After all, they are aliens. Modern dramas cannot be perfect. Aliens are actually within the scope of review. Fortunately, the overall problem is not big. Just add some "special department" plot to show that Professor Dou has been stamped.

This was some advice given by the boss after the filming.

Of course, whether you adopt it or not, the overall plot is actually not too excessive, and you can get by without filming such a plot.

However, Lu Ping'an had considered in advance that the show would become a hit and the social impact it would have at that time would be huge, so he re-filmed just in case.

Sure enough, now that "Star You" is so popular, the superiors have come again to ask if it has been resolved.

Obviously the higher-ups are also very concerned about it.

Although this kind of attention is indeed a bit "underwhelming" for film and television practitioners, it does not have much impact.

With the stamp, the hero and heroine can continue to return to their original homes and live a funny daily life.

And this is also one of the main selling points of this drama's popularity, that is, it is very down-to-earth.

The pleasant plot passed by in a flash, and soon, as the time to leave the earth got closer and closer, the male protagonist's condition became worse and worse, and he even had side effects such as bleeding, coma, weakness, and temporary failure of super powers.

Finally it was time to show off and leave.

The heroine also realized this, invited the hero to her home, arranged a very romantic scene, and then played a video of proposing to the hero.

She knew that the male protagonist had been afraid to make any promises for fear of delaying her, so she chose to propose to the male protagonist.

The male protagonist was moved to tears and confessed his love for the first time in front of the female protagonist when she was conscious. This scene also earned a lot of tears from the audience.

At the same time, it also left enough suspense in the end. Will Professor Du leave, or how will he stay?

Then, comes the finale.

In the opening chapter, the male and female protagonists express their feelings on the rooftop in various ways.

In this scene, Professor Dou contributed the most lines in the play.

From the beginning, the alien professor who was born aloof and obsessive, turned into a man who was talking casually, crying, and choking up all kinds of instructions to the heroine and explaining the funeral arrangements.

The emotion of not being able to love but having to be separated tortured the audience to death.

This kind of plot is very common in South Korean dramas.

But at this moment, the audience did not feel that "Lu Ping An was plagiarizing" at all.

Because everything happened naturally for the male and female protagonists.

If the male protagonist doesn't do this before he leaves, he will feel that something is wrong with him.

So there are no cheesy routines. If used well, it is a good routine.

After the male protagonist finished speaking, the female protagonist responded, but the male protagonist was no longer there.

The heroine completely collapsed.

At this time, the audience was also wiping away tears and scolding Lu Ping An in their hearts.

It is indeed a tragedy!

Are you fooling around? This is not it!

Liu Qianqian even burst into tears.

She thinks a lot more than others.

The male and female protagonists cannot be together.

Does it also mean that he and Brother Ping'an can't be together?

Although she also knew that such forced contact was childish.

But in the past year, because of Liu Xiaoli's control, she couldn't have a few words with Lu Ping An, have a meal, or even hold hands.

The grievances and worries about the future that have accumulated over a long period of time seem to be erupting completely at this moment.

So at this moment, I wanted to call Lu Pingan directly and ask him to change the ending.

Fortunately, Liu Qianqian's ability to adjust is still very strong.

I soon realized that this was just the beginning of the finale, and the progress bar was still quite large.

So she, like many viewers, endured it and continued watching.

In the plot, as Professor Du left.

Fan Songyi went through a period of life and death.

During this period, the second female lead, Tang Yan, also achieved perfection in her character design.

He looked at life and stopped confronting Fan Songyi. Instead, he silently helped her in his own way.

This also made Tang Yan recognized by many people.

The second male lead was also relieved, but he was not with the second female lead. This made many CP fans of the two of them a little regretful, but when they thought about it carefully, they thought it was very reasonable.

There is also a big villain who wants to overturn the case but ultimately fails.

There are also some other plots that are just filling in holes, making the whole drama finally reach a higher level of perfection now.

As for the biggest hole, it soon began to be filled.

The timeline comes one hundred days after Professor Du left.

Fan Songyi gradually recovered from the pain and her career improved, but she still missed her hero all the time and even had hallucinations.

And such hallucinations became more and more frequent in the days that followed.

Not only her, but many people have experienced hallucinations, saying they saw Professor Du, and even spoke.

At this time, some smart viewers have already guessed the answer, but there is no rush, because the official answer will be revealed soon.

The time came three years later.

Fan Songyi returned to the top, and even took her career to the next level, at a certain red carpet ceremony.

Under the spotlight, the male protagonist makes a shining appearance.

Time stopped, and the world suddenly became a world of two people.

At this scene, the audience in front of the TV suddenly exclaimed: another famous scene +1!

Under the incredulous gaze of the heroine, Professor Dou approached him, put on his coat, and gently scolded him. Didn't he agree that he was not allowed to wear backless clothes? He would not be allowed to wear backless clothes in the future.

This scene made the girls in front of the TV have stars popping out of their eyes.

Zhai Tianlin, who was in an unknown corner, gritted his teeth and shouted at the same time: I learned it, I learned it!

Then the male and female protagonists kissed on the red carpet, and then the male protagonist took the initiative to withdraw. Everyone at the scene saw the scene of the two kissing, and the world in the drama once again fell into a sensation.

But just when the audience thought this was the finale, the following plot told everyone that things still did not end so quickly.

Next, after a brief kiss, Professor Dou disappeared again. After several reunions and disappearances, everyone finally figured out the situation.

It turns out that although the professor tried to find a way to return to Earth, the time he came each time was not fixed and he could not stay for too long. The two began to live in an "alien love".

However, as Professor Du continues to work hard, his stay is getting longer and longer, and he believes that one day he will stay on Earth forever.

In the end, the scene was fixed on the moment when the two of them were swinging on a swing to the theme song of "my destiny" without BGM.

At this point, "Star You" has finally reached its finale.

Watching the ending song and the appearance of the credits, Liu Qianqian, like the audience, was still unfinished and thought about it for a long time.

A happy ending is the most satisfying.

The warmth of the plot, the gradual progression, and the satisfaction of filling all the holes can further enhance this satisfaction.

Of course, for Liu Qianqian, in her opinion, Lu Pingan gave her a strong confidence through this drama.

In the future, Brother Ping An will definitely live happily with himself and grow old together!

I just don’t know if there will be any public kissing.

If it really happened, I would be a little excited just thinking about it~

What this brings about is that Liu Qianqian feels that this ending can be changed.

I need to add a child.

Professor Du is an alien, but Brother Ping An, you are not.

Oh, it’s a TV series, forget it, just think I said it in vain~

Liu Qianqian went to take a bath happily.

Liu Xiaoli was left alone to look at this nymphomaniac and her headache became more and more severe.

She felt that she had to find time to talk to Lu Ping'an (End of Chapter)

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