Due to laziness and other considerations, Jiang Heng did not sign a management contract with Wu Yizu, but only signed a contract for a few films.

After all, the Hong Kong entertainment industry is a place where good and bad people are mixed. Even he himself dare not say that he has sufficient self-protection ability and is ready to fly to the mainland at any time, so he can't be said to be protecting the other party.

Moreover, if he signs the other party, he must consider the other party's career development, and Jiang Heng really can't worry about that.

As for signing Li Meiqi, on the one hand, he thinks that the little girl is pleasing to the eye.

At the same time, he thinks it is not easy for her to come out at a young age. Taking the management contract can at least prevent her from being dragged into filming some overly exposed films.

Moreover, girls are different from boys. As long as their appearance is good, they can guarantee popularity even if they have been playing soy sauce and being a vase in many films.

After a few years, if Li Meiqi wants to leave Youteng Films, it is up to her to make another way.

In general, Jiang Heng, who is alone at the moment, has no intention of making money from the management business.

When the company gets bigger and has more talents, that's another story.

Speaking of Wu Yizu, he was overjoyed to hear Jiang Heng's words.

His salary for filming "The Matrix" was not bad for ordinary people, but it was not enough after he became famous.

Fortunately, he took on another movie and several GG endorsements, which brought him a lot of money.

However, Hong Kong movies are in decline at the moment, and the scripts that come to him are all small investments and nothing new.

Wang Jing did make a script that spoofed "The Matrix" and wanted him to act, but he refused on the spot, and there was no movie to shoot for a while.

Jiang Heng called at this time, how could he not be happy!

"Don't worry, I will definitely reserve the time for you. Can I ask what kind of film you are going to shoot?"

"A special effects movie about dinosaurs!"

"It will also be released worldwide?"

"Of course!"

"Great, I will definitely reserve the time for you. Hey, do I need to join the crew in advance and do some training?"

Jiang Heng thought for a while, "Okay, if you have nothing to do, come over first. Anyway, the crew preparations will be in the near future!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Heng called Li Meiqi again. After the release of "The Matrix", the latter has not received any movie scripts, but has accepted several GG endorsements for cosmetics.

The fee is not low, and she is quite wealthy.

Knowing that Jiang Heng's film cannot be missed, she is quite comfortable staying here.

"There is a movie to be shot, okay, okay, I will go right away!"

After hanging up the phone, he started to book a flight to Beijing, but he said that Han Sanping went back to hold a meeting and told the leaders of Beijing Film Studio about the outline of Jiang Heng's story and the amount of investment. Everyone present was secretly shocked.

Tens of millions?

According to Jiang Heng's description, it would probably cost 80 to 90 million, right?

It would be difficult to recover the investment based on the mainland and Hong Kong film markets alone.

As for profitability, it all depends on the box office performance in overseas markets.

However, with the extremely high global box office of "Jurassic Park" 1 and 2, the leaders of Beijing Film Studio were still nervous but excited.

"I think we can give it a try. Judging from the quality and box office performance of The Matrix, Jiang Heng is very familiar with special effects blockbusters and Western aesthetics. Even if the new film cannot reach the height of The Matrix, it will not be too bad!"

Another said: "In fact, movies like Jurassic are all about various dinosaurs and human chases and escapes. As long as the visual effects are acceptable and the plot is similar, it's fine. His story outline is quite novel!"

"Is it too outrageous for a group of people to go to the prehistoric world?"


"Then how to write it? You can't just copy Jurassic and write about a big businessman building a dinosaur park on an island. What kind of businessman has that strength! A coal boss, or a beverage company boss!"

"Coal bosses all look for beauties, who looks for dinosaurs!"

"Ahahaha!" Everyone in the room laughed.

Han Sanping dusted off his cigarette ash, "Actually, I've thought about it. Settings like Jurassic, King Kong, and Godzilla are really not suitable for our national conditions. We can't let monsters demolish buildings in Shanghai!"

"That's definitely not possible. The impact is too bad!"

"That's right. Some viewers have limited understanding and will take it as a real thing!"

A group of people talked about it. Although some people disagreed with the plot outline given by Jiang Heng, they couldn't come up with a better plan, so they reluctantly agreed.

Then they talked about film investment. Although the financial situation of Beijing Film Studio is better than other studios, it is also limited.

Everyone is afraid that if they invest too much, they will lose a lot in the future. They think it's better to invest less, 10 million will be enough.

Han Sanping persuaded them to increase the quota to 15 million, but that's all.

Then he called Jiang Heng and told him the upper limit of the funds that could be provided here, and asked if he needed to find other investors.

Jiang Heng said, "No, I'll take care of the rest!"

Han Sanping was stunned when he heard this. In this era, film shooting, especially those with large investments, is basically jointly invested by multiple companies and risk sharing.

There are very few films like "The Matrix" that are exclusively invested by Jiang Heng's Youteng Films.

"Director Jiang is so bold, I admire you, I admire you!" Han Sanping said sincerely.

Jiang Heng laughed twice, thinking that if it weren't for building connections and relationships in the mainland, it wouldn't be a problem for me to take care of everything myself!

The initial intention of investment cooperation was reached, Jiang Heng continued to stay in the hotel to write the script, and Han Sanping started to think about the distribution of actors' roles.

There is no need to mention the male and female protagonists. They will definitely be left to Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi. These two people are well-known in the global film market, and the film will be easier to sell in the future.

As long as he definitely mentions other roles, Jiang Heng should agree.

Considering that the film already has the female protagonist played by Li Meiqi, it is not good to have too many female characters, so only one can be chosen between Liu Bei and Xu Qing.

As for Ge You, he can play the role of an archaeological captain.

After thinking about these, Han Sanping communicated with the two people on the phone, and the two were very happy.

Han Sanping also reminded them to keep it confidential before hanging up the phone.

On Jiang Heng's side, after Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi arrived, he asked Han Sanping to help arrange physical training, and he was still hiding in the hotel to revise the script.

Unexpectedly, Columbia called and said that they were going to hold a premiere ceremony of "The Matrix" in North America, and asked him to take the male and female protagonists to participate in the promotion.

Jiang Heng was naturally happy to participate. After all, it was a split-account distribution method. The more publicity, the higher the box office, and the more income he would get!

He immediately took Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi to Hollywood by plane.

After the plane landed, people from Columbia Company came to pick them up.

Not only that, a large number of reporters came and surrounded Jiang Heng and his party.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Heng asked.

"Uh, it's still about the script. We claim that you want to countersue Hua Na Company and sue them for defamation!"

"Fuck!" Jiang Heng couldn't help but curse in a low voice, thinking: "When it comes to bottom line, you are still the lowest!"

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