A teacher said this jokingly.

Then he immediately caused the rest of the people to laugh.

But everyone's expressions were happy.

"You still fill out your application form, do you think Americans are like us?"

"What you're saying, people who don't know better think we rule the world."

"I dare you to think about changing your major and becoming a screenwriting teacher"

Lu Ping'an just drank tea silently.

Are you happy? Of course you are happy in this atmosphere.

What's more, Nortel has indeed changed a lot and made a lot of progress because of itself.

This is indeed something to be proud of.

But that’s about it.

How could he not know what was going on at home?

Of course, you must have some imagination, and you must be bold.

Maybe it will be realized in twenty or thirty years.

After bragging for a while, we started talking about business.

Principal Zhang handed over the list: "As before, those with excellent grades will be given priority, and the connections will also be circled for you."

Lu Ping'an opened the list and flipped through it. It was okay. There were not many related households circled.

As for the rest of the staff, many of them are old acquaintances and are all excellent students.

"The procedures and everything are ready. We can set off the day after tomorrow."

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged for you."

"OK, I'm leaving."

Lu Pingan stood up quickly, took the list and left directly.

Principal Zhang and the others are not surprised, after all, this has always been the case.

Compared to being sent out for internships, everyone is more interested in Lu Ping An's new film.

So it was the same as usual in the office, everyone started to speculate on the new movie theme, future box office, etc., and it was time to place bets.

On the other hand, Lu Pingping went directly to the company to arrange matters after leaving Nortel.

Two days later, Lu Ping'an took advantage of the year's strongest sandstorm to hit the capital and took a group of Nortel technical students to the United States.

The purpose this time was to film "District 9".

This film has been delayed for too long.

Any later and the film's first-mover advantage would be diminished.

Of course, the most important reason is actually other reasons.

That is to recruit talents.

As a top production company.

In addition to virtual assets such as IP, the most important asset is talent.

Since Nortel established various new majors such as editing and special effects in 2006.

In the past four years, a total of nearly 400 relevant professionals have been trained.

In the past four years, they have participated in internships in various projects of Xingchen. The earliest batch has not graduated yet, but the relevant technical level is already very popular on the market.

Of course, Lu Ping An is not happy to just put them on the market.

After all, I have been breastfeeding for four years.

So now I am directly invited to do the project. It is said to be an internship for my senior year, but it is actually an on-the-job internship.

If it's almost the same, it will be collected into the stars.

With such a new force entering the company, Xingchen's technical team will expand in size, and Xingchen's projects will be more efficient in the future.

A batch of them have been put into "Source Code 2" earlier, but one project cannot accommodate too many people.

So there is now "District 9".

Just right too.

"District 9" is a science fiction film, and it especially needs special effects technicians who are professional and perfect.

In addition, the post-production work of "Star You" has basically been completed, and "Source Code 2" is on track, but it will take about three months to complete.

The most difficult scenes of the film have been shot, and the remaining scenes are not a big problem for Ning Hao. Even if there are problems, there is plenty of time anyway, and he can make changes after Lu safely returns.

Furthermore, Robert Downey Jr.'s "Iron Man 2" starts filming in three months.

So it was just the right time to film "District 9," and it also happened to be when these people were graduating.

The most important thing is that after two and a half months, I came back just in time for my son to recognize people.

So it all caught up.

And the timing was perfect.

So what else is there to say, just shoot!

The next day, Lu Ping'an and his party arrived in Laomei and met up with the Xingchen team who had gone ahead.

Robert Downey Jr., who was notified more than a week in advance, was already in place at this time.

After one day of renovation, the project started.

Lu Ping'an returned to the original working state of the filming machine.

Shoot during the day and deal with domestic chores at night.

Now I have another daily task, making a video call with my son.

Time also passed in a busy and compact manner.

In April, news of the Yushu earthquake came from the mainland.

Wu Jing, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, called and asked if Xingchen had organized any relevant operations and he could lead the team.

Lu Ping'an agreed directly, and the two of them didn't talk about the project, but he knew that Wu Jing would talk to him when this work was over.

With the experience of Wenchuan, the disaster in Yushu was quickly controlled.

The country also quickly returned to normal.

By the end of April, the Magic City Expo Park began its trial operation.

Earlier, Lu Ping An received a call from Uncle Dong, conveying an invitation from the Ministry of Culture that Lu Ping An would make an appearance at that time.

Of course, Lu Pingan would not refuse. He took two days to go back and watched "Ip Man 2" with the women.

"Ip Man 2" was released, and Bao Qiang had a cameo role in it.

After this movie is over, he will start "One Man's Martial Arts" with Donnie Yen. Lu Ping'an set up a bridge and Zidan agreed on the spot.

After "Ip Man 2" was released, news about Lao Mouzi came out again.

"Hawthorn Tree Love" has started shooting, and the new generation of the little yellow duck Zhou Dongyu became popular before filming.

It's just that the current reputation of Lao Mouzi is average, and Zhou Dongyu's appearance is not very in line with the public's aesthetics, let alone the previous Mou girls.

As a result, Lao Mouzi's reputation became even worse.

But soon there was news that Lao Mouzi had been kidnapped by capital.

Zhang Weiping was furious and said it was all rumors.

So there are many people who want these two people to separate.

Lu Ping'an became even more convinced that it was impossible to accept Lao Mouzi.

He himself is the "eyes" of capital. Without Zhang Weiping, those capitals will replace him.

In May, Liu Qianqian sent a video to Lu Pingan via the Internet.

At first glance, it turned out to be a model car.

Liu Qianqian said it was all Shu Chang's fault.

Lu Ping'an doesn't believe this at all!

In order to convince Lu Ping An, Liu Qianqian said she would come to the United States while there were no scenes in the past two days.

Lu Ping'an told him directly that Master Liu was also here and had been here for more than a week.

The two women had met before, but Liu Qianqian still couldn't accept that they actually slept together.

So Lu Ping'an owed Liu Qianqian a solo trip. He would have to repay the debt when he was free and couldn't delay it until next year.

Master Liu stayed with Lu Pingping for more than a week in Laos and the United States before leaving.

Next, she will start filming "Bu Bu Jing Xin", and the male lead will be Nie Yuan.

Wu Qilong acted very well, but there was no way, Lu Pingan just couldn't stand him.

And Nie Yuan is also very discerning. Although it is said that he always likes to marry couples on the set, it depends on who is right.

For someone with an "unfathomable background" like Liu Shishi, he would naturally not be stupid.

When Master Liu knew that Lu Ping'an was very worried that she would have a spark with the actor, he happily flew to Laomei to see for himself how jealous Lu Xiansen was.

So I had company for a week.

A week later, Liu Shishi returned to China, and another week later, June 8th.

On this day, Apple released a black version of iPhone 4.

Lu Ping'an's "District 9" is also coming to an end.

There is no completion reward because special effects account for more than 50% and can only be obtained later.

After finishing the project, I safely packed my bags, took a few iPhone4s, and headed back to China without stopping. (End of chapter)

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