The day after filming was finalized, Lu Pingan and Yu Feihong held hands and walked barefoot on the beach.

The beach in Santa Monica is beautiful, and under the sunset on the west coast, the golden color gradually spreads.

Yu Feihong described this scene, saying that it was like oil paint dripping into clear water, instantly dyeing it into colorful colors.

Lu Pingan nodded in agreement, but felt in his heart that this was more like a two-dimensional foil. After hitting the target, all the sunlight became two-dimensional and quickly covered the entire sea and beach.

Well, the mood disappeared immediately, so I still agree with Yu Feihong.

When the sun is about to sink below the sea level, the entire coast changes from golden to red.

At this time, Lu Ping'an and Yu Feihong were already in a hotel not far from the beach, facing the balcony floor-to-ceiling windows, exercising under the afterglow.

The sun was probably shamed into the bottom of the sea by the sound of gasping

Wake up the next day and work continues.

The post-production work of "Chainsaw" is also what Yu Feihong wants to see.

And Lu Ping'an's movements were exactly as he said, very fast!

Yu Feihong has seen post-production work, but not much. Now she only has a vague concept of "fast" in her mind.

But Bob, the post-game master at the top, was an authentic expert. He could tell at a glance that Lu Ping'an, who came from the East, was a bit awesome!

Of course, this is just a sigh. Of course, there is not much admiration. At most, I admire him for being young, strong, and beautiful at what he does.

After all, Lu Ping'an is a "little person" now and has no reputation in Hollywood. Even if the company makes money by adapting his movie, it actually has nothing to do with him.

There are so many stories about Hollywood adapting movies to make a lot of money. Who remembers what the original version was?

In addition, the films produced by Lu Ping An are also low-budget horror films, and the future prospects can be seen at a glance, so naturally there is not much feeling of admiration or admiration.

Most of the respect given to him comes from the relationship between Lu Ping'an and their boss.

The boss said, this is my friend, please cooperate.

Then cooperate, since he is paid anyway, and he does the most work, saving effort and money, how comfortable it is!

Therefore, Bob was also happy to answer Yu Feihong’s various questions.

So in the post-production room, Yu Feihong asked, and Bob answered, only Lu Ping'an raised the knife with his hand and dropped it, without any emotion.

In fact, he has already done these tasks in the simulation world. In addition, he has homework in front of him at all times, so he can cut it very efficiently.

This situation only lasted for one day. Starting from the next day, Bob's view of Lu Ping'an became different.

Because the film has slowly taken shape, one minute, two minutes, fifteen minutes.

When the still silent movie showed a coherent plot bit by bit, Bob began to realize that this movie might be very cool!

"Lu, do you need help?"

Bob, who had been idle for a few days, began to take a serious look.

Lu Pingan remained calm: "It's okay, just continue to teach my girlfriend. If you really need help, I will tell you."

Letting Bob teach Yu Feihong was his main purpose.

Lu Ping'an didn't have as much knowledge about post-editing as a director, so he just left it to professionals.

Moreover, Bob was also cheap. He was paid on a salary basis, not piece rate. It was a credit to Wattsberg that he did not pay attention to this. Otherwise, if he really found a big shot, he would have to pay a lot of money.

So let this tool man be a tutor and help him along the way.

Over the next week, the editing of "Chainsaw" gradually took shape, Lu Ping'an moved quickly, and Yu Feihong and Bob also officially knew the full story of the film.

Bob stopped teaching. He started to help diligently a few days ago. He didn't want his name to be missing from the film later.

Yu Feihong didn't ask any more questions, but switched from theoretical learning to practice, helping and learning at the same time.

On July 21st, the film was edited after 8 days, followed by more professional work such as sound effects and color grading.

The difficulty is still the soundtrack.

Fortunately, Lu Ping'an has copied so many works and is now recovering from a long-term illness. In order to restore the movie, he now has a lot of music theory knowledge.

Original creation is definitely not possible, but analysis and restoration are still possible. At least he can find out exactly what instruments are used in a piece of music, and then cooperate with the soundtrack to restore it to the same degree, and things will be done. .

After another 10 days, the music, dubbing, and color correction were basically completed. All that was left was to combine it with the editing film to make the final copy.

The speed is very fast because all the answers are in your head and you can just copy them.

If it were an ordinary movie, just selecting the background music would take a month.

On August 1st, all post-production of "Chainsaw" was completed, which took a total of just over a month.

The overall cost is also calculated.

The estimated cost was 1 million, and the final cost was 870,000, excluding Lu Ping'an's director's salary.

After hearing the news, Wattsberg asked several times before he was convinced that the movie was really ready!

He rushed back from outside that afternoon, and then started watching movies that night.

Needless to say, the result is natural.

More than an hour later.

"Lu, I have a hunch that this film will make countless movie fans scream!"

There was a light in Wattsberg's eyes, the same light he had when he discovered "Two Smoking Barrels."

The other two shareholders are similar, and you can tell at a glance whether the film is good or bad.

