China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 68 Oscar: The Universe Cheating Award

After landing in New York, Lu Pingan took a breath of the air. He didn't smell any sweetness, only the scent of various perfumes and body odors that filled the air.

For the first time, Lu Pingan felt that being in good health was not a good thing.

Sensitive sense of smell, suffer!

After leaving customs, Hu Qingquan picked him up at the airport.

The two haven't seen each other for several months, and now they have nothing to do with each other.

"How was the filming location?"

After meeting, Hu Qingquan asked.

"Not bad. I think there is some progress this time. The main reason is that unlike other films, it is not difficult to train actors in commercial films. Also, Guorong's acting skills are also very good. It is easy to shoot. However, there are still difficulties, such as special effects shooting. It’s actually a test of your kung fu…”

Lu Pingping said a lot.

These words can probably only be said in front of Hu Qingquan and Jiang Wen.

Hu Qingquan was very happy after hearing this: "If you start talking about the future box office performance of this film, I will interrupt you on the spot. Now it seems that you are a good boy!"

"Who makes me your favorite disciple?"

"Hahaha, I'm so ashamed. I can only teach you theoretically. In fact, I haven't made many movies."

"Then if you have the chance, you can shoot it and I will invest in you!"

"Forget it, I don't have the energy to help you run the film festival and I'll almost break my leg."

"Let someone else run."

"This is not possible. How can I rest assured about others..."

The master and apprentice chatted happily, and the connecting plane to Los Angeles also arrived.

Hu Qingquan talked about interesting things he heard about the Oscar awards.

To put it simply, the nomination list for each project is selected by the academy's affiliated academy to select the nomination list for the category. For example, animation selects animation nominees, and directors select directors.

After the nomination list came out, it was a democratic vote of one person, one vote, using the same preference voting system as in old American politics.

To put it simply, everyone votes based on the list. The first-ranked film must pass 50% to be considered successful. If it is less than 50%, then the film with the least votes will be removed, and then the remaining films will be selected. If the percentage is less than 50%, the last person will be eliminated, and then everyone will continue to choose, which is particularly interesting.

This is also a system that is basically unique to old American politics and the Oscars.

In other film festivals, a few or a dozen judges usually select an award. In contrast, the Oscars have 6,000 members who vote. No one can control the number of votes or the results, which is obviously more fair.

Of course, there will also be: Damn, my favorite movie was eliminated in the end, I had to choose another movie, wow, my second favorite movie was also eliminated! ! ! This happens.

Of course, all judges can vote for films they have not seen. This is ethical and not mandatory.

Therefore, it will happen that professionals from other branches vote for non-professionals, such as actors from the Screen Actors Guild voting for cartoons, and recording professionals voting for special effects. What will happen is:

Ouch! I haven't seen this movie, but I've heard about it. I'm in a hurry, so I'll vote for him.

Ouch! I had a Disney dinner, so sorry, I’ll vote for this Disney animated short, even though I haven’t watched it.

Ouch! I'm so tired to catch my flight, so I'll choose a movie that my son likes.

This is not a joke, many people complained about it later.

There is an external article written like this: [Shocked! How ignorant the judges of the 87th Academy Awards are about animation and special effects! ! ! 】

Translation: Imagine such a world! The most eye-catching animation award: the Oscar animation award is selected by those who have absolutely no animation expertise and no animation aesthetic! !

in this world! A jury selected the best animated short based solely on whether there was a puppy in the film (referring to Disney's "Feast," which won the 87th Academy Award for Best Animated Short).

in this world! ! One judge deemed the Irish animated film "Song of the Sea" and the RB animated film "The Tale of Princess Kaguya" to be "junk". They didn't even watch either film, but they still voted for this year's Oscar for Best Animated Feature.

Therefore, it does make sense that the Oscars are weaker than the top three in Europe.

However, as commercial films become more and more prosperous and the international landscape continues to change, the three major European actors may not have thought that the Oscars, which they could not even watch before, would soon stab them in the back.

