Liu Weiqiang and others were stunned. Although as investors, there is nothing wrong with praising their own "girlfriend" even if the heroine is pre-determined, but when they wrote the script, they had already thought of the actors for the main roles.

"Uh, Mr. Jiang, do you have any objection to the casting of Andy Lau and Tony Leung as the leading actors?"

Jiang Heng chuckled, "I have no objection to them!"

Liu Weiqiang and others were instantly relieved. As long as Liu Dehua and Liang Chaowei were not replaced, the rest of the candidates would be easy to decide.

The conversation was very lively at this moment, but Liu Weiqiang and others did not want to get into trouble and said that they would fax the list of actors after returning to Hong Kong to select other actors for the roles.

Jiang Heng had no objection and asked the three people to stay in Beijing for a few more days and arrange their own food, accommodation and travel.

It was just that the three of them were in a hurry to prepare for the film and had nowhere to stay. After the contract and payment were settled, they hurried to the airport and left.

As soon as she returned to the set, the assistant director came over and said, "Director Jiang, Monica has gotten off the plane. We have arranged for her to go to the hotel first and join the set tomorrow."

Jiang Heng said: "Okay, I flew all the way here, so I have to give her a day off to get rid of the jet lag!"

In the sequel to "The Matrix", Monica Bellucci's role is not that many, but it is quite stunning.

Although Trinity, played by Carrie-Anne Moss in the original work, is not very beautiful, she is still heroic.

But when she was in the same frame as Monica Bellucci, she was instantly compared to her.

Li Meiqi's figure and appearance are also sexy and charming, but compared with Monica Bellucci, she is a bit outclassed. Jiang Heng is really looking forward to this peerless beauty known as the "Earth Flower".

Then, Monica came to the set accompanied by her assistant. She wore a silk black dress, paired with a ruby ​​and diamond necklace and earrings. Her proud figure was undoubtedly revealed, and her aura was super strong, attracting the attention of all the cast and crew. Stunned.

Those who couldn't help asked quickly: "Who is this?"

"She can't be Director Jiang's girlfriend. She flew here from abroad!"

"I heard that she seems to be an Italian female star, her name is Bellucci, and she is also an actor in this drama."

Around 2000, the Chinese Internet information was not yet developed, so it was not possible to know as much about international actresses as it did later.

Only a few people in the entire crew had known Monica Bellucci before, and even fewer could talk to her.

"Director Jiang, Miss Monica is here!" The supervisor in charge of the reception said and stepped aside, but his eyes couldn't help but look at Monica.

"A beauty in the world!"

Jiang Heng was also absent-minded for a moment, then stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "I am Jiang Heng, the director of this play. Welcome, Miss Monica!"

The latter doesn't speak Chinese, and her assistant doesn't understand it very well either.

Jiang Heng said it again in English, and Monica smiled and said: "I know you, Director Jiang. I watched the films you made, especially "Devil's Land" (Shituoling), they are really amazing. , it’s incredible. “Pacific Rim” is also great, when will there be a sequel?”

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment. I'm afraid I have to wait a few years for the sequel. Just like the sequel to "The Matrix" that is being filmed now, the first one was made five years ago!"

"Oh, I can only say that time flies really fast. When I first entered the industry, it was still twelve years ago...!"

Perhaps because of Jiang Heng's wealth and status, Monica did not show an inexplicable sense of superiority. Instead, she was very talkative. She chatted with Jiang Heng very well, and the others were "dumbfounded".

“Is this the power of money?”

"Director Jiang is also very handsome, isn't he?"

"Does this woman have any ideas?"

The staff were talking quietly.

Jiang Heng also felt that the conversation was too much. He looked at his watch and said with a smile: "Miss Monica, it's not easy for you to come here, so the crew is going to finish filming your scene within a week. Now put on your makeup." , how about changing clothes?"

Monica smiled, her eyes a little charming, "Thank you so much, Director Jiang, I'll go change clothes first!"

After saying that, he blinked and walked swaying.

"Director Jiang, this little bitch is not a good person!" The bald Yuande stared at Monica's back, his eyes widened.

Jiang Heng said: "Don't talk nonsense, just do something!"

However, with the arrival of Monica Bellucci, the entire crew seemed to be impetuous.

And when Monica walked out of the dressing room after putting on makeup, wearing a white tight dress and high heels, it seemed like countless people were sighing in low voices.

In 2002, China was still relatively conservative.

Even though some of them were boldly dressed, they were not in such good shape.

Li Meiqi said to Wu Yanzu jealously: "If I were you, I would do it a few more times!"

Wu Yanzu hurriedly said: "No, you can't do that. Filming is the most important thing!"


Li Meiqi had a sneer on her face and didn't believe it at all.

Jiang Heng, who was not far away, also saw a blank look in front of him. He was lost for a moment, and then smiled and said: "Miss Monica, asking you to participate in the show is really the right choice!"

Monica smiled charmingly, "I also think this acting experience is a great blessing in my career!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

After Jiang Heng said that, the assistant director led everyone to the set up.

The sequel to "The Matrix" was mainly shot in two studios. One was set shooting, using foam, wood, plastic, real objects and other props to create realistic indoor scenes.

One is green screen shooting, which uses motion capture and CG technology to shoot action scenes with cool special effects.

The character played by Monica mainly appears indoors, going to the studio where the set is shot.

In the "bathroom" that was set up, Monica asked for a kiss from the male protagonist. The reason was naturally the "husband" and "French guy" Mero Wenjar in the revenge film.

The male protagonist naturally refuses because he and Trinity are already a couple.

But in order to find the "locksmith" who was hidden by the "French guy", he naturally gave in in the end.

It was not a complicated scene, but it only took two NG attempts.

Then there is the scene where Monica leads the male and female protagonists, Morpheus and others through the kitchen and the beautiful stairs, to a room full of books, and shoots the "French" vampire's men with silver bullets .

I have to say that although Monica looks like a flower vase with big breasts and no brains, her acting skills are really impressive.

Whether it's body, movement or lines, the performance is very good.

A lot of scenes were shot in just one day.

After finishing work in the evening, Monica suddenly said: "Director Jiang, I am not used to riding in a car that is too small. Can I take your car back to the hotel?"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Okay!"

He took his BMW 728 and drove Monica away from the set.

Many men looked at the disappearing car taillights and sighed. It's so annoying to compare one person to another!

Such a beautiful woman took the initiative to get into Director Jiang's BMW on the first day they met. It must not be because of love!

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