With the success of "Kung Fu Panda 2" and "Iron Man 1".

The outstanding shares of Xingchen and Dingfeng rose sharply, and Lu Ping'an's net worth rose sharply.

Even with small goals, you can earn a lot of money.

This wave of early bets on original shares and circulating shares has not only stabilized the ownership structure of the two companies, but also has a current floating profit of nearly US$500 million.

Lu Pingan's airplane expenses finally paid off, and he was able to buy another one for Xiang Guoqiang, so Lu Pingan didn't have to feel so distressed.

The explosion of this wave of movies also made Lu Ping An once again realize the difference between going public and not going public.

In order to continue to work hard in the future.

Lu Ping'an didn't have time to celebrate and started the next phase of work directly.

The first is Marvel.

Half a month after the release of "Iron Man 1", Lu Pingan temporarily stopped his road show work and once again gathered with Marvel and others.

The last time we got together was when the movie was released for three days.

At that time, it was more about celebrating, and the arrangements for the future were simply mentioned.

Now half a month after the movie was released, the number in North America has exceeded 350 million, and the global number is about to exceed 600 million, which is much beyond expectations.

So the next plan has to be brought up in advance.

The next plan is also very simple.

That is the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 1 plan.

Now Marvel has released three movies. "Captain America" ​​made a small profit, "The Incredible Hulk" was a hit on the street, and "Iron Man 1" was a big hit.

Then "Iron Man 2" will be used as insurance.

Before "Iron Man 2" is launched, "Thor" is the next step, then "Iron Man 2", and finally "Avengers 1".

The title sequence of "Thor" will also be completely changed to a classic page-turning title sequence. At the same time, the Easter eggs in this version of "The Incredible Hulk" that do not include Iron Man will be modified and turned into "Thor" Easter eggs.

In fact, in this first phase of the plan, Lu Pingan was also thinking about whether to include a Chinese character.

According to his current prestige in Marvel, it would not be a big problem to add or replace a Chinese character in "Avengers".

Because everyone at Marvel currently has far less confidence in the movie universe plan than Lu Ping An.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people will raise objections. After all, this matter is indeed big or small.

In this regard, Lu Pingan feels that it is better to wait until "Iron Man 2" exceeds 800 million.

When the gambling agreement takes effect, he will be the third largest shareholder of Marvel after Disney, and will have much more say.

At the same time, you can also think about specific ideas during this time.

In addition to movies, there are other businesses such as peripherals. Currently, with the popularity of "Iron Man", the peripheral business has exploded. Sales volume in half a month almost exceeds half a year's sales in previous years, and it is still rising. Of course, Ping An will take the first step in this regard. After winning the domestic agency contract, the money earned by the company will not be in vain.

After talking about Marvel, Lu Pingping turned around and headed back to Los Angeles.

Along with Robert Downey Jr.

Now that Downey has a natural hero like Tony Stark, his worth and fame have soared like a rocket.

The media all believe that after this wave, Downey will not only return to his former peak, but will also reach a higher level.

This also makes all kinds of film appointments come in like snowflakes.

However, Donnie still knew how to be grateful. On the plane, he said directly: "Lu, do you have any other plans for me? If so, I will not do anything else. I will leave all my time for you."

Lu Pingan smiled and said: "Indeed, do you remember the "Ninth District" I mentioned before?"

"Of course I remember, this is a girl even harder to chase than "Iron Man"~"

Downey made a joke, his tone was relaxed, and he looked much more cheerful than before the release of "Iron Man".

Lu Ping'an smiled and continued: "My public relations team told me that if you come to star in this movie, maybe you can use it to become an Oscar winner."

"District 9" was not nominated for an Oscar in its original time and space.

But the Oscars are just a business award after all.

The original "District 9" was unknown when it first came out.

There are no stars, no famous director, and no extra money to spend on Oscar publicity.

But now if Downey plays the role, everything will be different.

Dale said that Downey's business value and personal issues have now come to the forefront.

If there is a movie that matches his experience, and he can give an outstanding performance, and finally spend some money, there is no problem in competing for an Oscar.

It just so happens that "District 9" is more suitable.

Lu Ping An also has this intention.

Although he doesn't really need Oscar to be close to him now.

But as a businessman, if this project can be run well, it will definitely stimulate more business potential of "District 9".

After hearing this, Downey also beamed: "Yeah, that's great, when will we shoot?"

"I'm worried you won't be able to get back to that state."

"No, Lu, please believe me, I am really different."

As Tang Ni said this, he shared with Lu Pingan his thoughts on becoming famous this time.

In short, after experiencing high mountains and low valleys, you have to learn something.

"Now I am like Bruce Lee said, my whole body is like water."

"The heart is as still as water?"

"Yes, that's pretty much what it means, so please believe me, I will play it well."

After speaking, Downey said with a smile: "The salary can be as before."

Lu Ping'an laughed and told him: "Then I'm ready to inform you."

"Just don't wait another three years."

"Haha, of course not, but maybe one or two years is still necessary."

"Okay, I'll wait for you~"

Return to the top and continue the meeting.

Now the faces of everyone at the summit are also glowing.

Everyone knows that when the two movies are finished in a month or two, the peak stock price will be several yuan higher than it is now.

So now everyone can't wait to celebrate.

However, like Lu Ping An, everyone is also more concerned about the next plan.

After making money, it is easy to change from frugality to luxury. No one wants to lose wealth.

So everyone was very serious during the meeting.

The plan for the next summit is also clear.

Two or three years have passed since "Twilight 2", "Hancock", "Amazing Night" and many other films were completed.

At the same time, Marvel and Star's project Summit also participated.

After all, there will be ten movies in three years.

It is enough to ensure that the peak stock price will increase several times.

Of course, this is just Lu Ping An’s opinion. Everyone at Summit is relatively conservative, so they also asked whether some projects should be cut.

Lu Pingan said directly: "Okay, but let's wait until a certain project fails. After all, we won't do it together, right?"

Everyone agreed unanimously.

Then there are some other projects after Dingfeng’s listing.

This listing released 30% of the shares and raised more than one billion US dollars. There is a lot to do.

While we are still in the financial crisis, all kinds of companies that need to be merged and acquired are cheap, so you have to step up and buy them.

It was already evening after we finished talking.

Lu Ping'an didn't hesitate and went directly to the next location.

The matters of other companies have been settled, and now comes his own future plans.

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