"How ugly!"

At home, Lu Pingan looked at the pink little dot in front of him and said the same words as Yan Danchen.

When Yan Danchen first saw the little boy in the hospital, he complained about how ugly he was.

The doctor said that probably half of the new parents in the hospital would say this as their first sentence.

So this is normal.

It will be fine after the little one grows out in a few days.

Of course, it ultimately depends on the genetics of the parents.

Lu Ping'an was a little unsure about this.

After all, the original person's genes couldn't be said to be particularly good.

The looks are okay, but the body and bones are too weak.

If it is also inherited, I don’t know if Golden Finger will give a similar reward.

If he really could, he would be willing to go to the island country to shoot a love action movie!

Think of this.

Lu Ping'an suddenly felt embarrassed.

They say that men grow up after they become fathers.

I finally realized it just now.

Now that he has a son, his father's love becomes even more intense, and he is actually willing to go to the island country to film an action movie for his son!

Tsk tsk.

Lu Ping'an suddenly felt that he was so great!


At this time, the little one seemed to wake up, opened his eyes, and looked at Lu Ping'an.

Lu Ping'an's heart warmed, and he came closer and said softly: "Call daddy."

Yan Danchen, who was lying beside him, suddenly laughed: "Silly dad, it's only been a day, how can I call you dad?"

"Maybe my son is a genius?"

Lu Pingping didn't take it seriously.

In fact, he thought even more.

In case it is time travel or rebirth.

After all, that's what his dad was like.

So what if there is also inheritance?

It's not impossible.

So I just said it was stupid to let the little guy call me daddy.

In fact, I am also observing the little guy's eyes.

In the words of the doctor, this little guy is "gifted" and can open his eyes within a few hours of birth, while most babies take two or three days to do so.

And the eyes are the windows to the soul.

A child's eyes have a different charm than an adult's, and it's hard to hide them.

Therefore, Lu Ping An first conducts a wave of screening through this method.

The good news is that the little guy looks normal now, his eyes are pure and more beautiful than the most beautiful gems in the world.

But not necessarily in the future.

For example, when you reach a certain age, you suddenly awaken your golden finger, or suddenly awaken your past life memories.


In the midst of random thoughts.

The little guy started crying.

The nanny came forward immediately: "Maybe he peed."

Then start operating skillfully.

Lu Ping'an's thoughts were interrupted instantly, and he thought about helping. After all, he had gained experience in raising children from "Despicable Me".

But soon he decided to leave the situation to the nanny.

It’s normal for a new dad to not understand, right?

So he obediently sat back next to Yan Danchen and watched with her.

As expected, the little guy peed. After changing his diaper, he became refreshed and calmed down.

The nanny also wisely left instructions to call at any time and then left, leaving space for the family of three.

As soon as the nanny closed the door, Lu Pingan was hugged from behind by Yan Danchen.

Lu Ping'an quickly turned around: "Don't move, I'm in confinement."

Yan Danchen pouted and acted coquettishly: "No, I just want to hold you."

"You are now a mother, why are you still more girly than before? So willful!"

Lu Ping'an complained while lying down next to her so that she could hold him comfortably.

Yan Danchen ignored Lu Ping'an's complaints at all, and instead replied: "You also said that I am a little girl, and I don't know who it is. I yelled in the hospital like a fool last night. I am even more naughty than a naughty child."

As the protagonist last night, when she entered the delivery room, she was more scared than anyone else.

The physical pain was too much to remember.

What is more frightening than physical pain is fear of the future.

At that time, she was thinking that if something happened, her life would not be in her hands, but would depend on others outside.

There shouldn't be too many plots like this in TV dramas.

Just when I was thinking wildly, the child came out. After a while, Lu Ping'an shouted outside: "Bao Da, Bao Da!"

As a woman, I understand best what that urgent cry means.

So at that moment, the little one's cries and his silly father's shouts merged into the most powerful magic in the world, instantly clearing all the negative emotions in her mind.

If a woman is filled with strong love and happiness, she will turn into a girl no matter how old she is!

Lu Ping'an was a little embarrassed.

Last night, the majesty of the great director was shattered to pieces.

The good news is that except for the doctor yesterday, everyone was my own family.

But this does not prevent him from showing anger now: "Shut up, I tell you, I won't mention it again later, spank!"

"Come on, come on~"

Yan Danchen couldn't stop laughing, but ended up waking up the little one.

The crying started again.

The two adults immediately scrambled to call the nanny for help.

In the afternoon, there was an endless stream of guests from the Lu family.

Director Lu Da was happy to have a son, and even if the news spread to a limited extent, people came to visit him one after another.

The process of New Year greetings is the same as in previous years. Normally, those who are related to each other consciously put down their gifts, say a few words of blessing and leave.

If you have a good relationship, you can stay and the Lu family will entertain you with a banquet.

The group with the strongest relationship will like to be given seniority titles.

Take Hu Qingquan for example. When Lu Ping'an took him to see his son, he was "silly" again: "Son, call me grandpa!"

Everyone laughed, and Hu Qingquan even burst into tears.

Hu Qingquan is a DINK, and he did not actively want to be a DINK, but his wife cannot give birth due to physical reasons.

Because of this, after all these years, Hu Qingquan almost regarded Lu Ping'an as his son. Of course, he grasped this boundary very well.

Although Lu Ping'an was very grateful to him, in his heart, Hu Qingquan was the only partner he could deeply trust in his career (except for Xiang Guoqiang), and the same was true emotionally, no worse than his uncle and others. .

But it is naturally impossible for him to recognize a godfather or something, mainly because he cannot cope with it psychologically, even if he has never seen his father in his two lives.

But his son could do it. If he recognized his godfather and had a kiss from another generation, the relationship between the three of them would be directly improved.

So at this moment, Hu Qingquan smiled with red eyes and couldn't help himself. Then he immediately said that today's gift was too light and he would prepare another one later!

Lu Ping'an suddenly felt envious of the little one.

Right after he was born, he had a grandfather worth more than a billion.

No, I have to ask him to recognize a few more people later. Bah bah bah, forget it, you are the one who will suffer the loss.

Then Hu Qingquan asked the little one’s name.

The uncle on the side said very proudly: "I haven't decided yet. My opinion is to call it Lu Jianqing. What do you think? Is this a good name?"

After hearing this, Hu Qingquan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Brother, we have thought of going together."

The two quickly finished sharing the same channel.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

The surname Lu is not a very easy name to choose from.

But if you really want to take it, it is easy to reach the same idea.

The road is the road. What do you expect from the road?

Lu Ping An’s parents expressed their hope for “peace”, which means Lu Ping An.

The uncle and Hu Qingquan hope that the little one's future path will gradually become clearer.

So there was Jianqing, but as a name, it couldn't be too concrete, so it became Jianqing.

Jianqing is more suitable as a name than Jianqing, and it has more artistic conception. It has the meaning of far-sightedness, self-discipline, and an elegant gentleman. It is very suitable for the eldest son.

By analogy, the next one can be called Jian Ping or Jian Kuan, which means that the road gradually becomes smoother and the road becomes wider as it goes.

Of course the meaning is good, but is it too old-fashioned for Lu Ping'an?

But overall, thinking about it, this is already much better than "Zi Han" and so on, and the rest are not so good. The key is that it is not complicated to write, and the pressure of children's homework will be greatly reduced in the future, so I settled on it. (End of chapter)

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