At 9pm, the banquet ended.

Lu Ping'an left the crew under the welcome of everyone.

As soon as he returned to the company, Lu Pingan received a call from Little Target.

"Boss, Huayi has a new project here, it's big!"

"What project."

"The theme of Detective Dee's investigation, directed by Mr. Xu, 24 films planned."

Lu Pingan knew as soon as he heard it, wasn't it the "Di Renjie Trilogy".

The man on the phone said that Huayi wanted to work with directors Chen Guofu and Xu Laoguai to make it the first Chinese-language epic series of movies in the 21st century!

Lu Ping'an looked calm after hearing this.

In fact, speaking of it, this series is indeed "epic".

Original Time and Space Chen Guofu, Xu Laoguai and Huayi also really want to make 24 movies.

But then it went astray.

After "Di Renjie 1: Tongtian Empire" came out, the mainland soon entered the era of online dramas and online movies.

Then the IP "Di Renjie" entered a stage of explosive growth in creation.

Countless online drama and major online movie producers began to follow suit.

Moreover, Mr. Di's costume style and powerful weapon in the film are all copied from Mr. Xu's "Detective Dee" series.

Within a few years, the "Detective Dee: xx" series had more than 20 online movies, which also made the series stand out from the flood of IPs such as "Zhong Kui's Zhizhi, Zhang Sanfeng's Zhizhi, Zhang Tianshizhi, Bao Qingtian's Zhi, Fengshen Zhi" and so on.

It has surpassed Sun Wukong, Huang Feihong and Ip Man to become the largest IP in Chinese films.

Once upon a time, Huang Feihong had endless fights.

Now, Di Renjie has endless cases to investigate, endless love affairs, and Wu Zetian, who is always changing her face.

As a result, it has also supported countless practitioners.

And Mr. Xu also created a "big hit IP" in the mainland after Huang Feihong in the golden age of Xiangjiang, and became the "food and clothing parent" for many low-level practitioners.

Of course, saying this doesn't mean how good the quality of Mr. Xu's "Di Renjie Series" is, it just means that it is highly reproducible.

This is also one of the reasons why Mr. Xu doesn’t take many pictures later.

And for the movie itself.

For example, the first film "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven" was actually pretty good. Except for the lack of creativity, poor action, messy editing, silly story, and fake stunts, everything else was pretty good.

In terms of profit.

The cost of the first film is said to be 130 million, and the box office is less than 300 million.

The original time and space of the latter two parts are only about 600 million, and the cost is more than 200 million.

If the first one were to be released now, the box office would definitely be higher due to the growth of big screens across the country driven by the catfish of Lu Ping An.

The next two films were both released after 2013 in the original time and space. As a result, those two films only took in 600 million, which was a mediocre result.

Huayi also suffered from this for many years.

It would probably be the same if it were released in this time and space.

Because the number of big screens across the country will explode in the next year or two.

From less than 10,000 yuan, it increased to tens of thousands yuan in a few years.

By that time, the growth effect of the big screen brought by Lu Ping'an, the catfish, was already very small. After all, his Planet Cinema could not have tens of thousands of screens.

Therefore, the box office of movies during that period is estimated to be the same as that of the original time and space.

In this way, from an investment perspective, if Lu Ping'an really had to choose this project, of course he would choose the first one, and give up on the last two, unless he participated in the changes.

Speaking of which, the trilogy is actually quite a pity.

If he were to do it and revise it, the trilogy would be much better than the original time and space.

But fortunately, he has no interest in this, and they are not looking for him, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Don't worry about it, just show me the script when the time comes."


hang up the phone.

As a result, Mr. Huayi called soon.

"Ping An, I'm going to start a big project here. Are you interested in chatting?"

Huayi still came.

Also, among other things, this film requires a lot of special effects. The special effects of Stars are of high quality and cost-effective, so they basically can't avoid them.

If we don't take this opportunity to formally mend the relationship, and still don't say a word like we did in "The King of Kung Fu", then we will have to completely break up.

The big and small kings of Huayi obviously don't want to go to that step.

I have to say that this decision was indeed the right one.

If they get confused once, suffer a loss, and continue to get confused, their company will not be able to be so big.

Investing in a film is also very simple. If you take over the special effects and distribution, the screening end will definitely not be able to run away.

When it comes to movie investment, just invest in the first one, and that’s fine.

When Huayi starts to move down the market again, Huayi must have been listed by then, because now Huayi has started to go through the process, and the goal is to be the second after Xingchen, and then the share of Huayi it owns will also be reduced. Hold on to cash out.

As for what happens next, why bother with so much.

Lu Ping'an agreed and agreed to meet and chat the day after tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Yu Feihong came, which was the appointment made a few days ago.

Also coming with her was Sun Li, another producer on the crew.

If outsiders are around, then business will be done.

Lu Pingan spent a whole morning watching the master tapes.

The content is similar to the original version, so there’s not much to say.

Just about the ghost issue, Lu Pingan also asked, Yu Feihong smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will solve it."

Lu Pingan gave a thumbs up.

Then he proposed to leave the editing to Xingchen Zhang Yifan.

Sun Li's eyes lit up after hearing this. After all, Zhang Yifan is an Oscar winner, and Yu Feihong is really proud!

Yu Feihong was neither humble nor arrogant, with a calm expression: "Can I learn from you?"


"Thank you, Director Lu."

"You're welcome, Teacher Yu."

The two of them discussed the editing direction for a while like ordinary partners. They had dinner together at noon and all they talked about was the movie.

It wasn't until Sun Li was sent away after dinner and the two returned to the office that they switched states.

Lu Ping'an smiled and asked, "If I also make a ghost film, can you help me pass the trial?"

Yu Feihong raised the corners of his lips: "It depends on your performance."

Lu Ping'an immediately pulled her into the secret bedroom and began to tease her.

The annual in-depth exchange is very enjoyable.

But Yu Feihong is not greedy for drinks. She said that she will be at Xingchen in the next one or two months anyway.

Lu Ping'an spread his hands and said, "I'm going to shoot a new movie in a few days."

"Is it "I Love You"?"

"No, it's a spy movie. It's a gift. I will shoot "I Love You", but put it later."

Lu Ping'an, the comic book version of this movie, has already been drawn and distributed in small quantities in China and South Korea. There are no worries about the copyright, so it's not a big problem to take your time.

Yu Feihong then asked about the gift film.

The film has been in preparation for a long time, and some actors have been finalized long ago. All that remains is the official announcement and the selection of other side roles. If everything goes quickly, filming can start in a week.

After knowing who the two heroines were, Yu Feihong seemed to see through his thoughts at a glance: "Are you ready to hug each other?"

Lu Pingan was speechless: "Is it so obvious?"

Yu Feihong's eyes flashed with wisdom: "I guess, but it's your own fault. Judging from the intensity of your praise of these two people in the past, it is indeed arousing people's imagination."

Indeed, a great heroine and an Academy Award-winning supporting actress were both promoted by Lu Pingan.

There have been public relations in some areas.

Doing this now will indeed arouse people's imagination.

But Lu Ping'an also said: "I control public opinion very well, and most people won't think about it."

As a result, Yu Feihong said: "Are they ordinary people?"

"Don't be so talkative."

"Then I wish you all the best." (End of chapter)

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