Stab, sting, sting.

The crew and prop master were sharpening the nail chair with files under the camera.

This nail chair has nails all over its surface, and the middle one is particularly thick.

How to use this nail chair.

Those present only need to take one look and feel their anus tighten.

Everyone already knows this.

Bai Xiaonian, played by Su Youpeng, will encounter this torture.

In terms of acting skills, this is Su Youpeng's most difficult scene in the film.

Some of the leading actors, such as the two women Zhou Gongzi and Li Binbin, had already covered their mouths with their hands and frowned.

Physically, the more I think about it, the more disgusting and cruel I feel.

Mentally, I was thinking crazily about how I would act if I were Su Youpeng.

Of course, everyone will look at Lu Ping An from time to time, and then guess what kind of emotions Lu Ping An wants to torture Su Youpeng in this way.

At present, no one has actually read the complete script.

The overall plot is only known from the original work.

But the original work does not include specific torture links.

The same goes for the original version of "The Wind."

Li Binbin's physical punishment, Zhou Gongzi's, and Bai Xiaonian's are all missing.

So now these scenes are Lu Ping An’s “original” ones.

This is really a bit abnormal.

Everyone thinks so.

At this time, Su Youpeng also put on makeup.

He walked up to Lu Ping'an and said politely: "Director Lu, I'm ready."

Lu Pingan nodded and asked, "Okay, do we need to clear the place?"

After hearing this, Su Youpeng glanced at the other leading actors, rolled his eyes like a Bai Xiaonian, and said in a deliberately amplified and artificial voice: "No, I just like to be watched and make a gorgeous exit."

This is Su Youpeng's last and penultimate scene. If it is well performed, it can indeed be regarded as a grand exit.

After hearing this, the other actors were not angry at all, but instead offered encouragement.

Mr. Zhou and Li Binbin: "Xiao Nian, come on!"

Zhang Hanyu: "Bai Xiaonian, if this performance goes well, I will call you Master Su from now on!"

Even Yingda, who had always disliked Su Youpeng, said: "Youpeng, I have already bought the champagne, it depends on your performance."

In the past week, Su Youpeng has gone from being unable to keep up with the rhythm, to not being crazy enough to survive, to now, everyone has recognized him.

It can be said that Su Youpeng has completed his counterattack.

Su Youpeng himself is also very satisfied with this. This feeling of being fully immersed is so wonderful.

But naturally he will not be satisfied with this.

Because Director Lu said, the highlight moment is today.

In other words, if you can't finish this scene, all your previous efforts will be wasted.

What else is there to say?

Come on!

Soon, Bai Xiaonian's final interrogation scene began, and all the actors for this scene were in place.

Because Takeda's strategy worked, Bai Xiaonian's handwriting was the same as the handwriting on the lottery advertisement.

So from the evidence, Bai Xiaonian is the mole.

In fact, Bai Xiaonian is not a mole.

Wang Tianxiang, played by Wang Zhiwen, and Takeda also know that he is not.

But Wang Tianxiang just wanted to kill him, so he ignored Bai Xiaonian's various complaints and grievances and directly ordered people to take off his pants and put him on the nail chair.

Soon, the scene ended, Su Youpeng performed very well.

But the highlight moment has not yet come, because the highlight is his scream after being tortured.

So soon, after some adjustments, Su Youpeng's terrifying screams echoed through the entire crew.

Li Binbin and others who were specially arranged to be in the basement scene felt their whole backs go numb when they heard this sound.

But it's not over yet, not for a while.

The screams became more horrifying.

Apparently, it was the biggest nail that had been driven in.

The feeling of being there is overwhelming.

Everyone's assholes tightened again.


As Bai Xiaonian's voice slowly dissipated.

Everybody knows.

Bai Xiaonian is afraid that he will die.

At the same time, Li Binbin knew.

Not to mention surpassing, I just want to be on par with him. Just relying on the exposure point is no longer enough.

Others realize it too.

If you don't push yourself, show some real skills, or make way for Lu Ping'an to be more advanced, I'm afraid even Su Youpeng won't be able to compare with him.

So soon, Lu Ping'an began to receive requests from leading actors.

They all want the same thing, that is: extra drama!

This is rolled up.

It's really interesting that Su Youpeng, a catfish, can drive all the best actors and actresses to their knees.

But adding drama is out of the question.

Because there is no need to add it.

Everyone has torture scenes, but the script hasn't been released yet.

So after Su Youpeng finished filming the next day, Lu Ping An simply took advantage of everyone's current good condition.

Immediately announce that in the next two weeks, I will specialize in torture scenes!

When everyone heard this, they were immediately filled with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and began to gear up.

Su Youpeng, who has finished filming, also expressed his desire to stay and see how the teachers perform.

Now no one dared to relax.

This idol actor must be allowed to see what he is truly capable of.

It was just that afternoon, after Lu Pingan issued the torture script.

Everyone frowned.

This method of punishment does seem a bit abnormal.

Of course, not everyone will use punishment to exit.

For example, Yingda, he was very straightforward. He killed himself with one shot and died the most simply.

Yingda quit on the spot: "Ping An, Director Lu, please don't take care of me. I can risk my life. Really, I have no problem dedicating myself to art."

But Lu Ping'an doesn't want to ruin the overall plot.

If Jin Shenghuo does not commit suicide, but is tortured to death, is this still Jin Shenghuo?

So Lu Ping'an said directly: "Then I will shoot other people's scenes during this period. You can refer to it and I will also think about it. How about it."

Yingda happily agreed.

Soon, Gu Xiaomeng came first.

A long rope is divided into two halves.

This is a punishment more terrifying than Bai Xiaonian's nail chair.

Mr. Zhou devoted himself to his art. He did not use a substitute, but only protected key parts.

Then the actors really put them on it and rubbed it back and forth.

The pain won't hurt because there is protection.

But under Zhou Gongzi's acting skills, everyone felt that their back molars were sore.

What a damn traitor, little Japan, can actually come up with such a heartbreaking punishment!

Look at Mr. Zhou again.

Mr. Zhou's acting skills are outstanding, coupled with his makeup and props.

After using the tortured rope, it looked unearthly, bloody and full of barbs.

It almost makes me panic if I take another look at it.

Amid a round of applause, the filming of Mr. Zhou’s torture scene took two days to complete.

At this time, Yingda was still a little eager to try.

But soon after seeing Zhang Hanyu's performance, Yingda began to change her mind.

I won’t say much about Zhang Hanyu’s performance under acupuncture.

It is different from other punishments.

Acupuncture is actually not very immersive.

Everyone's first reaction is that they don't think simple acupuncture can do anything to people.

In comparison, it is naturally the image of Bai Xiaonian or Zhou Gongzi's punishment.

But Zhang Hanyu was stunned at how well he acted!

With that painful, dying look in his eyes, Yingda immediately felt that he should be matched with a harsher punishment, otherwise he would not be able to compare.

But when Li Binbin's physical punishment appeared, Yingda gave up the idea completely. (End of chapter)

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