China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 21 Withdrawal of lawsuit and negotiation

Jiang Heng was mature beyond his years and was not frightened at all. Seeing that the "script case" was about to go to trial, various companies spread the word one after another and increased their quotations for distribution rights.

The highest bidder was Disney, with a total of US$12 million.

In their view, even Cheng Long's films can be purchased at such a price.

But Jiang Heng remained unmoved and showed full confidence.

Major Hollywood companies believe that Jiang Heng must have evidence that can win the lawsuit.

At the Hua Na Company's office in China, Vice President Silver, chief lawyer Petroche, the Wozhosky brothers, and office manager Zhao Yan gathered together to discuss litigation ideas after the trial.

At this time, lead lawyer Petroche's cell phone rang.


"I found it, Mr. Petroche!"

"what's the situation?"

Pietro's face was as dark as water, and everyone in the conference room held their breath, fearing they would hear some bad news.

As a result, the investigators sent out spoke at length, as if they wanted to take credit.

"I found out that on January 19, 1997, Jiang Heng sent his father's ashes back to his hometown in Northeast China in the name of returning home to bury his father. Then he traveled to various provinces, and finally when he arrived in Sichuan, he registered the copyright of the script with the Press and Publication Bureau , the time is February 14th.”

Hearing this, everyone in the conference room felt their minds buzzing. Damn yellow-skinned monkey, how could he be so cunning?

If it were registered directly in Xiangjiang, Hua Na Company would not have made this matter so big!

Silver refused to give up and grabbed the phone and said, "Are you sure he registered the script for The Matrix and not something else?"

"Uh, Mr. President, I'm sure. The staff there were very impressed by this. A man from Xiangjiang went to the Press and Publication Bureau of Sichuan to register copyright, and it was a seemingly weird virtual world story. They also discussed it at the beginning. It’s been a long time. I think the country should strengthen censorship, otherwise all kinds of messy things can be made into movies and it will teach bad things..."

Silver was almost furious when he heard this. What the hell are you talking about!

Petroche said: "I don't care what method you use, you must get the relevant registration materials?"

"Uh, okay, don't worry, I will definitely do it!"

After hanging up the phone, Silver asked, "Did you take it and destroy it?"

Petroche smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Of course not. He can go to the mainland to register with so much trouble, and there must be evidence in his hand. Besides, there are so many people's IDs, it is difficult for us to bribe them all."

Silver nodded, he was also confused.

Since the development of the "script case", it has become more than just a commercial case. Who knows what the attitude of the mainland officials will be and whether they will take action at a critical moment.

You must know that we are currently in the period of the Asian financial crisis. International hot money launched two attacks on the Hong Kong dollar in October 1997 and January 1998. One can imagine the official attitudes of the mainland and Hong Kong.

"Take it back to the headquarters, at least it's an explanation!" Petroche said.

Silver was unwilling to give in, "Are you just going to withdraw the lawsuit?"

Petroche asked, "Otherwise, continuing to entangle will only make the company more discredited. Consider it a lesson!"

"No, our losses are too great. Jiang Heng must give us the global distribution rights of "The Matrix"!"

Seeing Petroche looking at him like he was an idiot, Silver said: "I mean, sell the distribution rights to us, and we will be responsible for the distribution outside of China. I think the films he made are okay. Even if it’s not good, it can still have a box office of 200 to 300 million U.S. dollars!”

Petroche nodded slightly, "Is it completely feasible?"

Seeing this, Silver asked: "You think so too?"

Petroche smiled, "What you are talking about is normal business behavior. I think you can definitely fight for it!"

Seeing that he was retreating, Silver hurriedly said: "We are trying to recover losses for the company. As the chief lawyer, you have a very heavy task!"

Petroche had no choice but to call Jiang Heng and expressed his willingness to conduct one last negotiation before the trial.

In a cafe near Victoria Harbor, Jiang Heng, Silver, Petroche and others sat across from each other.

"Mr. Jiang Heng, your behavior has caused heavy losses to Huana Brothers. We originally planned to fight the lawsuit to the end to protect the interests of the company. But considering that you are an excellent director and the film is also very good, so Consider other ways to solve our problem."

Jiang Heng smiled, "I don't think so. I think it's because you have always taken advantage of us and caused us heavy losses. Look at what Soros did to the people of Asia. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Mr. Jiang, the essence of this world is plunder. Fairness and justice are for the weak. There is nothing wrong with Mr. Soros using his wisdom to harvest wealth. Only the strong can avoid being plundered and negotiate fairly." Qualifications!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "So, you recognize me, or you recognize that "The Matrix" has the potential to be a box office hit, so you come to negotiate with me?"

Silver's face froze, and he smiled a little reluctantly, "I guess, but mainly because I feel that if the lawsuit continues and affects overseas distribution, it will only hurt both sides, and no one will make any money!"

"Oh, then I wonder what conditions you are prepared to offer?"

"I will pay 10 million U.S. dollars to buy out the copyright and distribution rights of "The Matrix" outside of China. The share of the box office you earn in Hong Kong and mainland China will be yours, and there will be another 10 million U.S. dollars, which is enough You've spent your whole life!" Silver was persuasive.

Jiang Heng laughed, "10 million US dollars, what a big deal for Warner Bros!"

Silver and Petroche looked at each other, and the latter said, "Mr. Jiang Heng, I have to give you a piece of advice. This is the maximum concession of Warner Bros. If you take the money, you will become a rich man in an instant. Otherwise, you may end up with nothing."

Jiang Heng sneered, "Don't you know that Disney has already offered 12 million US dollars?"


"Damn it!"

Silver and Petroche spoke at the same time, one was shocked, and the other cursed. Hollywood's friendly companies are really powerful when they tear down the stage!

"Impossible, this price is too risky, their boss will not agree!"

Jiang Heng nodded, "Actually, I think so too?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, box office share!"

"This is impossible, absolutely impossible. Whoever dares to do this is the enemy of our Warner Bros." Silver said angrily, pounding the table.

Jiang Heng looked calm, "Really? I'll have to wait and see! Among the Hollywood giants, who has the guts to do this business!"

Silver was almost furious, his face was as gloomy as water, "Jiang Heng, you are trampling on our bottom line, you will pay a heavy price, do you know?"

"Well, how big is it?"

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