China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 599 Ancestral Temple? Don't, don't, don't!

Everyone laughed together.

Then continue to look at Lu Ping'an.

Apparently they were too afraid to express their opinions.

Even if you have an idea, just shut up.

After all, the person in front of me is said to be a student, but when it comes to the film and television drama industry, who dares to really treat him as a student?

Lu Ping'an stopped talking about it and briefly talked about the meaning of "Star You".

Practically speaking.

"Star You" is what Star Film and Television uses to make money. One drama can drive various industries under its subsidiaries to make big money.

But that would be too simplistic.

So when Lu Ping'an explained, he also included some high-level things.

For example, small projects such as exploring TV drama narrative techniques and filming innovations, and then moving to big slides such as the TV drama industry and cultural output.

This is the same statement as when we were recruiting investment in cultural tourism across the country a few days ago.

As for the motivation, Lu Pingan also gave a reason that fits the identity of Dr. Nortel:

This is one of the research topics of his PhD.

Explore the feasibility of "Hua Liu".

So "Star You" is only the first one, and there will be many more in different genres.

Having said that, I heard that it is very tall when you go up there.

After hearing this, the president of Nortel and the professors nodded in approval.

We are all professionals.

Know the difference in communication between movies and TV series.

To put it simply, although film output is strong, such as in the previous golden age of Hong Kong, the establishment and the overall industry were at a level that was relatively ahead of Asia.

Now, given the overall lack of domestic film industry and production standards, this method is currently only applicable to companies like Xingchen.

As for TV dramas, the requirements are relatively lower, and their "national character" is stronger, which means they have stronger stamina after being exported. Just look at South Korea.

The key is that in the field of TV dramas, for the entire domestic industry, the gap with foreign countries is not particularly large, and many of them even exceed those of foreign countries.

It's just that the regional nature of the drama series is relatively large, and there are too few external export paths. To put it bluntly, there are not many suitable for export, and there are not many export paths.

On this topic, Lu Ping An, in addition to exploring the wider applicability of the series, also added the concept of "streaming media" that they did not understand.

Although Lu Ping'an explained it, he still didn't quite understand it, but he knew the meaning, which was to open up another communication channel.

So Lu Pingping said it all.

Everyone also knows that Lu Ping'an really has "good intentions" and "great skill" this time!

"Let me just say it, Ping An can't make a TV series for no reason!"

"Isn't that right? I have long said that Ping An's movies are doing well, and suddenly they are making a TV series. There is a proper reason!"

"If Ping An succeeds, it will not only benefit the entire industry, but also be of great significance to the entire country."

Everyone has begun to think that one day the domestic cultural industry will have the same status as Hollywood now.

No one thinks this is fantasy.

After all, it was Lu Ping'an who was leading this matter.

Director Liu of the directing department even said in a joking tone: "Peace, this is an achievement worthy of the Imperial Ancestral Temple."

Hearing this, Lu Ping'an sweated on his forehead and quickly waved his hand to stop: "No, no, no, no, Director Liu, I don't want to say this!"

Everyone laughed again, but Lu Pingping didn't care and continued to say that these words were too serious and he couldn't bear it.

Not to mention that if you really want to do it, there will be many difficulties in the future, such as encountering the subsequent ban.

Even if he could really do it, Lu Pingan didn't think he could enjoy the same treatment as those great men.

Seeing Lu Ping An's seriousness, everyone understood that Lu Ping An was indeed respectful of this matter.

Director Liu couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. He really said this as a joke.

But now it seems that he feels that maybe he is right.

"Teachers, are you ready over there? Let's have an audition?"

Seeing everyone's eyes starting to change in an unknown direction, Lu Pingan quickly changed the topic, and then the audition began.

Start auditioning, auditioning actresses first.

This time, 26 people participated in the competition for the second female, third female, and second female.

Among them are several "second generations" and "connected households" with backgrounds.

Lu Ping'an actually said from the beginning that this is his first TV series. Everything depends on the actor's compatibility with the role. Those who want to force someone to give up their thoughts early and come to say hello in advance will automatically be disqualified from the audition.

Lu Ping'an has said so, and no one will really be stupid enough to get into trouble with this.

Just doing this can only eliminate some sugar daddy idiots.

Some powerful ones will still advance to the next round.

For example, Guan Xiaotong auditioned for the children's version of Qian Songyi.

Guan Xiaotong is only 12 years old now, but she has already participated in many works and her acting skills are really good. She deserves to be an old actor.

And Jingtian.

At this time, Jingtian had already played the female lead in several works. Logically speaking, there was no need for a girl with such a strong background to compete for the second female lead.

But Lu Ping'an didn't care. He didn't know this person's background anyway, so he still relied on his strength to speak.

After a brief look, the audition began.

This time's audition mode is generally more strict than previous movie auditions.

Putting on makeup, bringing in opponents, setting up scenes, lighting and shots are all the same as when shooting.

This is not unusual, as larger Hollywood productions do this when auditioning for major roles.

But in China, especially this group of actors who have never seen much of the world, it seems very strange.

Is this using movie standards to shoot TV series?

Tsk tsk, they are indeed Director Lu’s crew!

What follows is tension.

Soon, the staff began to register names:

"First, Guan Xiaotong, please come in."

The next night.

After two days of auditions, the role of "Star You" was finally confirmed.

Female Yifan is chubby.

The male lead finally chose Zhu Yilong.

Zhu Yilong has acted in many digital movies now, and has endured some hardships. There is a good sense of vicissitudes in his eyes. The most important thing is that this person has maintained a really good figure, and his six-pack abs are eye-catching. After asking during the audition, I found out that he had been growing up since childhood. Practice Sanda with my father.

In Yang Yang's words, he is handsome, and many people in the project team agree with him.

But Yang Yang is a bit too young. At the age of 18, his eyes want to show the vicissitudes of life, which is really difficult for him. I thought he would be in good shape, but there is too little meat and not much impact.

However, Yang Yang's role as Qian Songyi's younger brother is very suitable. The siblings are very good-looking and fit the role very well.

The second male lead is Lin Gengxin. The role of an infatuated man is relatively wide in the industry, and many people can play the role. If Lin Gengxin was chosen, it was mainly because he was somewhat similar to the Fourteenth Prince he later played in "Bu Bu Jing Xin". The second male lead also has With the attributes of a foolish son of a wealthy family, he can still do the job.

Yang Jue is actually not bad, but Yang Jue looks a bit bitter. Yiwei Yi also recommended himself, but Lu Ping'an felt that he was not handsome enough.

Among the rest of them, Lu Ping'an originally also had target actors, but many of them have certain differences between their current images and their later ones.

Of course the rest are suitable as well.

But after choosing, I still think Lin Gengxin is better. (End of chapter)

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