China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 503 The best Chinese road comedy movie

After going through all the troubles.

Next, the crow's mouth is still as strong as ever.

Soon the car Xu Chenggong was riding returned to the original route, and met Niu Dan again, and also lost his wallet.

The little cash they had was just enough for two people to squeeze into one bed.

The strange look in the hotel owner's eyes and the question that once again confirmed "two men sharing a room".

The pun made the theater burst into laughter.

And this is just the prelude to the most hilarious plot in the film.

Soon, for the next ten minutes or so, the laughter in the theater never stopped.

One slept naked and the other was tortured terribly.

"What are the conditions? Sleeping naked!"

Later, Xu Chenggong went to the wrong room, Huang Xiaolei appeared, and the scene of catching an adulterer was staged.

The loudest and longest laughter erupted in the theater.

Audience member Xiao Li wiped his tears and touched his cheeks. He already felt sore.

At the same time, he couldn't help but worry, if "The Journey" was like this, what would happen to the other two films?

It's okay if it's funnier than this, but what if it's not as funny as this one?

At the same time, movie critics who watched the movie were also thinking about more questions.

This film is a Spring Festival road movie, and the elements of the Spring Festival are currently displayed very well.

But is that all?

If all that follows is just a pile of jokes, then everyone will naturally be disappointed with the film.

Fortunately, after the plot in the hotel ended, the entire movie entered the final and sublimation stage, and began to highlight a theme: "There are still many good people in the world."

Early the next morning, Xu Chenggong's wallet was returned by the flight attendant, who looked for Xu Chenggong all night.

The dedicated flight attendants are not just "good people", but a light and dense description of the working conditions of public officials during the Spring Festival travel period.

After searching all night, think about it.

In this regard, although it may seem a bit fantasy, it is indeed heart-warming.

Then the two took a boat and discovered the liar played by Song Jia again.

It turns out the scammer was actually up to something good.

Although this plot still looks a bit magical, it does conform to what Niu Dan has always believed that "there is true love in the world."

And Xu Chenggong also began to completely change his view of Niu Dan. He felt that Niu Dan was not stupid, but just kind, and this kindness was extremely valuable.

After leaving money to the orphans and doing good deeds, the two finally seemed to start getting lucky.

The cow egg lottery was held, and the van was won.

Just when everyone thought getting rich was too magical, the next second Niudan was driving in his sleep, causing the car to overturn.

At this scene, people in the theater burst into laughter again.

Amid enthusiastic laughter, the two staged a Hollywood-style drama of hiding from a car explosion.

In the end, the car didn't explode, and the two protagonists used facts to prove that Hollywood movies are all lies.

Everyone in the theater laughed countless times, and some even started to hold their stomachs.

As the car overturned, the two's wish to go home before the end of the year was completely frustrated, because in the movie, it was already New Year's Eve night.

On this unique thirty-night period, Xu Chenggong opened his heart, told the bitterness of being a boss, and reflected on his own failures.

And Niu Dan was the noble person who made him see clearly how much of a failure he had been in life.

After two days of tossing, Niu Dan recognized Xu Chenggong as a noble person, and now Xu Chenggong regarded Niu Dan as a noble person.

This is a classic section of road movies.

Through a journey full of difficulties, the protagonist's spiritual transformation and sublimation are achieved.

Some film critics at the scene were reminded of various classic road movies around the world.

There are also domestic ones, including "Falling Leaves Return to Their Roots" a few years ago.

But now it seems that although "The Journey" is not as good as some foreign films, it can basically be regarded as one of the best among domestic or Chinese-language films.

It’s no wonder that Lu Ping An puts a movie like this on the Spring Festival schedule.

It fits the holiday, is fun and funny, resonates with people's hearts, and can gain immediate insights.

Of course, we have to wait until the movie is finished to tell how this movie will be.

Then the two of them had a bonfire to celebrate the New Year.

