On the streets of Xiangjiang, Jiang Heng, who was filming an outdoor scene, suddenly received a call from Liao Qizhi.

"Hey, brother, I heard you've been doing well lately!"

Jiang Heng chuckled, "Nothing compares to my brother, he has already starred in a big production!"

"Stop talking nonsense, TVB's... Hey, why are I telling you this! I want to tell you something very important. Mr. Xiang from Yongsheng wants to see you!"

"Xiang Huasheng?"

"It's him!"

"Why is he looking for me?"

Although Jiang Heng knew Xiang Hua Sheng's purpose, he still couldn't help but say something.

Liao Qizhi smiled and said, "Then I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm so handsome, so I favor you as the protagonist!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin with his hand, looking thoughtful, "That seems good!"

However, Liao Qizhi stopped joking and said, "I still have to give you face over there. Regarding cooperation, you know what I mean!"

"Understood, thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Heng fell into deep thought.

He met Liao Qizhi when he was playing a small role. The two were very different in age, but they became good friends.

When we were preparing to film "The Matrix", we also considered inviting the other party to participate, but there was no suitable important role.

In addition, Liao Qizhi was currently filming "Criminal Investigation Files III" with a heavy role and a tight schedule, so he was invited to make a cameo, but the relationship has always been good.

The people at Yongsheng Company also knew about this relationship and conveyed the invitation through Liao Qizhi. They were probably really afraid that Jiang Heng would be so young and arrogant that he would reject it, which would be embarrassing!

After all, the Xiang family has a great reputation, but Jiang Heng is just a dumb kid.

But what the world doesn't know is that under Jiang Heng's young and handsome appearance, there is not only a super microcomputer, but also a heart with a mental age of over forty years old.

He is not a young boy who easily offends people.

Xiang Huasheng naturally wanted to meet him, but he would not give up the film's distribution rights easily.

To be more precise, he didn't want to cooperate with Yong Sheng.

"What's the matter, Director Jiang? Are you worried?" Not far away, Yuan De saw Jiang Heng in a daze and walked over with a smile.


Jiang Heng shook his head slightly and saw that Yuande smiled strangely, "You don't have anything to say to me, do you?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Yuande waved his hand and said immediately: "Brother heard about you and wants to get acquainted and have a drink with you!"

The eldest brother mentioned by Yuan De is naturally Hong Jinbao, whose stage name is Yuan Long. There is no need to go into details about this man's achievements and contributions in the Hong Kong film industry. When it comes to his personal connections, few people can match him.

If you can get his help, many things can be done with twice the result with half the effort.

In the past, Jiang Heng had no chance to drink with Hong Jinbao. Hearing the invitation, he was naturally happy to go.

When the crew finished work in the evening, Jiang Heng went to an appointment with Yuan De and Yuan Hua. They met many famous film industry figures at the wine table, but gained nothing.

How should I put it, in the eyes of these celebrity bosses, Jiang Heng is just a young man with some spare money, courage, and a little cleverness, nothing more.

Those people talked loudly, as if they were vying for dominance in the topic, and did not give Jiang Heng a chance to speak at all.

Hong Jinbao, who called Jiang Heng over, also acted like a big boss. He said a few words of encouragement and then said goodbye to others.

Yuande, who brought Jiang Heng over, was a little embarrassed and praised the new film's explosive special effects scenes.

Zeng Zhiwei on the side sneered with a unique voice, "The picture is good, so what, can it be better than Wang Jiawei? Aren't you going to... pay... money? Hahahahaha!"

Yuan De's face turned ugly after hearing this. After all, he was the one who brought Jiang Heng here. He is also the villain and martial arts instructor of "The Matrix".

Zeng Zhiwei’s words are so disrespectful!

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!"

"Is there anything wrong with what I said? Zhou Xingxing's "Westward Journey" was also shot very well. It's not a huge loss! Does he have the talent of Xing Zai? He has never played a few supporting roles with lines. Just be like others and be a director, be careful and lose all your coffins!”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the box became a little solemn.

After all, it was Hong Jinbao's fault. Zeng Zhiwei said this. Not only did he not give Jiang Heng and Yuande face, he also lost Hong Jinbao's face!

