In the high-end residential area outside the south gate of Chaoyang Park, Jiang Heng stood in front of the living room window of the large flat of more than 300 square meters, looking at the scenery outside.

On the kitchen table, a banquet sent by the hotel has been set up. Thinking of the dumplings Tang Yan mentioned, Jiang Heng waited for a while and went downstairs to buy a bottle of vinegar.

"Mr. Jiang, there is a Miss Tang outside the community gate. She said she has an appointment with you?"

"Well, let her come in!"

After hanging up the phone call from the property management, Tang Yan came in more than ten minutes later.

"Director Jiang, happy New Year, mom heard that you are here alone, so I asked me to send some dumplings over!" After saying that, she raised the food box in her hand.

"It's too troublesome for you. You've been tossed around during the New Year. Come in and warm up for a while!"

"No, no, I'll go back now!"

Jiang Heng smiled bitterly, "I was thinking, you can accompany me for a few bites!"

"Ah!" Tang Yan was stunned. After hearing this, she didn't know whether to leave or stay.

After a few seconds of hesitation, he said, "Have you always spent the New Year alone?"


"What does that feel like?" When he said this, he had already entered the door.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Sometimes I feel a little lonely, but I get used to it after a while!"

"Wow, living alone in such a big house, anyone would feel lonely, right?"

After all, she is a girl, and she felt it was not good to come in at first, but when she walked in, she was attracted by the layout and decoration of the house, and curiously visited it.

When she saw a table of sumptuous meals in the kitchen, she asked curiously, "Who helped you cook?"

"I ordered it at the hotel, let's eat together?"

"Ah, it's not good, right?"

"It's okay, I can't finish it anyway!"

"That's too wasteful!" Tang Yan hesitated for a few seconds, but still took off his coat and sat down.

"You have to drive later, so I won't give you wine, take the drinks yourself!"

"Hey!" Tang Yan finally couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, picked up the chopsticks and ate heartily.

"Do you spend your life like this every year?"

"More or less!"

"That's too lonely!"

"No way, everyone has their own destiny!"

"What about your mother? Doesn't she miss you? Don't you miss her?"

Jiang Heng smiled bitterly. He was nothing in his previous life. His mother never paid attention to him after she remarried and didn't even bother to answer the phone.

In this life, he has achieved success and fame. His mother is much more enthusiastic, but Jiang Heng is too lazy to contact her. He just transfers some money during the Chinese New Year to show his filial piety. He doesn't talk about feelings.

Jiang Heng said a few simple and obscure words, and Tang Yan could understand the general idea. Then he said: "Suddenly I feel so happy. I have such a loving father and mother!"

Jiang Heng thought to himself, you are happy, that's a well-known fact.

The only daughter of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is too spoiled!

When the two were having dinner, there were fireworks outside.

It is said that Beijing had issued a ban on fireworks as early as 1993.

But there are too many talented people in the city, how can it be completely banned.

Especially the owners of high-end residential areas, they don't care about that at all, and they set off fireworks in a lively manner.

Tang Yan put down his chopsticks, went to the French window to watch the fireworks show outside, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so beautiful!"

Jiang Heng also followed, "Do you want to set off fireworks?"

"Can you?"

"Go downstairs!"

The two put on their clothes and went to the underground garage. When they drove out of the community, they saw a vendor selling fireworks. Jiang Heng bought the largest fireworks and placed them on the open space for Tang Yan to light them.

"Ah, I dare not!"

"Then I'll do it!"

After that, he lit them with a cigarette, and the beautiful fireworks shot straight into the sky, bursting into colorful and gorgeous patterns!

"It's so beautiful!" Tang Yan looked up and exclaimed.

However, when the fireworks faded and the cold wind blew, the little girl returned to reality, "I should go back. Mom and Dad have been waiting for so long that they must be anxious!"

"I'll take you there. Leave your car here and come back tomorrow to pick it up!"

Tang Yan nodded and got on Jiang Heng's BMW 728. Probably because of the cold wind, she felt a little hot after getting on the car and then being blown by the warm wind.

She leaned on the passenger seat with her head down, looking at the night view outside the window.

Jiang Heng turned on the car CD and played "Secretly Fascinated" by Andy Lau.

"Can you please not be like this? If you linger in your eyes, you will realize that I am simply lonely and unbearable... In fact, I am also fascinated every time I see you, but you and I have our own role range, even if we go beyond the relationship of friends in the lonely dream..."

"Is this a song by Andy Lau?"


"It sounds good!"

Jiang Heng smiled, still driving at ease, and quickly sent Tang Yan to the downstairs of her apartment building.

"Thank you for your dumplings today!"

"I also want to thank you for treating me to a big meal and fireworks!"

"Well, let's go upstairs!"

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

Tang Yan wanted to ask if he could have dinner with you in the future, but he didn't have the courage to do so, so he went upstairs like a fugitive.

After entering the house, Tang's father asked, "Why did you take so long?"

"You don't know, even though he is rich, he lives a miserable life!"

"How miserable is he?" Tang's mother came over and asked curiously.

Tang Yan took off his clothes and shoes and said, "He lives in an area of ​​200 to 300 square meters, and he lives alone. He also ordered the New Year's Eve dinner from the hotel!"

"Oh, when all the lights are on and the family is reunited, it's really lonely when you think about it!"

"Yes, compared to him, I feel so happy. I have a father and a mother who love me!"

After Tang Yan said this, he hugged his father and mother coquettishly.

Tang's father smiled and said, "So, sometimes you don't have to envy others for having less money. It's best for the family to be together!"

Tang Yan smiled and said, "If the family is together and has a lot of money, it would be even better!"

"You little money-grubber!"


After two days of vacation, the crew of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" continued filming, and all the scenes were finished just after the Lantern Festival.

As for the post-production of the film, Jiang Heng is already familiar with it.

He still handed over about one-tenth of the special effects shots in the film to Weta Digital Company.

He also handed over a small number of special effects shots to the Good Time Special Effects Company under his name, as well as two small companies in the United States and Australia.

The special effects companies that had cooperated with Japan and South Korea before also shared some profits.

The special effects shots that were all contracted out accounted for about 30% of the total number of special effects shots.

The rest were naturally completed by his "super microcomputer".

And this time, about 25 million US dollars in special effects costs can be saved, which is almost 200 million RMB.

After the post-production was arranged, Jiang Heng urgently prepared for "The Matrix 2", which was to start shooting in mid-March and be released during the Lunar New Year holiday at the end of the year.

In Hong Kong, Wu Yizu, who received the call, was excited and said: "Director Jiang, don't worry, the schedule is reserved, and I will definitely join the crew when the time comes!"

It's a bit embarrassing to talk about his current development situation.

In terms of fame and box office, he is a first-line superstar, but only in Jiang Heng's films.

It's difficult to guarantee the box office if he starred in other Hong Kong films.

After all, the film and television resources of the entire Hong Kong cannot be compared with Jiang Heng's projects.

If he wants to go to Hollywood, but has no resources, he can only mix like this for now.

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