China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 85 Wonder! (Please order first!!!)

The premiere begins.

A total of more than 800 people gathered in front of the big screen.

Among them, there are more than 200 Chinese and foreign journalists.

This number seems large, but it is still far behind "Heroes".

The premiere of "Hero" cost 20 million and invited more than 700 domestic and foreign reporters!

However, the current scale is also very consistent with the specifications of a "second blockbuster" that is "pre-emptive".

Then comes the pre-playing session.

Answers to reporters’ questions are placed at the back.

Now I mainly focus on watching movies.

Up to now, in fact, the outside world still has doubts about this "second blockbuster".

And that’s what the premiere is all about.

Then, with the opening of the host Zhou Tao, the show started.

The program is simple but impressive enough.

It ended with lion dance, Guorong + Karen Mok's chorus, Guorong's solo, and all the main creators appearing to say hello.

After four program sessions, the atmosphere at the scene also reached Gao Chao.

Jiang Yan felt refreshed and said proudly to his girlfriend: "You're right, you're here. Guorong sings live, but you can't usually hear it!"

The girlfriend looked shy: "Brother is the best!"

"Are you talking about him or me?"

"All of them!"

"That's acceptable!"

Jiang Yan raised his arms and took his girlfriend into his arms. Most of the matter was already done.

The next step is whether watching a movie will spoil the fun!

Then comes the movie screening session.

When the screen dimmed, Lu Ping'an still calmly scratched the palm of Yan Danchen's hand beside him.

Yan Danchen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, which was a feeling of peace of mind.

Then, the movie starts playing.

Question: How many time travels are shown in "Source Code"?

The answer is: 9 times!

From being confused to gradually adapting to getting better.

From who I am, where I am, and what I want to do, to solving the three major questions.

Explosions again and again, rescues again and again, compromises and struggles again and again, and finally a perfect ending.

On the whole, every time and space travel arrangement is well-intentioned and no one is redundant.

The information that is constantly emerging is given to the audience bit by bit like a thread peeling off a cocoon. No shot is redundant, and no plot can be easily left behind. This is also what people are talking about about this film.

In the end, the protagonist finally solved the three problems at the beginning:

Who am I: I am myself.

Where am I: I am in a real parallel world.

Where am I going: I want to survive in a parallel world.

If you say there are no pee spots, then there are no pee spots!

After the first time travel begins.

Jiang Yan in the audience couldn't move his eyes away.

Then came the second and third time.

Watch the protagonist go from being confused to getting better.

Jiang Yan is also getting better.

The film starts less than half an hour ago.

He already knows that this is definitely a good movie!

only. . . My bladder seems to have some pressure.

Just as I was thinking about it, the fourth time traveling came, and it was very exciting.

Just bear with it and go to the toilet after watching it.

Then, as the movie plot gradually moves towards Gao Dynasty.

Jiang Yan felt the urge to urinate, but also couldn't move his eyes away.

Until the end of the film, Jiang Yan's girlfriend discovered that Jiang Yan still had a strange expression and had been holding his legs for a long time.

"Ayan, what's wrong with you? The movie doesn't look good?"

Jiang Yan said painfully: "It looks good!"

"What about you?"

"I need to pee!"

The girlfriend blinked, then asked with a smile: "Isn't that okay?"

Jiang Yan: "?!?!?!"

The lights come on.

There was thunderous applause.

The creators began to take the stage.

Jiang Yan stood up quickly: "Give way!"

At this time, there are many people who have the same unspeakable secrets as Jiang Yan.

So soon a spectacular scene appeared in the theater.

Suddenly twenty or thirty people stood up.

"Give me a moment, sorry."

"Don't block it!"

"Hurry, there won't be any seats for a while."

Everyone went out in a hurry.

The creators were confused.

Fortunately, someone apologized and said, "Well, let's go to the toilet first."

Then someone echoed: "The movie is so good that I don't even want to go to the toilet."

"Yes, wait a moment."

"Brother, wait for me!"


The creators also quickly went from being confused to suddenly realizing it, and then the whole audience burst into laughter.

The premiere was also paused for fifteen minutes to give everyone time to go to the bathroom.

Many reporters at the scene started writing.

Of course, it is still unknown whether they will come back.

Without thinking much, the first batch came back soon.

Then the movie fans took their seats one after another.

Han Sanpin laughed happily in the audience: "At the end of the premiere, dozens of people left the creators behind and went straight to the toilet. This can be regarded as a spectacle in film history, right?"

Everyone laughed together again.

Lu Ping'an didn't waste any time and asked directly: "Is the movie good?"


Lu Ping'an continued: "Some people say that "Source Code" is a bad movie. Do you agree?"


Lu Ping'an continued: "Then let's help promote it after we go back, okay?"


The response was enthusiastic.

Lu Pingan and Guorong looked at each other and smiled.


. . . . . . . .

After the spectacle, everyone returned to their seats, and after interacting with the audience, it was the turn of the reporters.

The video is poor and the scene is embarrassing.

The film is average and everyone has to rack their brains to say something nice.