But Zeng Zhiwei is such a generous person.

In the original history, in 2001, because of his loud mouth, he was beaten by many people and received 29 stitches and almost died.

At this moment, he has not experienced any violent beatings, and he is becoming more and more outspoken.

Hong Jinbao said with a cold face: "Ah Wei, that's too much!"

Zeng Zhiwei didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "What I said is the truth. Isn't it too much? My little friend, do you think what I said makes sense?"

This guy asked Jiang Heng shamelessly.

"It makes sense!"

Jiang Heng sneered and stood up suddenly.

The core meanings of what Liu Zhenwei said and what Zeng Zhiwei said are actually similar.

But the former is out of the senior's advice to the junior, and this guy is just mocking and having fun!

For Liu Zhenwei, Jiang Heng can give him face.

The person in front of me doesn’t need it!

Eric Tsang was really pissed off. Despite his small stature, he was still the number one figure in the Hong Kong film industry.

It was unbearable to be scolded by Jiang Heng with his nose almost pointed at him.

He sneered and said: "Boy, if your movie is not released in advance, you will lose your panties. I will take your last name!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "My last name is what you think!"


"Ha ha!"

Many people in the room laughed without giving Zeng Zhiwei any face.

Even Hong Jinbao, who was trying to smooth things over, laughed so hard that he fell backwards.

Zeng Zhiwei's cheeks turned red with anger. He pointed at Jiang Heng with a fierce expression, said something cruel, and slammed the door angrily.

The scene became like this, and everyone dispersed.

Hong Jinbao encouraged Jiang Heng a few more words and left.

Yuan De was quite annoyed: "If I had known that this guy was here, I would not have brought you here. This is what happened!"

Jiang Heng didn't care, "It's just a clown, it's not a problem!"

Yuen Wah patted Jiang Heng on the shoulder, "Be careful!" and left.

At Yongsheng Film Company, Xiang Huaqi stood in front of the window smoking a cigar, looking at the scenery outside, and suddenly said: "I heard that you invited that guy, but he didn't come, and he went to Hong Jinbao's place and was ridiculed by Zeng Zhiwei?"

The gentle Xiang Huaqi behind him said: "It's just a simple invitation, and the time has not been set yet!"

Xiang Huaqi said: "Don't you think that Hong Kong can produce another genius?"


Xiang Huaqi shook his head slightly, "Hong Kong film industry will never have another genius like Zhou Xingxing!"

When he said this, he slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and his expression was a little lonely.

A few years ago, Yongsheng Company was full of flowers and brocade.

The annual box office revenue was more than 100 million, about 200 million, and it was a lot of money.

What's more gratifying is that Zhou Xingxing, who helped them earn this huge fortune, was paid much less than the market price. You can imagine the huge profits of Yongsheng Company back then!

Unfortunately, the contract has a time limit. After Zhou Xingxing, Chow Yun-fat, Wang Jing and others left one after another, the huge Yongsheng Film has become an empty shell.

Xiang Huaqi started a new business and established Yongsheng Entertainment, which was later known as China Star Company.

Occasionally, he would come to Yongsheng Film to take a look.

Xiang Huaqi pulled a chair over, sat down slowly and said, "How can I dare to count on that? I just heard that Hollywood in the United States has done a great job in special effects blockbusters, and they have a lot of box office in the world. Since this kid knows how to make special effects, I called him over to talk and train him."

Xiang Huaqi said, "I was just about to tell you that Xu Laoguai, you know, has always been obsessed with special effects blockbusters. I met him a while ago and talked for a while. He plans to shoot "Swordsman of Shu Mountain" to bring a real fairy world to the big screen!"

Xiang Huaqi wondered, "Swordsman of Shu Mountain? Didn't he shoot it?"

Xiang Huaqi said, "That one was shot too early. There was not enough money at the time, and the special effects were not good. He plans to make a new one. Department!"

Xiang Huasheng shook his head, "Xu Laoguai always overspends when making films, I don't like him very much!"

Xiang Huaqi wondered, "You don't trust Xu Laoguai, but you trust a young boy?"

"No, I just think that if you strictly control costs, there will be no risks!"

