On February 11, the 75th Academy Awards announced the nominees.

Among them, two Chinese films were shortlisted.

Lao Mouzi's "Hero" is nominated for this year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Lu Ping'an's "Memory Block House" was nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film.

Two Chinese films have been shortlisted for Oscars.

Although one is a feature film and the other is a short film, the content is very different.

But for the current domestic film industry, being shortlisted is of great significance, and there are two films, which means even more. If it wins again, no matter which film it is, it will be a historical breakthrough and a long-lasting success. The short film doesn't have much to do with it.

Of course, there is still a connection. After all, feature films are the real prizes, but it is better than nothing. This is what many people think now.

On top of this, the directors of the two shortlisted works are the two most popular directors not long ago.

The blockbuster box office frenzy set off by "Source Code" and "Heroes" has not yet dissipated.

At the same time, the secret rivalry behind the two movies is also a topic of discussion for many people after dinner.

As a result, the topic skyrocketed again.

During the discussion, naturally, various analyzes and speculations began about whether the two directors could successfully win the Oscar, or who would win it first.

Among them, there are many who are optimistic about Lao Mouzi.

Because this is not the first time Lao Mouzi has competed in the Olympics, nor is it the first time he has been shortlisted.

So far, Lao Mouzi has won the Olympics five times in total, including "Red Sorghum", "Ju Dou" (nominated for Best Foreign Language Film), "Raise the Red Lantern" (nominated for Best Foreign Language Film), "Qiu Ju Da" "The Case" and "Hero" (nominated for Best Foreign Language Film)

Five Olympics and three finalists.

According to Chinese people’s current understanding of Oscar, one of the reasons why many people are optimistic about Lao Mouzi is:

Oscar must give a consolation prize after all, this has happened so many times.

In addition to this reason, there is also a reason why "Hero" has the highest domestic box office. In foreign countries, although the current box office of "Hero" is one step behind "Source Code", "Source Code" did not win the Olympics, and "Hero" overall Although the quality of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is average, many people think it is higher than "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", so this time, it may really win the award.

However, compared to Lao Mouzi, more people are optimistic about Lu Ping An.

The reason is also very simple.

The intensity of competition between short films and feature films is inherently different.

Lu Ping'an is "the best in the world" in the field of short films!

This industry recognition is not yet clear to the general public.

Until reports of the Oscar nominations came out, the media began to analyze the winning rate and then introduced Lu Ping An's past performance.

Only then did many people know that Lu Ping An had this skill!

So one of them failed to compete in the Olympics continuously, and his works were not very good.

One is a strong person in the field who was nominated for the Olympics for the first time. Although he has not seen his works, his past works are all very good.

Who the people are more optimistic about has actually been gradually revealed.

Of course, overall, everyone is definitely more supportive.

Whether you can win an award or not is almost being marketed as a national honor by a bunch of media, so no matter who you are, it is a good thing to bring glory to the country.

After both were shortlisted, Lu Ping An quickly received various blessings.

The secretary of the Board of Directors of Nortel called and said that the new principal wanted to meet him.

It can be seen that the new principal Zhang Huijun took office in November last year.

Han Sanpin said that "Time and Space Crime" can be released in mid-November, which is partly the reason why Principal Zhang spoke out.

Although most of the reasons may be because new officials take office and need to do this.

But if people support you, you should naturally express your gratitude.

In addition, the principal will serve at Nortel for more than ten years.

So in summary, it is absolutely necessary to have a good relationship.

When I arrived at Nortel, I saw Principal Zhang. His face was full of smiles without losing his dignity.

"Xiaoji-san, we finally meet."

"Hello, Principal Zhang."

Lu Ping An also remains humble.

The chat atmosphere is great.

Secretary Dong's face was also flushed and he didn't feel jealous at all.

After all, if we really want to talk about the relationship, he, the old Dong, is closer.

After a brief meeting, Principal Zhang started asking about Oscar.

Lu Pingan also told the truth: "Currently, the public relations budget and preparations are sufficient. In theory, according to the rules of the game in Hollywood, the probability of winning this award is not small, but I cannot guarantee the actual result."

What you say is very realistic.

Most people would be surprised if they heard this.

That's Oscar, why does his mouth smell like copper?