And the story has come to an end.

This time Niu Dan's crow's mouth finally came in handy.

As a result, the two of them were able to successfully arrive in Changsha in a car transporting chickens and ducks.

At the end of the story, Xu Chenggong returns home, and Xiaosan's voluntary withdrawal is a bit of a forced reunion, but it is still in line with the style of the entire movie.

After all the inconspicuous things happened along the way, it's not surprising that the mistress took the initiative to quit.

Niu Dan also succeeded in getting the debt, but it was Xu Chenggong who helped secretly, in order to let Niu Dan maintain a beautiful view of the world.

This is handled very well.

Compared to the mistress voluntarily quitting, everyone on the scene naturally recognized this reality more.

Of course, everyone knows that there is true love in the world.

But there has to be a premise, just like what Xu Chenggong felt with Niudan.

Whether it is true love or not depends on your own attitude towards the world.

This is what Xu Chenggong realized from Niu Dan.

At this point, the movie ends and the lights don't come on.

Movie fans also knew that there would be Easter eggs, so no one in the theater stood up. Those who had already stood were reminded that it was not over yet, and then they sat down again.

Sure enough, the subtitles rolled next and the behind-the-scenes footage was played on the big screen.

There was a real scene of Baoqiang drinking milk. The director shouted "Ka" and then "Come again." Baoqiang waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, I'm going to vomit."

Xu Shanzheng on the side laughed: "This is the eighth bucket, stop playing the director."

Only then did everyone realize that it was really a drink!

There are also tidbits about Xiao Shenyang. When the workers picked up the forks, Xiao Shenyang stepped back and gestured: "I'm very aggressive, don't mess around!"

The next second, there was a scene of Baoqiang and Xiao Shenyang wrestling and hugging each other, extremely happy.

Each featurette lasted three minutes.

There was only laughter in the theater.

Then the screen went black and the real Easter eggs began.

The camera of the film shifts to one year later.

Xu Chenggong met Niu Dan again on the plane, and Niu Dan was obviously a successful person.

The film came to an end with Niu Dan's excited "boss" greeting and Xu Chenggong's happy but suddenly aware eyes that something was wrong.

Lu Pingping originally wanted to delete this Easter egg and replace it with "囧囧".

But then I thought about it, but it still wasn't right, because he hadn't figured out how to make the two movies related.

So just keep it and let people know that there will be a next one.

When the time comes, it won’t be a big problem to directly upload new stories.

Everyone in the audience really expressed their expectations, and that was enough.

Then the lights came on.

Xiao Li stood up, and then realized that he hadn't eaten much of the big bucket of popcorn.

It’s all the fault of the movie for not peeing!

After leaving the cinema, other cinemas were also closing at this time.

Everyone's expressions were the same as those in the audience where Xiao Li was sitting. Their faces were red, some were rubbing their faces, and some were still talking and laughing about the plot of the movie.

Xiao Li originally thought that the people leaving the show in other halls were just like them, having just finished watching "People on the Road".

As a result, after listening carefully, he discovered that they didn't seem to be talking about a movie, and the enthusiasm was no less intense than what they were talking about at home.

Without thinking much, the people in the two cinemas over there also started to communicate, and then they said at the same time: "It's a pity that you didn't watch my movie!"

"I'm telling you, it's not much worse than Crazy Stone."

"It looks great! Much better than "Wonderful Night 1"!"

Another person who owns a movie theater also joined in: "Let me tell you, I have a lot of coke here."

After hearing this, Xiao Li on the side lost half of the worries he had just had in the theater.

Then I hope very much that I am a social cow at this moment, otherwise I can ask about the plot.

Shaking his head, he thought it would be better to leave some suspense. Now, it is business to go back and pre-purchase movie tickets!

Soon, the first wave of comments about the New Year's Eve event began to leak out on the Internet, and it started to ferment early the next morning. (End of this chapter)

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