China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 15 Congratulations from all sides

Agent Smith is an antivirus program in the Matrix world, and can call individual "files" that have not yet "awakened".

In the battle in the subway station, the one who was hit and killed by the train was the "homeless man" who was possessed.

So when Neil fled to the exit stairs and looked back, Smith actually walked out of the train that stopped suddenly.

A powerful and unkillable enemy is really suffocating!

At the same time, the spaceship in the real world was discovered by the "Sentinel" squid robot and was also in danger.

Those who have watched movies know that it is already the final decisive battle, but they don't know how Neo can get rid of the crisis and win more beautifully.

On the big screen, Neo, played by Wu Yizu, ran wildly on the street, robbed the mobile phone of passers-by, and finally contacted the spaceship, and then got the location of the phone that could be transmitted.

Under the tense soundtrack and the "rain of bullets" of the villains, Neo ran and escaped, and finally rushed to the guided room 303.

As a result, the moment he opened the door, the villain Smith was waiting for him with a gun. After firing several shots, Neo died!

"Fuck, what's going on!"

"Isn't he the male lead?"

"He must not die!"

Everyone on and off the screen was shocked by Neo's death.


Morpheus looked at Neo's electrocardiogram, which had turned into a line, with disbelief in his eyes. This was the "savior" he had been looking for. How could he die like this?

But the agents were not careless people. They checked Neo's condition and confirmed that he was dead.

The audience was extremely shocked. How could he die?

"He will definitely come back to life!" Some viewers murmured.

Trinity also firmly believed this. She confessed to Neo's corpse and said that the prophet had told her that she would fall in love with someone, and she loved that person (the savior). So, you won't die, because I love you!

After Trinity's confession and kiss, Neo actually came back to life.

Unexpected, but also reasonable.

In the matrix world, all individuals are programs and files.

The identity of the prophet is mysterious, but she said that the person Trinity fell in love with was the savior, which can be understood as giving Trinity the authority to identify the "savior".

When she fell in love with Neo and proved this, Neo truly became the "savior"!

Some careful film critics even thought of what the prophet said to Neo, "Sorry, kid, you have talent, but it seems like you are waiting for something!"

Combined with the plot at this moment, it is obvious that Neo was not the "savior" when he went to see the prophet!

And when Trinity fell in love with Neo and confessed to him, he became that person (savior)!

This feeling is a bit similar to what Guanyin said to Zhizunbao in "A Chinese Odyssey", the reason why you didn't become the reincarnation of Sun Wukong was that you didn't meet the person who gave you three moles...

The plot treatment of the two films on this point is obviously similar.

Zhizunbao got three moles before he could see his true self through the magic mirror.

Neo really became an extremely powerful savior in the Matrix world!

Originally, being able to dodge bullets was already very powerful, but at this moment, Smith and other three agents shot at Neo crazily, but Neo just raised his hand, and the bullets with translucent tracks stopped in mid-air, and he grabbed one and threw it on the ground.

Then he tilted his head, and all the bullets fell to the ground.

The soundtrack became passionate at this moment, and a large amount of data code could be seen flowing on the computer display on the spacecraft.

Neo in the Matrix world saw a world and characters composed of green codes.

"Oh my God, this part is so cool!"

"He is really a savior!"

"He has obtained the highest system authority in the Matrix world!"

"Can uninstall antivirus software programs!"

The audience discussed excitedly!

Neo on the big screen also easily dealt with the crazy Smith, blocking all attacks with just one hand.

In the end, he actually drilled into Smith's body, causing it to explode into fragments composed of green codes, similar to a strong deletion.

Seeing this, the other two agents looked at each other and ran away in different directions.

Neo returned to the spaceship at the last moment, and Morpheus used EMP (electromagnetic pulse) to kill the sentinel squid robot that rushed into the spaceship.

At the end of the film, after Neo made a phone call in the phone booth, he put on sunglasses and flew into the sky, like Superman!

"Fuck, this is so handsome!"

"Wu Yizu is so cool!"

"This movie is great, will there be a sequel?"

"Of course there will be!"

The lights in the theater turned on, and the audience discussed the plot with great interest.

Look at Jiang Wen wearing sunglasses, who is not in a hurry to leave, probably because he is afraid of being recognized.