Hu Qingquan laughed while talking, feeling extremely happy.

Lu Ping'an didn't know Oscar very well, but he had heard about it.

Now it sounds like Oscar is really a bit like the cosmic cheating award.

However, insider information is insider information, and gold content is gold content.

What Lu Ping'an wants is not recognition of his artistic level, but just an award.

A very utilitarian idea, but also the most practical.

Hu Qingquan continued: "We don't need to think too much about these things. The task now is to get the qualifications first. Tomorrow is the first day of commercial screening. I think the effect will be good. Many people have already noticed your sign. ..."

One of the ways for short films to participate in the Oscar competition is through screening in theaters.

The film must be commercially screened in designated theaters in the Los Angeles area for 7 consecutive days within the specified time, with at least one screening per day.

As long as you can get the screening certificate provided by the theater, you can then apply for the Oscar short film.

These seven days of screening are also a good time for preliminary public relations.

Hu Qingquan said: "There will be many heavyweights coming over tomorrow night. Last year's Oscar short film judge Sa Shang is one of them. We will have a good chat then. Winning an Oscar is different from the top three in Europe. You have to be able to shout. Fortunately, The quality of our films is excellent, and we have already been contacted by a dedicated public relations team."

"Don't worry, Old Hu, just go ahead and do it, the money is enough."

Lu Pingping patted his chest pocket.

Oscar needs public relations, and he certainly knows this.

Before coming this time, he had used Uncle Liao and Xiang Guoqiang's legal and compliance operations to deduct the 5 million he gave to Burger King, leaving only about 3 million yuan at home. Most of the rest has now been converted into US dollars. The total amount is about 2.4 million US dollars.

Including the more than 700,000 US dollars in Hu Qingquan's hands, the total amount is more than 3.1 million US dollars.

However, only a small part of the money will be used for public relations. After all, it is just a short film, so it does not require that much money. Most of it will be used to buy stocks and work on projects.

Especially buying stocks.

Penguin didn't have to invest. It was because I traveled too late in the beginning, and I couldn't make millions of dollars to enter the market immediately after traveling. If you missed it, you missed it. You can just buy tradable shares in the future.

The World Cup is because I really don’t remember it, so there’s nothing I can do about it.

But NetEase stock must be bought.

This is the only remaining prophetic wealth.

For things like this, it’s okay if you can’t remember it. If you remember it and have the ability to do it, then you naturally have to participate, such as Maotai.

Xiang Guoqiang is already in operation now, and he will probably make a call after landing in Los Angeles.

Hu Qingquan laughed directly after hearing this: "Are you preparing cannons to kill mosquitoes?"

The total money Hu Qingquan has in his hands is about 700,000 U.S. dollars. This amount is quite luxurious for a public relations short film. Most people don't need this much. Maybe 100,000 US dollars is enough. After all, the short film is not a feature film. If it is a feature film, If so, it would have to start with a million.

Lu Ping'an also smiled and said: "It's enough anyway. Just be prepared."

Lu Ping'an had nothing else in his mind, so this was his only chance to make a short film.

What can be achieved cannot be defeated.

"It's good to be prepared, but I think the money is still not used."

As he spoke, Hu Qingquan opened his notebook and said, "Short films are not as exclusive as feature films, and their importance is not that high. We won't have to work too hard on public relations."

As he spoke, he pointed to a series of film festival names on his notebook and said: "And the quality of our films is good. I have received invitations to many film festivals. After this screening, I will take it to film festivals. They all have direct Oscars." I don’t think it’s a big problem to win awards at channel film festivals. I’m afraid I can make some money by walking around. In addition, walking around film festivals is actually a public relations thing and can save a lot of money.”

Speaking of this, Hu Qingquan was full of regrets: "The screening rights for the first few short films were sold early. If I hold them in my hands, I can participate in the Oscars the next year, and "Employment" can also participate in the Oscars next year. The chances of winning are also very high, after all, they have won big awards, and many people say it’s a pity because they all know this film.”

