Early the next morning, Lu Pingan came to Xiaobailou.

Cai Yinong from Tang Dynasty is already waiting.

No nonsense, just talk about business.

This time I came to Hengdian to explore the crew of "Sword and Sword 3" and fulfill my childhood dream.

It's more about business.

For more than half a year, Tangren's performance has grown very well.

At the beginning of the year, "Sword and Sword 1" was aired on the stars. Even if it was a piece of cake, the revenue it earned was still about the same as when it premiered a few years ago.

The broadcast of "Sword and Fairy 1" also brought the call for "Sword and Sword 3" to its peak.

Of course, a drama with loud voices needs to be put to good use.

So what Lu Pingan means is to make "Sword and Sword 3" the first batch of works launched on Xingchen's video website.

Just one "Star You" is definitely not enough, there needs to be more explosive drama at the beginning.

Therefore, in the future, "The Legend of Zhen Huan", "Gong Lock Heart Jade", "Bu Bu Jing Xin" and so on will also be included in the bag.

Cai Yinong certainly has no opinion on this matter.

Although she is definitely skeptical about new things, in terms of vision, artistic level, and business ability, Lu Pingan is far superior to her.

Moreover, the TV series is premiered in advance and is on the stars, which can guarantee profits, so what else is there to say?

Then, Lu Ping'an asked about the special effects: "How are you getting used to it now?"

“It was a little hard to keep up with at first, but now it’s smoother.”

"Can't keep up? No way."

"I mean our people can't keep up with the special effects team of Stars. Their standards are too high. It's not easy to lower them at the beginning."

"Haha, yes, movies and TV series are always different."

At present, Xingchen's Akers special effects is preparing to officially sink into the TV series business.

This time the special effects of "Sword and Sword 3" will also be produced by Xingchen.

To put it simply, it’s just a sample.

This kind of thing does require proofing.

After all, TV series and movies are different.

Everyone knows that the special effects of stars are great, but let alone TV series, even in movies, they don’t receive many orders now.

The main reason is that it is expensive and not everyone can use it.

Furthermore, even if you have money, you still think it’s not cost-effective, so you still choose the low-end one.

In addition, Lu Ping An didn't even think about starting this business seriously.

Therefore, there have always been very few external orders.

But it's different now.

If Xingchen is going to be listed on the market, Akers, as a subsidiary company, must make great achievements.

What’s more, it’s already 2008, investors in TV series are richer, and there’s more market demand.

So Ping An simply unlocked it.

Spread out and seize the low-end market.

The technology is strong, the price is reasonable, the quality is the best in its class, and the efficiency is high.

The key is that the name of "Xingchen" is very loud.

I believe that we will soon gain the top market share.

Didn’t Chef Xie from the original time and space have an industry in this area?

I'm sorry this time. This market is owned by a big director.

After watching around and directing the shooting of Tang Dynasty's special effects scene, Lu Ping'an went to the crew of "Sword and Sword 3" in the evening.

At this time, the crew also received a notice that Director Lu was coming to visit the crew.

All the actors immediately cheered up and prepared to meet Director Lu.

Yang Mi was hooking up with Tang Yan at this time, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

Tang Yan yawned again at this time.

"Tangtang, why did you take leave last night?"

Yang Mi hooked her shoulder and asked.

Tang Yan was slightly nervous: "I went to shoot a magazine last night. I originally came back in the evening, but the equipment broke down and I didn't come back until early in the morning."

"Then you haven't slept for two days?"

"Roughly the same."

"Then what should I do? Director Lu will see him later, and he won't have a good face. Let me ask for leave for you."

"No, don't worry."

After a while, director Li Guoli gave the order to continue filming.

When Lu Ping'an comes, the crew won't stop working, because everyone knows that Lu Ping'an is not a pompous person and will not disturb the crew.

On the contrary, whoever is acting at this time is the luckiest.

Maybe if Lu Ping'an takes a fancy to him, then he'll do it.

Wasn’t it just pears before?

So everyone envied Tang Yan and felt that she had caught up with the good times.

If Lu Ping'an had come half an hour earlier, it wouldn't have been her.

The scene that was about to be filmed at this time was the rivalry between Bai Doufu and Zixuan.

The two of them quickly got into the mood, while the others were watching and looking outside to see when Lu Pingping would come in.

Soon, when "action" sounded, Lu Pingping came in from outside.

As a result, Tang Yan in the field was suddenly distracted.

Tang Yan was seen sitting upright, playing with the hem of her skirt, and looking at the white tofu standing in front of her.

"Taoist Priest, please find it clear."

After saying one line, he saw Lu Pingping coming in from the distance.

Tang Yan's heart suddenly jumped and his tongue was tied.

The famous scene of "Sword and Sword 3" was born.

"We're a pub here" became "We're a bar here".

The whole audience was stunned.

Then burst into laughter instantly.

Bai Tofu fell to the ground, he was laughing so hard.

Tang Yan also fell to the ground, looking for a crack in the ground.

One scene was finally pushed to tomorrow amid unstoppable laughter.

I couldn’t take the photo anymore, everyone was laughing.

Tang Yan still couldn't find his form.

Li Guoli was also very good at taking care of people and finished the work in time, so as not to make Tang Yan worse and worse in Lu Ping'an's eyes.

Arrive at the hotel soon.

Lu Ping'an looked at each actor, and every face was full of memories.

Needless to say, Hu Ge, Yuan Hong and Yang Mi.

White tofu Huo Jianhua is indeed good-looking, as long as he doesn't laugh.

Huang Zhiwei is tall and tall at 193, but his sense of oppression is not as strong as that of Lin Zicong.

Lin Zicong is very fat and very talented. The scene in "Shaolin Soccer" in which "Xiao Yanzi comes on as a substitute and goes to the wrong goal" was his idea.

Then came the actresses.

First, nightshade.

Lu Pingan greeted her politely and simply encouraged her to "act well".

The teacher also responded politely.

This is already a familiar path for Shishi.

Next, Tang Yan felt a little unnatural.

But everyone knows and knows the reason.

It's a bar.

Lu Ping'an also joked: "Hello bar, practice your acting skills more in the future."

The whole audience laughed.

Tang Yanze wished he could get into the wine bottle and never come out again.

Everyone took a group photo after the meal.

The simple meeting is over.

Next, when we returned to the villa, Tang Yan didn't care about it, and Master Liu was the real owner.

But Liu Shishi and Tang Yan were already being held by Yang Mi's shoulders.

"Tangtang, it's my fault this time, but don't worry, I will definitely put in a nice word for you later."

"Thank you Mimi."

Yang Mi then turned to Master Liu and said, "Master, aren't you a big fan of Director Lu? If you call me sister, I will take you and Director Lu to have dinner alone in the future. Tangtang doesn't need to call me sister. You are better than me." Big, but I will still take you with me when I eat, what do you think?"

Yang Mi’s identity is still a secret among the crew.

Brother Hu and others only knew that Yang Mi was from Xingchen, but they didn't know anything more.

Of course, this did not include Liu Shishi. After Lu Ping'an brought Yang Mi into the Xiaobai Building and appointed Xuejian, Liu Shishi later asked, and Lu Ping'an didn't hide it.

Because of this, every time I see Yang Mi since the filming started, I treat her like a younger sister.

But Yang Mi could not bear this kind of look.

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