His wife naturally knew what he was thinking. After sitting quietly for a while, she couldn't help but say, "This movie is so well made. It has both the excitement of a commercial movie and the connotation of an art film!"

"It's not an art film, but the worldview structure of the film is indeed unique and can be said to be quite advanced!"

Jiang Wen paused, thought about it and said, "Whether domestically or internationally, there are no films with the same worldview structure. I admire this very much!"

What he didn't know was that in the original history, "The Matrix" was filmed from March to August 1998 and released in March 1999, but the script was written very early.

In this world, the Wojciech brothers at the end of 1997 still didn't know what kind of movie they would make at this moment.

A typical example is slow-motion "bullet time". This term appears at the end of the "Matrix" script, in the scene where Neo is attacked by agents in a skyscraper.

"The Matrix agents fire at Neo at close range, and Neo uses his magical powers to control the flying bullets."

In the August 1998 shooting script, the description of this section was slightly more detailed, but at that time the Wachowski brothers still didn't know what kind of "lens language" to use to present this scene.

It feels as if the author has a wonderful inspiration and a pretty good outline. He has clearly thought about the plot direction, but he just doesn't know how to write it.

However, as "The Matrix" opens in Mainland China and Hong Kong, Hollywood film producers will soon notice that a sci-fi blockbuster with excellent special effects has been released here, solving some confusion and becoming... More confused.

In the cinema, Jiang Wen waited until the audience was almost gone before he and his wife came out of the cinema. First, he called Jiang Heng to express his congratulations.

He is very arrogant, but he still admires talented people very much.

"Congratulations, Director Jiang, your film "The Matrix" will probably be the first of its kind in China to produce a blockbuster movie!"

In the office of Bona Company, Jiang Heng, who was lying on the boss's chair, had already answered the phone and became soft-hearted.

Several mainland filmmakers who exchanged phone numbers on the day of the premiere called to congratulate. Those who came from Xiangjiang were actually very well-informed. They all called and sent text messages to express their congratulations.

Jiang Heng was tired of coping, but he was still feeling pain and happiness.

"Then thank you for your kind words!"

"I think your movie will definitely surpass "True Lies" and it will gross more than 100 million at the box office!"

Jiang Wen has a literary personality, and he doesn't put box office first when making movies.

It can be seen that Jiang Heng's film combines artistry and commerciality very well, and it is likely to break the box office record. I can't help but mention this.

Jiang Heng also feels the same way at this moment. He doesn't need a lot of box office in the mainland, just 70 to 80 million.

30 to 40 million in Hong Kong, plus Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and Europe, the box office results will definitely be extremely impressive.

It's just that the North American side is a little more troublesome. Although Warner Bros. hasn't started filming at the moment, it must have read the Wachowski brothers' script and made preparations.

As a result, I found that the film I wanted to make but didn’t know what it would look like had been made by the Chinese, and the film was better than they expected. I guess I would doubt life and the authenticity of the world.

Of course, Jiang Heng doesn't care about this. North America is the best place to show it. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. Just make a few more movies and it will be released.

After chatting with Jiang Wen for a few words, he finally hung up the phone. He put away his phone and was about to take a break when Li Meiqi opened the door and walked in.

With the release of the film, Li Meiqi will definitely become a first-line female star, but because she was not allowed to take any roles before then, she volunteered to be Jiang Heng's assistant when she had nothing to do.

"Director Jiang, someone from the movie channel called and said they wanted to invite you for an exclusive interview!"

Jiang Heng stretched out his fingers and pressed his temples, "When?"

"They want to record it in the afternoon!"

"No, I have an appointment with the Beijing production team of Phoenix TV Chinese Channel this afternoon to interview me too!"

Li Meiqi was shocked, "How could Phoenix TV in Xiangjiang be so fast?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Xiangjiang's media has always been very fast!"

Li Meiqi wondered, "Why didn't I know?"

"Call me directly. By the way, you will be a big star after this film is released, and you won't have to work as an assistant anymore!"

Li Meiqi smiled sweetly. Although she has been in hotels and companies these days, she has not come into contact with the general audience.

From the various feedback data and the reactions of people in the company and building, we also know that we are popular.

In the future, not only will I be able to take on roles, but I will also be able to make a lot of money!

