Returning to the set, I immediately spotted Robert Downey Jr.

No, it should be "Tony Stark."

Wearing a custom suit and sunglasses, he looked extremely businesslike. When he saw Lu Ping An, he raised his hands slightly and then lowered them to show welcome.

This look is very classy.

Then he said to Lu Ping'an: "I am Iron Man."

Snap, snap, snap.

Lu Pingping applauded.

"Not bad! It seems you are ready."

Tony took off his sunglasses, his bright eyes full of gratitude and determination: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"Yes, that's it, but it's still a little bit worse."

"What's the difference?" Tony wondered.

Lu Ping'an smiled and clicked his fingers a few times: "Here, let's change the shape of the beard."

Then he looked at Tony: "Iron Man, the richest man in the world, must have a beard that cost at least several thousand dollars to shave, right?"

Tony laughed.

Lu Ping'an extended his hand formally: "Welcome to my crew."

With tears in his eyes, Tony said sincerely: "Thank you, Lu!"

Lu Ping'an patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "We'll talk about these things when we finish filming. Go ahead, tidy up your beard and start filming!"

The casting of "Iron Man" this time is very different from the original time and space.

But there are also several roles that have changed.

Like Colonel James Roddy.

The actor who played the role in the first part of the original film was Terrence. When he came to the second part, he asked for a salary increase and asked for 8 million. In desperation, the original film crew directly changed the actor and replaced him with the Oscar-winning actor, who is also the star of "Hotel Rwanda". Protagonist Don Cheadle.

This time Lu Ping An got it right in one step, directly approached Don Cheadle, and signed multiple film contracts.

If you look for him in the first film, the salary will be much higher than that of Terrence. After all, he is the best actor.

But this person has a good personality, at least better than Terrence, and when Peak was looking for Terrence, this person was very arrogant. He didn’t have any schedules, and he wasn’t satisfied with the pay, so he might as well get it done in one step.

The second change is the little pepper.

Lu Pingan originally wanted to find the original version of Gwyneth Paltrow, the protagonist of "Shawwain" and the biggest Oscar winner so far in the 21st century.

But this person had no schedule, and like Terrence, the salary could not be negotiated.

She said that she is a movie queen, even if she is about to be reduced to the second tier now, she is still a movie queen, and don’t think about it if it is less than 8 million.

Lu Ping'an only felt that this person's bad reputation was really justified.

And he was so short-sighted, but he didn't want to pay much attention to it, just gave up, and then found his old lover Rachel.

Rachel, how should I put it, must have some acting skills, but her mental state is a bit confusing to Lu Ping'an.

From the time of "Happy Death Day" to now, Rachel said she had broken up with a man many times, and she was torn back and forth between "wanting" and "escape" regarding her career, so that she missed many opportunities in the process.

In the original version, Rachel was also the first suitable candidate selected by director Jon Favreau for "Pepper Pepper", but Rachel voluntarily gave up the role for unknown reasons, which is so fascinating.

But it's different now. Lu Ping'an sent out an invitation before, and Rachel directly agreed.

She said: "Every time you send me a role invitation, it is the lowest point in my career. "Happy Death Day" is like this, "Happy Death Day 2" is like this, and the current "Iron Man" must be like this, so lu, Could it be that you are my Mr. Right?"

Lu Ping'an said calmly: "It is not possible to increase the salary."

Rachel laughed, and then agreed directly.

The last change is the plot.

In fact, there are no changes, because the plot of this version is the same as the original movie.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Lu Ping An has changed the comic background this time.

In the original comics, the character Tony Stark participated in the Vietnam War, which was later changed to the Gulf War.

Now that it has been adapted into a movie, the battlefield has been replaced by Lu Ping'an in Afghanistan.

Tony was captured in Afghanistan and sent to Shandong, where he was forced to make weapons. Then he met Dr. Yinsen and gained enlightenment, which changed his world view and life.

And such changes also gave Watts and others a thumbs up.

Because this is zzzq in North America and there are a lot of anti-war people, it is the safest for the Chinese director Lu Pingan.

If there was a Gulf War, this attribute would be much weaker. If there was a Vietnam War, the yellow race problem would be a lot of trouble.

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but thank the original screenwriter again, Jon Favreau who was beside him.

Like Nolan at the time, he was recruited by Lu Pingan to be an assistant director.

In the future, he will direct the next few "Iron Man" films. If the box office cannot exceed 1 billion, Lu Pingan will not let it go. Anyway, he will not have the skills to make subsequent series.

Half an hour later, Robert Downey Jr.'s appearance was completely consistent with the original version, and Lu Ping'an directly gave the order, and "Iron Man" was officially launched.

If there are no accidents, it is expected to be finalized by the end of December.

The original version took three months to shoot. Now that the Los Angeles Diamondbacks are operating, the efficiency will naturally be much higher.

"Iron Man" was launched, the news was officially announced, and it quickly spread around the world.

Lu Pingan took over "Iron Man" again after the success of "Batman".

Domestic popularization of various sciences about the "Iron Man" IP also started immediately.

In the eyes of the media, Iron Man is an unpopular character.

But not many people feel that Lu Ping'an has been treated coldly or unfairly.

Everyone only had expectations, and even a little sense of pride.

Look, the American superheroes still have to be saved by the Chinese.

There are already memes online.

It is said that American superheroes save the world, and China's safe road saves American superheroes.

Of course, there are also naysayers. Some say why Lu Ping An doesn’t make a superhero movie in China?

Fortunately, Lu Ping'an had already answered this question.

And that answer was recognized by many people.

The domestic environment is indeed not very suitable for the emergence of modern superheroes.

If you want to do it, it can only be done in ancient times, and there are only a few answers, such as Sun Monkey.

So many people began to look forward to when Lu Ping An would film Monkey King.

The overall attitude towards "Iron Man" in China is consistent.

North America is slightly different.

First of all, Marvel fans naturally cheered.

Now Lu Pingan, as a director, has already broken through racial boundaries. With him taking over, Marvel fans, especially Iron Man fans, are as excited as grabbing a life-saving straw.

But DC fans are different.

Batman fans initially felt that Lu Ping'an had betrayed Batman.

But now the global box office of "The Dark Knight" has been set at 1.089 billion. How many ordinary movies, let alone superhero movies, can surpass this result?

Furthermore, "Batman 3" will be filmed next year, and Lu Ping An guarantees that the quality and quantity of the trilogy will be maintained.

Therefore, Lu Ping'an will do everything he promised and is completely worthy of Batman.

As a director, he also has his own development direction.

In the words of fan leader Tony: "I hope he can make "Iron Man" well and achieve good results. If it fails, the Batman fan base will always be his home."

This is a true fan!

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but be moved after seeing it.

Of course, he can't help but worry about whether Tony and the others will still love him if the Marvel Universe explodes in the future, and it will only happen because of "Iron Man".

Oops, so annoying.

Lu Ping'an shook his head and continued shooting.

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