And watching the protagonists being roughly packed into boxes and looking at those helpless wax figures, the audience's emotions aroused. This is a hint of crisis.

And the story, at this pace, quickly set the tone.

John Woo couldn't help but nod. The sequence, duration, and camera movement of each shot are the tone of the entire movie. This is a common technique in Hollywood.

He felt that Lu Ping'an was worthy of being the person who knew the most about the production of Hollywood series.

Next, the story officially begins.

The scene turned to the exterior of a villa.

The voice-over narration of Fan Chenggong, played by Fan Wei, sounded:

"If one day there is a sudden power outage in your house and it becomes dark, your precious child who is afraid of the dark will scream, 'Mom, Dad, I'm scared!'"

In the picture, a panicked "dad" rushed over quickly.

As a result, because there was no light and he couldn't see, he bumped into the corners of the table, chairs, and toys scattered on the floor, and "Dad" screamed in pain.

It was hard to find the tool box, but I couldn't find the flashlight for a long time.

what to do?

Swish, a close-up of a luminous flashlight appeared.

The person holding it is the protagonist Fan Chenggong.

Only then did the audience realize that this was a commercial!

"Glow-in-the-dark flashlight! The latest invention of Successful Technology, accompanying you in the long dark night!"

Fan Chenggong's appearance in the shot is very different from the previous one.

At this time, he is in a neat suit and full of confidence. He does not have the nouveau riche temperament in "If You Are the One", but a proper science and technology worker.

The audience should know that Fan Chenggong is prosperous!

In the movie, Fan Chenggong chatted with host Cui Yongyuan in the studio.

Through Cui Yongyuan's various praises, everyone knows that Fan Chenggong is really a successful person and a new technological upstart. The invention of the luminous flashlight created hundreds of millions of profits for him last year.

The plot is very funny, and the audience certainly won't believe that anyone can succeed by inventing this in reality.

But this is a comedy movie, and no one will take it seriously.

In the picture, Fan Chenggong and Cui Yongyuan exchanged various compliments. The studio audience applauded. Fan Chenggong seemed to be a role model for young people.

I was a security guard five years ago and now I am a multi-millionaire. It is indeed inspiring.

Next is another scene change, from the program recording site to the program broadcast on TV, and then to the scene inside the "Successful Technology Company".

A long shot explains Fan Chenggong's working status in the company. He really has no time to spare.

Fan Chenggong walked all the way, and the guest actor Fan Xiaopang, who played his assistant, started to follow him and talk about a lot of work arrangements after he entered the company.

Why do you want to invest in Taobao? There is an order in Europe that needs to be finalized. Director Lu wants to make a biographical film about you.

Fan Chenggong handled the matter all the way and spoke quickly and emphatically: "Let's just talk about it. The price can be lowered by a dollar. Director Lu, my son likes his movies very much. We can make an appointment to have dinner later, the day after tomorrow."

Director Lu "appeared", making the audience chuckle.

The assistant then reminded: "Your son's birthday is the day after tomorrow."

Fan Chenggong slapped his forehead: "Look at me, let's do it the day after tomorrow. All the things the day after tomorrow are cancelled."

Assistant: "Understood. There are also these documents for you to take a look at."

A simple "recording scene" and a "company scene" explain that Fan Chenggong is very successful now.

Just being successful naturally means that there will be a lot less time.

For example, the father-son crisis hidden in Fan Chenggong's words.

Then, seemingly because of his debt to his son, Fan Chenggong decided to get off work early and pick up his son in person.

Everything went well at first. The son was very happy when he saw his father coming to pick him up.

The grown-up son Fan Haoran is still cute.

Audiences who have watched "Family with Children" immediately recognized who this was.

The father and son were talking and laughing, eating Burger King together, watching movies and shopping together. During this period, they talked about their study life in junior high school. The audience also knew that their son had just entered junior high school.

Along the way, the relationship between father and son seems to have been reconciled.

But when he got home and was about to take a shower, Fan Haoran refused to let his father help him.

Fan Chenggong had a look on his face, thinking that his son had grown up.

"In a blink of an eye, he turns 12 years old. Dad already had hair when he was 12 years old."

"What Maomao?"

"Huh? Still pretending?"

Fan Chenggong used a unique way to provide relevant education as an experienced person, and he also happily tickled his son to relieve the embarrassment. Fan Wei was also very good at this kind of scene, so the whole scene looked very warm.

But the next second, Fan Haoran showed a painful expression after being scratched.

Sensing something was wrong, Fan Chenggong immediately lifted up his son's clothes and saw bruises on his ribs.

"How is this going?"

Fan Chenggong was dumbfounded on the spot.

Fan Haoran said: "I fell while playing basketball."

But judging from his expression and tone, it was obvious that he was lying.

Fan Chenggong pressed him, but his son did not dare to say who did it.

Fan Chenggong immediately wanted to call the teacher for comment.

But he was still stopped by his son, and he even felt that it was his fault. He felt that his father was already busy, and now he was causing trouble to him.

Seeing his son like this, Fan Chenggong immediately realized the impact that his busyness over the years had had on his son, and he had also neglected his son's growth.

To make up for it, Fan Chenggong decided to spend some time with his son.

Fan Chenggong then suggested: "If we don't go home tonight, how about going to the museum?"

Fan Haoran's eyes suddenly brightened.

Fan Chenggong continued to guide: "Hua Mulan knows martial arts, and Zhao Kuo knows how to form troops. Let them teach you when the time comes, so you won't be afraid of being bullied!"

Fan Haoran's eyes brightened even more, and his mood turned brighter immediately, and he was very happy.

The audience also knew from this that obviously the father and son had not been there for a long time.

Sure enough, when the father and son arrived at the museum, they saw a pile of boxes and they were both confused.

Xu Shanzheng plays the curator who is still a poisonous snake when he meets Fan Chenggong.

"Isn't this our outstanding young entrepreneur? How come you are free today? You haven't been here for more than half a year."

Fan Chenggong had no intention of paying attention to the curator's venomous snake and asked about the situation.

Speaking of this, the curator stopped being a poisonous snake and explained everything one by one with a lonely tone.

"Development, society needs development, that's what they say."

The area where the Principle Museum is located needs to be developed, so many buildings need to be demolished, and the director does not want to continue working. There is no business anyway, and the place is not his, but rented, so instead of continuing to lose money, it is better to close it and return to the institute. Go to work, and most of the exhibits in the museum will be transported to a large private museum opened by a big boss in Zhejiang Province tomorrow.

Fan Chenggong immediately proposed to stand on the last shift.

This made the curator's expression soften a little.

However, he didn't seem to want to show too many emotions in front of someone like Fan Chenggong, so he left the door with the words "It's over" and left the door lonely.

Are the father and son left behind full of regrets?

Looking at this museum, memories came flooding back to the father and son. (End of chapter)

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