The entry requirements for the Oscars are not as strict as those of the three European majors, but there is also a restriction, that is, those who have won awards at other international awards cannot be released in media other than theaters in the next 6 months, so that they can participate in the next Oscar of the year.

The rest of Lu Pingan's short films sold the screening rights and were broadcast on various national TV stations, so they were not eligible to participate.

Hu Qingquan didn’t know much about it at the time. In other words, film practitioners across the country didn’t know much about Oscars as they did about the three major European films. Only after winning 01 “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” did they start to pay more attention to it. In the past, Lao Mouzi was competing for Oscars. I was also scolded and said to be meaningless. The social atmosphere has indeed changed very quickly.

In addition, before Hu Qingquan met Lu Ping'an, he was indeed an academic in China, and the people he interacted with most were only people in Europe. He had no idea about the Oscars, and to attack such an award with many rules, it was almost real. It was really hard to fully grasp it without good preparation in advance, so now that he knew a lot of inside information and understood all the processes, Hu Qingquan felt very regretful.

Lu Ping'an still has the same attitude towards this: "If you miss it, just miss it. It's okay if you don't win the award this time. Next time it will be a feature film. That will be the big battle. We will understand everything by then. Let's do it." That’s convenient.”

"You're right! This is also the point of the short film, it's a stepping stone."

Hu Qingquan nodded in approval.

A few hours later, the plane landed in Los Angeles.

The two got into a rented car, and the driver was a white man. Hu Qingquan said that he had many jobs. He was a driver, an actor, a screenwriter, and he had studied photography in college.

"Los Angeles is full of people like this. If you go to a bar at night and pick out ten people, eight of them will be celebrities who have passed away."

The white guy laughed, but his smile was full of bitterness.

Lu Ping'an was just thinking about what to say, but he heard him say again: "Boss, do you need a star tonight? I have a way."

safe trip:"..."

It was already night, and along the way, Lu Pingping looked out the car window with alert eyes.

Hu Qingquan smiled and said: "Relax, this is an old beauty, not Afu Khan."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a banging sound at the end of the night, and the driver stepped on the accelerator a little deeper.

Lu Pingan shrugged at Hu Qingquan: "Free America, gun battles every day."

"What a jingle."

Hu Qingquan smiled, but subconsciously moved his buttocks further away from the car window.

When they arrived at the place, Lu Ping'an looked at the small villa with a total area of ​​more than 400 square meters. He was quite satisfied. However, Hu Qingquan felt that it was extravagant. What was he doing with such a big house?

Then the two of them ate some food cooked by Hu Qingquan. At 9 o'clock, Xiang Guoqiang called.

"Enter the market at $1.6, $2 million."


NetEase is currently priced at US$1.6 per share, a bargain price!

If I remember correctly, NetEase will start to rise sharply in the past few months, and then it will rise to more than 70 US dollars by the end of next year, and will continue to rise after that.

By next year, some of it can be cashed out to prepare for theater chains.

You don’t have to think about theater chains across the country, but in 2005 private capital in the Mainland was aggressively deploying theater chains. As a “famous director” with money, it is always feasible to invest in some shares and gain some say.

If it doesn't work out, buy land, a house, or other stocks, such as domestic and foreign Internet stocks. As a layout, you can also buy some Netflix, etc., or simply leave it alone.

In short, if you have money, you can seize the opportunity when it comes. If you don't have money, you have to ignore the opportunity, such as Penguin at that time.

2.4 million went to 2 million, plus the 700,000 in Hu Qingquan's hands, there is still 1.1 million.

This money is completely enough to deal with the public relations of short films.

It's just a bit difficult to start possible projects in Lao America.

Fortunately, he still has Uncle Liao in the bank, who can borrow some money.

Alas, still short of money

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