But they don't know that this is no longer possible.

Because it's already mid-May.

. . . . . .

"Ping An's judgment is still accurate! If you say Huayi is not good, it really is not good."

Shunyi farmyard, Zhang Songwen and others gather together

Zhang Songwen expressed his views on the current situation of "The King of Kung Fu".

Huang Bo also nodded: "Indeed, he has never made any mistakes in judgment."

Ning Hao took a sip of tea and said, "This is something we are born with. It's hard to compare."

Zhou Yiwei sang the opposite tune: "There are times when mistakes are made."

Lin Jiachuan: "For example?"

Zhou Yiwei pours tea: "For example, he always underestimates the box office of his own movies."


After everyone chatted about "The King of Kung Fu" for a while, they started talking about other things.

Wu Jing was also present at the scene. Wu Jing's "Spike" had just finished filming.

He made a copy of the film and sent it to Xingchen, but because Lu Ping'an was away, the important task of helping the staff was given to Ning Hao.

Ning Hao and Wu Jing have also known each other for a long time because of Lu Ping'an.

But when it comes to movies, Ning Hao is of course not as "accurate" as Lu Ping'an, so he just made some requests that seemed pretty good and then brought Wu Jing to the party.

Everyone knows Wu Jing, but not particularly well.

Zhang Songwen didn't care, because this small courtyard was newly rented, so he would be happy if it became more popular.

Then everyone talked about their next work.

The films that Zhou Yiwei takes now are all starring roles. At the same time, he does not seek a breakthrough in movies, so he still focuses on TV series.

The next step is to join the cast of "My Home in Eight Hundred Miles of Dongting", a drama with government support. It was introduced by his mother to promote his hometown. There is an advantage in acting in this kind of drama, as it can expand government connections in the future.

Then Wu Jing found out that Yiwei Yiwei’s mother was a national first-level director!

Let’s talk about Zhang Songwen next. After winning the Berlin Best Actor, Zhang Songwen has kept a low profile and has many acting appointments, but he still chooses what he likes.

For example, he will join the cast of Zhang Li's "The Righteous Way in the World is Vicissitudes of Life", playing a Kuomintang villain, but not the protagonist.

"There is a pursuit!" Wu Jing gave a thumbs up.

Next is Ning Hao. Ning Hao has been busy this year.

We need to focus on the post-production of "Wonderful Night 2", "Happy Family" needs to be completed quickly, and "We Come from the Future 2" and "Crazy Racing" also need to be filmed, as well as various activities.

"Great directors are different!" Everyone praised.

Of course, the busiest people are actually the artists of Xingchen.

Huang Bo has now deeply felt Lu Ping'an's love.

He has just finished filming "Wonderful Night 2", "Bullfighting" and "Stubborn Carrot", all of which are starring roles. He will also have "Crazy Racing" and starring in "Nightclub" and "The Road". This year's rest time is basically Gone.

Bao Qiang, Zhang Yi and Zhang Guoqiang will also make guest appearances.

And the three of them will form an iron triangle again this year.

Zhang Yi and Zhang Guoqiang just finished filming "Our Group" some time ago, and will next start "Shun Liu" with Bao Qiang.

The topic then turned to the anti-Japanese drama.

Then soon, those who didn’t have a drama appointment at the scene found a place to go.

For example, Lin Jiachuan, although this young man was in Lu Ping'an's circle before, he also had a lot of bad friends, such as this second generation and that second generation. He looked very cool, but after a few years, he has discovered that they are all fucking silver pewter. Gun tip.

So this time it can be regarded as re-entering the embrace of the circle of safety.

Wu Jing said that he also wanted to make a guest appearance. He really liked this kind of military drama, but he had never had the chance to try it before.

Of course Baoqiang is happy.

He has played a leading role again since "Soldier Assault". Although he is very popular now, he is still a little unsure about whether he can carry the drama.

So it is certainly beneficial for a star like Wu Jing to guest star.

As for whether I can make a cameo, that's actually not a problem at all. The project is my own, so I just need to talk to the director and my brother about it, and it won't affect the plot anyway.

After chatting for a while, the restaurant soon arrived and everyone started cooking.

That's the good thing about a small farmhouse. Although the equipment is relatively backward, it is comfortable.

The chicken is raised by the family next door and just bought it.

Eggs are also earthy.

The fish, meat and vegetables are all fresh.

There is also a little yellow dog.

The little yellow dog was trembling now. He had never seen such a bloody scene since he was born.

But it quickly became excited due to its genetic instinct.

As a result, Baoqiang grabbed him and forced him to do several 180-degree loops in the air.

The meal was very enjoyable and everyone continued chatting in the yard.

But before they chatted for long, Zhang Songwen, Bao Qiang and others soon received calls from their respective agents.

Then soon, the expressions of everyone in the yard changed.

Then faster, Ning Hao said directly: "Let's go to the company and organize people!"

Except for Lin Jiachuan, everyone was ready to set off without any hesitation.

Wu Jing was filled with emotion after seeing this scene.

He finally saw it.

Lu Ping'an's group of friends are actually similar to himself.

Not that much!

They are all upright.

This feels good.

"Count me in!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get in the car!"


Wu Jing quickly followed

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