"Thank you, Director Jiang. Without your cultivation, I would still be a little model in Baodao who didn't know when to make my debut!" Li Meiqi bowed slightly.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Don't say that. With your talent, you will become famous even without me. It's just that the process is a bit bumpy, not so fast!"

Li Meiqi said quietly: "Director Jiang must have never lived a hard life. I don't know what these twists and turns before success can do to a person!"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, thinking back on this experience in his life, he really didn't have a hard life.

When he was at his worst, he still owned a thousand-square-foot mansion in Causeway Bay, a Mercedes-Benz, and a balance of more than one million in his bank card.

It's over one million, and sometimes I feel a little panicked when I think about it.

What if the chip fails and the super microcomputer disappears?

Just relying on rebirth is not that easy!

"Fortunately, after all the hardships, everything is getting better!"

"Well, I know, I will work hard!" Li Meiqi nodded slightly and exited the office.

Jiang Heng continued to answer the phone and soon received a call from a heavyweight in the Chinese entertainment industry.

"Hello, I'm Han Sanping. Congratulations, Director Jiang!"

"Oh, hello, Mr. Han!"

Han Sanping was stunned. He knew it was the speaking habit in Xiangjiang, but he was somewhat uncomfortable being called that.

"I heard that almost all the theaters in the capital were full to watch "The Matrix". I'm told there's a lot of pressure here!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "The audience is just curious. After all, there has never been a science fiction movie in a Chinese-language film, and it is still a special effects blockbuster!"

"Yeah, it's a science fiction movie, comparable to Hollywood special effects blockbusters. Just this publicity makes me want to watch it!"

Jiang Heng has been thinking about the purpose of Han Sanping's call, and he also knows that he can't offend this person.

Smiling and saying: "Actually, I know that "Party A and Party B" is a very good comedy movie. I will also go to support the movie after it is released!"

Han Sanping was surprised and said: "Director Jiang really thinks so?"

Jiang Heng said: "Of course, although I have been growing up in Hong Kong, I am not only concerned about the Hong Kong film industry, but the entire Chinese film market. In recent years, the production of movies in Hong Kong has declined, the box office market has continued to shrink, and countless companies have gone bankrupt. It can be said that Hong Kong films have reached a very dangerous point."

Han Sanping thought to himself that his observation was very accurate, and then what!

"The mainland film market is also struggling. Although the major studios have not stopped production and closed down, there are still many theaters that have closed down due to losses!"

Han Sanping agreed: "There is no way. There are too few good films to attract audiences to the theaters."

Jiang Heng said: "So I think that Chinese-language films should not only have healthy competition, but also support each other!"

"How to support?" Han Sanping was interested in this.

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "I have an interview this afternoon with Phoenix Satellite TV Chinese Channel, and I have an appointment with the movie channel tomorrow. I can recommend "Party A and Party B" to the audience during the interview!"

Han Sanping was shocked when he heard this. He never expected Jiang Heng to have such a broad mind.

Although "Party A and Party B" is smaller in size and less competitive, it can still get a share of the box office!

Jiang Heng actually didn't care and wanted to help his competitors promote.

But I don't know if Jiang Heng was able to think of this because he was inspired by Cheng Long and Zhou Xingxing's cameo appearances in each other's movies.

Helping to promote the film during an interview will not drive away the audience who originally wanted to watch The Matrix, and it can also earn a wave of favors, so why not do it!

But in Han Sanping's opinion, Jiang Heng's mind is too big!

"Thank you, Director Jiang. Just for this sentence, I'm determined to be your friend!"

Jiang Heng was secretly happy and said with a smile: "In fact, I have long wanted to make friends with Mr. Han, but I just haven't had the opportunity. We can still cooperate if there is a chance!"

Han Sanping's eyes lit up and he hurriedly said: "I wonder if Director Jiang is interested in cooperating with Beijing Film Academy in his next movie?"

Jiang Heng smiled embarrassedly, "Of course, I am, but I haven't decided what to shoot yet!"

Han Sanping hurriedly said, "No hurry, no hurry, we have to take a break!"

What he thought in his heart was that he had to wait until the film was almost released and see the box office results before deciding on the intensity of cooperation!

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if the box office collapsed in a few days after the agreement was made.

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