China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 101 New film starts shooting

"Doesn't that mean he thinks highly of you?" Tang's mother said in surprise.

Although when they came here, they thought the possibility was very low and didn't hold much hope.

But now, hearing that their daughter had a great chance of being selected, Tang Yan's parents couldn't help but look forward to it.

Jiang Heng's new film is a special effects blockbuster with an investment of 50 million US dollars. It is also said that there are dozens of celebrities who will join in as guest stars. If she can be the heroine in such a film, as long as her performance is not ridiculously bad, she will definitely become a popular actress.

The two did not expect their daughter to make much money, but they thought that their daughter wanted to be an actor, and it was really lucky that she could be smooth sailing and rise to prominence.

Tang Yan smiled and shook her head, "It hasn't been finalized yet, it's hard to say!"

At the same time, she noticed the unfriendly eyes of the girls around her and said to her parents, "Go back first!"

Tang Yan's parents also became alert and left with their daughter Cong Cong.

At six o'clock that evening, a landline number called and asked Tang Yan to bring her ID card to iQiyi and Tencent Pictures to sign a contract the next day.

"You mean, I was selected?"

The clerk in charge of the notification used a formulaic tone at first, but then he flattered her, "Yes, Miss Tang, congratulations, you are so lucky, Mr. Jiang personally told me to inform you to come to the company to sign the contract at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. You can call me when you are about to arrive... I will pick you up downstairs!"

"No, no, I will just go upstairs!"

"It's okay, then I will wait for you in advance, that's it!"

After the phone was hung up, the family was in a short state of dizziness, then ecstasy, and then calmed down.

Tang's father said: "Although this is worth celebrating, we still have to keep a low profile before signing the contract!"

"Yes, yes, what if it is a prank by others...!"

Tang's mother regretted halfway through her words, this would not affect her mood!

Tang Yan was indeed affected, but she was only worried for a few minutes, and then she said happily: "It shouldn't be. During the audition, I could feel Director Jiang's attitude, it should be true!"

Having said that, the family did not dare to be too open, as if they were afraid that laughing too loudly would bring bad luck and make things that were originally going smoothly go wrong.

The next day, the family came to the building where iQiyi Films was located early, and a girl in a women's suit came out early, "Miss Tang, hello uncles and aunts, I am the HR specialist of iQiyi Films, my name is Song Xiaoya...!"

The girl led Tang Yan's family upstairs to sign the contract first.

"Miss Tang, this is the female lead contract of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", and this is your agency contract with iQiyi Films, you can take a look first!"

Tang Yan handed the contract to his parents and immediately chatted with the girl.

At this point, as long as the contract is not as outrageous as a "sell-indenture contract", it is basically necessary to sign it.

Besides, Tang Yan's parents looked through it carefully and found that the treatment was quite generous, so they signed the contract smoothly.

"Congratulations, Miss Tang, now you are the heroine of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" and an artist under iQiyi, YouTeng and Tencent Pictures. Please sit down for a while. I will take the contract to Mr. Jiang for review. I will give you your copy later!"

Song Xiaoya stood up with the contract in her arms and went to Jiang Heng's office to report the situation.

Jiang Heng just took a quick look and asked her to find the company's boss to sign and seal it, and then he was busy with his own business.

At this moment, Jiang Heng has Hong Kong YouTeng Pictures, Beijing iQiyi, Beijing Bonna Pictures, Beijing Red Cinema Investment (holding a stake in China Film Red Cinema) Company, Beijing Good Time Special Effects, and a small special effects company in the United States and Australia.

Not long ago, Jiang Heng also donated 100 million to build a primary school in the southwestern mountainous area, and with the help of China Film Corporation, he won a piece of land near Wudaokou, which can be used to build a building. There are still many accounts and reports involved.

Thanks to his "super microcomputer", he could find all kinds of loopholes and omissions. After dealing with several financial personnel in succession, the financial department knew that Jiang Heng was not only good at making movies, but also very proficient in finance, so they dared not play tricks.

Even so, Jiang Heng still checked the financial situation of each company from time to time.

As for the start of the filming of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", it was delayed until early November.

Considering the previous celebrity guest appearances and the audition of the heroine, this start was very low-key. Just a simple ceremony was held in front of the China Film Digital Photography Base, and then the filming began.

As the saying goes, start with the easy and then the difficult, the crew did not start with the difficult action scenes, but started with the literary scenes.

Considering that Lan Tianye has good acting skills and is old, the crew first filmed his scenes with Jiang Heng.

"Master, is this Eight-Nine Mysterious Art really that powerful?"

"Eight-Nine Mysterious Art has infinite uses. Once it is cultivated, the world will be vast. But this art requires talent and a clear mind. As a teacher, I can't practice it no matter what. If I want to save your mother, this is the only way!"


Lan Tianye's acting skills are excellent. Everyone knows it, but they didn't expect Jiang Heng's acting skills to be so good.

The reason is that he used the "super microcomputer" to "deduce" the part to be filmed in advance. Jiang Heng watched and pondered it repeatedly, so he could get twice the result with half the effort when acting.

So the first day of filming went very smoothly. Lan Tianye and Jiang Heng's scenes were almost all done in one take.

The occasional retakes were all caused by accidents, not because someone's performance was not up to standard.

At the end of the day, everyone present was shocked by Jiang Heng's acting skills.

After the show, they all sighed that it was too unexpected. They always thought Jiang Heng was only good at directing, but they didn't expect him to be so good at acting.

The next day, the filming of Jiang Heng and the heroine Tang Yan began.

After Tang Yan signed the contract, iQiyi and Tencent Video arranged an assistant for her, rented an apartment, and urgently carried out physical and body training.

I didn't see Jiang Heng again until the day of the start of filming, and there was not much time to communicate.

The next day, they filmed the rivalry between the two, and Tang Yan really couldn't handle it.

After several consecutive NGs, the little girl herself was confused. She was only 18 years old and could join the crew of "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother". In addition to ecstasy, she also had huge pressure.

A little frustration would be on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng could only let her adjust and film others first.

How Qing played the sister of the Jade Emperor, and the related scenes of the Jade Emperor.

In the script revised by Jiang Heng, the Jade Emperor can only be regarded as a puppet of the Heavenly Court. A group of gods and immortals listen to orders but not to announcements, and even force the Jade Emperor to severely punish his own sister who violated the Heavenly Law.

Yang Jian's final battle killed too many gods in heaven, which led to the three religions signing the Conferred God List and conferring the disciples of the three religions as gods to enrich heaven.

The stars who agreed to guest star happened to play the gods in heaven before the "Conferred God List".

Because the specific roles and scenes were determined, they were shot one by one according to the storyboard script with great efficiency.

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