After exchanging business blows, continue chatting.

This time I came to Shanghai to meet relevant people here.

In addition to opening the Spring Festival stalls, there is another major issue.

2009 is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and related tribute films will also enter the production stage and then be released in time for the National Day.

Shanghai Film Academy has prepared a lot of movies this year, including "Lovely China", "Star Sea", the animated film "Ma Lanhua", etc., all of which are very good.

At the same time, they also actively communicated with China Film.

In this matter, China Film Group actively supports it, just as a gift.

So then we started talking about Han Sanpin’s this year’s super masterpiece “The Founding of the People’s Republic of China”.

This film is very special. Han Sanpin said it had a budget of 50 million, but Lu Ping'an knew that in the end it would cost no money at all.

Government leaders in Nanjing, where the filming took place, said on the spot that they could allocate tens of millions.

More than a dozen advertising sponsorships amount to hundreds of millions.

The salary expenditures of the participating stars are even pitiful.

So this is not a normal movie. Of course, now that it has been discussed, Xingchen also has a share, so he invested money and took a small share. Xingchen also has a share in the distribution business. In the future, Xingchen will take over the promotion and distribution together with China Film, and of course the special effects Take responsibility.

During this period, Han Sanpin also asked: "Ping An, do you want to play a guest role?"

The film will hold a press conference in a few days, and the official launch will be in March.

The protagonists have been decided, with Zhang Guoli and Tang Guoqiang taking the lead. The rest will be discussed today, and Han Sanpin will issue a summons order.

Celebrities from Mainland China and Hong Kong will actively participate, and not all of them may be able to attend.

In the end, there will be 172 stars participating, and more than half of it will be cut due to length issues.

Among them, some of the actors in the stars, such as Bao Qiang, Zhang Songwen and others, Han Sanpin has already said that he will arrange as many as possible, and said that he will try his best to retain them.

Now Han Sanpin asked Lu Pingan if he wanted to make a guest appearance. Regardless of the reason, Lu Pingan certainly agreed: "You decide the role. I just ask that it not be too difficult."

Han Sanpin naturally knew the reason. Lu Pingan had never acted seriously before.

But Han Sanpin was already prepared: "Don't worry, you can just come and show your face."

After talking about "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", the topic then fell on Xingchen's movie.

Lu Ping'an had already talked to Han Sanpin about "The Wind" earlier.

As the largest private company, Xingchen certainly has to produce a gift film for its 60th anniversary.

The original version of "The Wind" actually had this nature, and it also had the participation of Shanghai Film Academy, so it was just right to release it now.

When Han Sanpin found out about it, he immediately proposed to bring Shangying in. Lu Ping'an didn't refuse. As he said, gift films receive different support and meaning, so don't worry too much about it.

Of course, in terms of investment share and cast composition, Lu Ping'an's opinion will definitely still be the main one.

Now Lu Ping An's status has reached a certain level. The film he directed personally can be invested by Shanghai Film Industry. To put it bluntly, this is all about giving others face.

Shanghai Film Group Corporation is currently very ambitious in commercial films, but unfortunately its results have been mediocre in recent years. It does have a lot of plans for the future, and Shanghai Film Group has also said so directly, including "Su Qier" starring Zhao Wenzhuo and Jay Chou, and "Su Qier" directed by Li Rengang. "The Golden Guard", "Mulan" directed by Ma Chucheng, as well as the kung fu film "The Grandmaster" in collaboration with Wong Kar-wai, and the sports blockbuster "Basketball Strike" in collaboration with the American Basketball Association, etc.

Now, "The Sound of the Wind", a collaboration with Xingchen, is added.

At first glance, it looks like Shanghai Film will soon rise to prominence.

Lu Ping'an wished them good luck. Smooth cooperation was the most important thing. Han Sanpin was even more unhurried. He no longer cared much about his status and achievements.

So the two movies were finalized, and everyone was happy. They chatted for a while, and then attended the Spring Festival roadshow of the three movies in Shanghai together.

When we arrived at the theater, Jiang Wen was also there.

The last time I saw Jiang Wen was New Year's Eve, when we all had New Year's Eve dinner together.

At that time, Jiang Wen said that the script had basically been finalized, and the next time it was safe to find a way, it would be time to raise troops.

Now it seems that Jiang Wen has traveled all the way from the capital to the devil's capital. It is obvious that the time has come to raise an army.

The two looked at each other and said nothing, leaving it to be discussed later in the evening.

Then the road show begins.

Now the Spring Festival holiday has passed.

The working time of the new year has entered socially.

Generally speaking, the Spring Festival season has entered a cooling stage, and the overall box office has also begun to decline.

But this time it had a huge impact, and there were more than 60 celebrities there, so the popularity naturally continued unabated.

But after today's road show, the next action will not be with more than 60 celebrities.

Instead, we will slowly reduce the number of employees and start to wrap things up. Everyone will also start to do other things, such as harvesting and digesting the dividends brought by this Spring Festival stall alone.

The next road show was the same as the previous ones, and the scene was very lively.

After waiting, Lu Pingan and Jiang Wen chatted alone.

Jiang Wen took out the script and solemnly said: "The final version."

Lu Pingan opened the script.

Well, as expected, even the final version is still somewhat different from the finished film.

Of course the structure is the same, the only difference is some lines.

However, Lu Pingan is not worried. Jiang Wen will not follow the script 100%, so in the end it is estimated that it will be the same as the original version.

Even if it's different, it's okay. If you say you're going to vote, there's no other nonsense.

So Lu Ping'an closed the script and asked directly: "When will it start filming?"

"Wait until I get rid of those three people."

"I'll greet you."

"No, I have a plan. A good film must have a sense of ceremony."

"You don't want to write a letter, do you?"

"You still understand me."

"Okay, you figure it out, and I'll be responsible for paying."

"150 million." Jiang Wen said nothing nonsense.

Lu Ping'an didn't talk nonsense: "The 200 million promised will not be discounted."

"too much."

"More refunds and less compensation."

"Be particular!"


The two looked at each other and smiled.

After talking about the matter, Jiang Wen directly caught the night flight back to Beijing.

Lu Pingan continues to participate in road shows.

It’s the fourteenth day of the first lunar month.

Three movies were released for two full weeks.

The box office data is also out

The box office of "Wonderful Night 2" reached 778 million.

"Crazy Racing" 387 million

"People on the Road" 420 million

The overall box office dropped significantly due to work.

"Wonderful Night 2" earned 580 million in the first week, and less than 200 million in the second week. The decline is very obvious.

In fact, for Lu Ping An, this data is still very watery.

Because the box office in the first week is calculated before discounts.

The actual box office is 50% off.

The box office after the Spring Festival is the normal box office.

So in total, "Wonderful Night 2" has to subtract nearly 300 million.

But it doesn't matter, this movie is expected to earn another 200-300 million box office, plus the other two movies have already made a lot of money.

Therefore, there is no such thing as making a profit at a loss, it is still a big profit.

And society will not care about the inside story of Xingchen's gamble.

Because the current data is enough to explode. (End of chapter)

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