But Principal Zhang was not surprised at all. He had communicated with Hu Qingquan a long time ago. Even if they didn't communicate, someone like him would definitely know a thing or two about Oscar's inside story, even if he didn't know everything about it.

So he nodded and encouraged: "Just do everything in place. If you need anything, feel free to ask."

Lu Ping'an immediately expressed his gratitude.

After the seemingly light encouragement that had no practical effect, the new principal Zhang took office and offered other practical benefits to the school's eldest child.

Various benefits for students such as postgraduate guarantees and scholarships.

These are all within the scope of your responsibilities as a principal.

There are also other invisible ones. For example, Principal Zhang suggested that Lu Pingan could participate in the Huabiao Award this year.

Lu Ping'an's eyes lit up slightly.

The Golden Rooster, Huabiao, and Hundred Flowers awards are collectively known as the three major film awards in mainland China.

Among them, Huabiao is the "Government Award". In terms of gold content, there may be no comment on the three awards.

But you have been nominated for these three awards. If you don't have time to attend the other two, you have to go to Huabiao.

The meaning is different.

Although Lu Ping'an didn't take these things seriously, if he really wanted to get in, he wouldn't refuse.

So he expressed his gratitude seriously: "Thank you, principal."

Once people meet, the benefits are over and the matter ends.

Then came the media interviews.

Han Sanpin told Lu Ping'an that CCTV would conduct a follow-up interview about competing for the Olympics.

Just record the material, and if it wins an award, it will be broadcast. If you don’t win an award, you won’t mention it.

If you are shortlisted today, the first wave will be recorded.

After Han Sanpin finished speaking, he added: "Lao Mouzi and Zhang Weiping will also be together."

"Record together?"

"We are separated, but we will inevitably meet."

"I understand, don't be too superficial on the surface, right?"

Stability must be maintained at the top, at least all kinds of filth cannot be placed on the table.

Lu Ping'an understands.

"That's right."

"It's okay with me. I respect Lao Mouzi very much, but I don't know what others will do to me."

"They are doing well at the box office, they are also popular at the overseas box office, and they have won many awards. What else can they do to you? If I really want to say that I have a problem with you, the most I can think of is Zhang Weiping. Just don't offend him."


When I came to CCTV the next day, Lu Pingan met the two of them.

As a result, Zhang Weiping took the initiative to walk up to Lu Ping'an when he saw him, and then greeted him with a smile: "Director Lu, I have long admired him."

There is a knife hidden in the smile.

Lu Ping'an looked calm: "Me too."

Zhang Weiping continued: "Director Lu's movie is very exciting. Do you have any plans for your next movie?"

Lu Pingan raised his eyelids to look at him and replied, "It will be released soon."

No matter what he means, I'll tell the truth. It's up to you to believe it or not.

Zhang Weiping naturally wouldn't believe it.

I just feel that Lu Ping'an is a bit childish and unstable.

It looks like it will be very exciting in the future.

Then Lao Mouzi came up and said hello: "Director Lu. Hello."

Lu Pingan had a smile on his face: "Hello, Director Zhang."

Regardless, Heroes actually gets more than Source Code.

Lao Mouzi's status is still higher than him, so now the two directors still have to "you are good and I am good".

After a brief chat, the program started recording.

An hour later, Lu Pingan ended the CCTV recording and began to accept interviews from other media.

That night, the media revealed relevant news about the two finalists.

The two of them had pretty much the same thoughts and feelings.

There are some differences in terms of whether you can win an award.

Lao Mouzi: No hope.

This answer is similar to the answers given by the other "Heroes" stars.

Lu Pingan said: Winning awards is not the goal. The important thing is to try some new themes through short films, practice your skills, and accumulate some experience. This animated short film is the same as the previous animated short film. It is to prepare for animated feature films. Prepare.

Reporter asked: What kind of story is the feature film?

Lu Ping'an: It's a theme of pandas and kung fu, but it won't be done that quickly. It may take many years.

After the news was released, everyone expressed disappointment with "Hero" because they seemed to have determined that they would not win the award and seemed a bit pessimistic.

Although Lu Ping An's attitude towards winning the award is relatively conservative, his attitude is more pragmatic and he has plans for a feature film.

As a result, everyone has lower expectations for whether Lu Ping An will win the award, but they have more expectations for the feature film.

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