As for the video?

That's not how to talk about it?

Anyway, the quality of the film is here. If you find fault with it, you will be laughed at by the crowd, so just answer it casually.

Mainland reporter: We have seen high technology in the movie. How was the time-stopping scene shot?

Ning Hao: That’s right.

Foreign Reporter: I would like to ask Mr. Lu Pingan, do you think they will like this movie after it is released in foreign countries? What do you think they will like about the movie? How many Oscars do you think this movie will win?

Lu Ping'an: I'm not planning to participate in the Oscars.

Mainland reporter: Director Lu, what are your expectations for the box office?

Lu Ping An: At least 100 million!

Mainland reporter: How does Guorong feel about working with an outstanding mainland director again?

Guorong: I feel like I'm young again. I still remember the process of working with Director Chen.

Foreign Reporter: In addition to selling off the distribution rights, Director Lu’s overseas distribution also includes split distribution. Why is this?

Lu Ping'an: You have also seen the video, there is no reason, just confidence, it's that simple!

Foreign Reporter: Chinese science fiction films have never been particularly successful in overseas markets before, so why are they still trying to split the revenue?

Lu Ping’an: It’s just because it doesn’t exist that it’s worth trying! Chinese science fiction, no weaker than others!

Mainland reporter: Director Lu, do you think "Hero" will be better than your movie?

Lu Ping'an smiled and said: "I think at least one thing is certain. When "Hero" is released, the spectacle of holding in urine like today will not happen."

Everyone was shocked. Is Lu Ping'an going to be tough?

In the end, Lu Ping'an continued: "After all, you will learn a lesson after all. You won't drink water before watching the movie, right?"

Everyone laughed.

No one thinks that Lu Pingan is really trying to undermine "Hero".

After more than an hour, the premiere and press conference ended.

All the fans and reporters left happily.

Lu Ping'an also moved to the banquet hall with a group of guests.

At the banquet, Lu Pingan and all the big shots toasted one by one.

Cheng Long: Your movie is really good. I hope we can collaborate next time.

Ge You: I heard that you wanted to find me in your last movie? We can talk next time, I'm not expensive.

Feng Dapao: Science fiction films depend on you. I can’t make them, otherwise I’ll have to learn from you.

Li Binbin: Director Lu, does he have my phone number?

Fan Bayi: Director Lu, here’s to you, I wish you a great box office success

At this time, everyone's attitude towards Lu Ping'an naturally improved to another level.

Very polite.

Everyone knows that this film will definitely take off, at least in China, and Lu Ping'an will join the ranks of truly great directors.

Lu Pingping remained calm about this.

Everyone will say nice things. This is a necessary skill for people to be around, but don’t take it seriously until it makes sense.

In the future, when he encounters other people's highlight moments, he will also send the highest blessings.

This is appropriate.

In addition, Lu Ping'an was actually not particularly excited.

On the one hand, because of "copying", he has a clear self-understanding.

On the other hand, the film's journey has just begun, and even though it's promising, there are also some failures.

So it's not too early to be happy.

There is still much to do next.

Preventing piracy, running road shows, monitoring film schedules, and monitoring public opinion. Road shows involve many aspects.

After the premiere in Mainland China today, I will go to Xiangjiang tomorrow.

After the two premieres, it will travel to at least 8 cities in the mainland.

I have to wait for it to go out again after it is released in South Korea and other places.

This will be a physical and mental test.

Lu Ping'an doesn't matter, the key is Guorong.

However, Guorong seems to be in better spirits now than he did a few days ago.

Guorong said with a smile: "The movie is well received, of course I will be happy."

Lu Ping'an smiled and said: "Then be more happy and be happy every day from now on!"

Being in a good mood can indeed affect the condition of depression.

It looks like the future is promising!

After the show, none of the main creators were drunk because they had to go out for promotions tomorrow.

Everyone then hurried home to rest. Tomorrow morning, the main creators would set off.

Yan Danchen did not return to the courtyard that night.

Ping An is currently attracting a lot of attention.

Feng Ke had told him in advance that a colleague was going to take a photo of him.

After all, it is foreseeable that Lu Ping'an's reputation will grow bigger and bigger, and the materials on him will become more and more valuable.

So just in case, you have to cool down during this period.

When he got home, Lu Pingan turned on his computer, and the news about tonight's premiere had already appeared on the portal.

"Lu Ping'an's "Source Code" premiere held at the Great Hall of the People"

"From "Big Shot" to "Source Code" Chinese Films Leap into the 'First Year of the WTO'"

"The premiere of "Source Code" was a spectacle. There was no peeing in the whole film. Lu Ping An did what he said."

"Lu Ping'an on "Source Code": Chinese science fiction is not inferior to others!"

"Guorong's most exciting film in recent years!"

"Safe road + national glory, create the peak"


Countless media people who were a little dismissive at the beginning have now changed their minds.

It’s a good film, you can brag about it no matter what.

Of course there are some media people looking forward to it.

"Source Code" is so good, how good can "Heroes" be?


I am also looking forward to a safe journey.

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