The atmosphere and tension created by the film are extremely strong, such as the use of limited scenes, sound effects, and progressive reveals, making the entire film tense and exciting without losing the sense of reality.

The plot setting is also very good, the story line is compact and fascinating, trapping two men in an abandoned factory, and promoting the plot through various cruel and terrifying games.

The whole story gives people a depressing and frightening feeling, especially the scenes that are so chilling that you feel as if you are actually there.

Coupled with the sound effects, it's just awesome and has great stamina!

In their view, "Chainsaw" really sets itself apart from other horror films by several levels.

This was far beyond the effect of Lu Pingan's verbal expression at the time, so they have now realized that Lu Pingan did it on purpose at that time!

Of course, what's more, I admire Lu Ping'an's ability as a director.

For a plot like this, if someone else had filmed it, the effect might not have been as good.

Wattsberg frowned and asked Lu Ping'an: "Lu, I still underestimated you. I can't regret it, can I?"

Lu Pingan said calmly: "If you want to get back the 200,000, I can give it to you now."

"Of course I won't take it back. I want some more."

Lu Ping'an spread his hands: "I'm sorry, I've decided to leave."

Watts said sadly.

After watching the movie, he knew that if "Chainsaw" worked well, it would most likely be a hit.

Although Watts is rough in his work, he has a clear vision, which is also his strength, otherwise he would not be able to discover so many high-quality independent films.

It's just a pity this time. I didn't take it seriously at first and thought the script was ordinary.

In addition, he also has a deeper understanding of Lu Ping'an.

Original ability in directing, editing and scoring.

Alas, I should not regret it at the beginning.

At this time, Lu Pingan smiled and comforted: "Watts, don't be sad. Haven't you noticed? There is a sequel to this film. I left a hole. There will be more than just this one in the future."

Watts and the shareholders' eyes suddenly lit up: "Really?!"

"Of course, but whether there can be a sequel depends on the effect of this film, Watts, and we have to continue to work hard."

"makes sense."

The contract has been signed, and it cannot be changed. Now that there is the temptation of a sequel, Summit attaches great importance to "Chainsaw" by several levels.

So the rest of the conversation went smoothly.

The original version of "Chainsaw" was originally rated NC-17, which means those under 17 years old are strictly prohibited from watching it. This cannot be shown in old American theaters.

As a result, James Wan had to delete many scenes in the original version to make the film R-rated, which means those under 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to watch it, so that the film can be released to major theaters.

The current "Chainsaw" is rated R according to the standard. The Film Association will most likely still become R rated, but the final result is still unknown, so whether it will be released or not, we have to wait until the rating is released. Besides, this is also Dingfeng’s top priority next.

After that comes a series of routine operations such as finalizing and announcing the release.

Everything will have to wait until the film is rated.

Once the matter is settled, there is only one thing left for Lu Pingan in Laomei, and that is to work on the post-production of "Source Code".

The special effects shots for "Source Code" have been finished a few days ago, and the negatives are always at hand. The special effects shots have been rendered and edited very quickly. At most, some special shots need to be studied when editing. Fortunately, they can be found at any time in Hollywood. Experienced editors help.

After the editing is completed, it can be sent back to the mainland for further refinement of sound effects, subtitles and some special effects.

In terms of time, the film started shooting in May, and it took more than three months until mid-August. It is similar to the post-production of a normal film, and outsiders will not notice how fast it is.

After "Chainsaw" is over, Yu Feihong is about to return to China.

She had to transfer flights in New York, so Lu Ping'an went to New York with Yu Feihong that afternoon.

That night, the two stayed at the hotel closest to the coast.

Early the next morning, when the morning light illuminated the North American sky, the two of them woke up, lay on the bed, and watched the sunrise through the tall buildings of the hotel.

When the sun slowly emerged from the sea level and lit up the world's largest city, the two of them were united again.

After the last tenderness, it was already dawn. Yu Feihong, who was lying on Lu Pingan, nodded his chin and said:

"We watched the sunset on the west coast and the sunrise on the east coast. Peace. Thank you for giving me such romance."

"You're welcome, Sister Yu."

The title has changed again, which means that the relationship should press the pause button.

Yu Feihong heard what he meant. He hugged Lu Ping'an and was silent for a long time. Then he looked up with a smile on his face: "When will you finish writing your script?"

"I'll show it to you when I finish writing it."

"You have to remember."

"I remember."

Two hours later, Yu Feihong boarded a flight back to China.

August 8th.

"Memory" has already won an award at a film festival, with a bonus of US$5,000, which is not bad.

On the same day, the post-editing of "Source Code" was completed. This time, Lu Ping'an hired a master post-production master and spent 50,000 to overcome the editing of two difficult shots. It took 14 days to finally complete the editing of the film. .

Next comes the final score, dubbing corrections, and the addition of opening credits and subtitles.

This needs to be done domestically.

It is expected that the entire film will be completed before September 1st.

On the 16th, Lu Ping'an returned to China with the film, and the Venice Film Festival shortlist was announced. It's time to make money again.

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