Xiang Huaqi saw that he couldn't convince his brother, so he gave up, "In this case, I will find someone else. When "Shushan Swordsman" sells well in the future, don't say that I didn't take you with me!"

Xiang Huasheng smiled, "Then I will only congratulate you!"

After his brother left, Xiang Huasheng made a phone call and ordered: "Notify him, tonight!"

At the Clearwater Bay Studios, Jiang Heng received another invitation with an exact time and place.

Knowing that he couldn't refuse, he naturally went to the appointment on time.

In a restaurant with retro decoration and elegant environment, Xiang Huasheng sat alone at a large table, slowly opened a medicine bottle, and took a few pills.

When Jiang Heng came over and saw this scene, he couldn't help but say, "Mr. Xiang...!"

"Oh, the same old problem, sit down, sit down!" Xiang Huasheng looked gentle and had a smile on his face.

"I heard about what happened two days ago. Is there anything Director Jiang needs help with? You must have heard of the Xiang family's name. They have helped many people!"

Jiang Heng thought to himself, "You have helped a lot, but the problem is that you have also taken a lot!"

He smiled and said, "I can still hold on. If I can't stand it one day, I will come to Mr. Xiang and ask for food!"

Xiang Huasheng smiled slightly and thought to himself, "That's not today's price!"

In recent years, the film company has been declining, and he has become obsessed with stock speculation, and he knows the principle of buying low and selling high.

Even if he wants to recruit Jiang Heng, he must confirm his talent and make a move when he is in danger to maximize the benefits.

So although he was a little curious, he didn't ask to see a sample film.

The two of them ate while chatting without nutrition.

If you don't know, you might think they are good friends!

After the meal, a driver sent Jiang Heng out.

The restaurant owner came over and said, "This kid doesn't look like a young man. He speaks very slickly!"

Xiang Huasheng nodded slightly, "I have the same feeling, as if the person sitting in front of me is my peer!"

The boss said, "Even if his father died and his mother remarried, he shouldn't grow up so fast!"

Xiang Huasheng smiled, "Maybe he is mature at a young age, no one understood him in the past!"

"Are you going to recruit him?"

"It's not ready yet, let's talk about it later!"

The Hong Kong film industry in 1997 was in a clear decline, and major film and television companies reduced production.

In such a situation, a shell company claiming to shoot a special effects blockbuster sounded more like a gimmick and could not cause much trouble.

Only Yongsheng still talked to Jiang Heng, and old overlords like Jiahe ignored him at all.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye, and the filming of "The Matrix" was finally completed. The main creative staff of the crew had a meal together and then went their separate ways.

Only Li Meiqi was left. Her agency contract was signed under Jiang Heng's Youteng company, and she was still waiting for her boss to arrange a follow-up solution for her!

Jiang Heng has no time to arrange for Li Meiqi at this moment, because according to the progress of the film, he will rush to a foreign "special effects production company" to focus on the special effects production. In fact, he will travel around the United States and Australia and enjoy all kinds of things.

During this period, I didn't think about the script for the second film, nor did I do other work. I just gave myself a vacation.

In life, when you should enjoy it, you should always enjoy it!

Otherwise, you may not have the chance one day!

After all, in my past and present lives, I have never lived past the age of fifty!

In early June, while Jiang Heng was sunbathing on the beach in Hawaii, he suddenly received a call from Yuan De. There was a midnight preview of "Ma Yongzhen" and he was invited to watch it.

When Jiang Heng heard this, he stood up from the sun lounger immediately, saying that he would rush over to support him and then book a return ticket.

From the perspective of the film, "Ma Yongzhen" is not very good. The male coach played by Kim Sung-wu is handsome, but he looks very pale and has no growth at all.

On the other hand, the Fourth Master Tan played by Yuan Biao has a very three-dimensional image and character, and his style outshines the male protagonist.

Even the villain Yang Shuang played by Yuan De has sharp movements and outstanding martial arts effects.

In 1997, when kung fu movies were in decline, Jiang Heng was still willing to fly back to see such a Chinese-language movie with excellent action scenes.

At Jade Cinema, Jiang Heng walked into the theater with Li Meiqi holding Coke popcorn.

In Hong Kong movies of this era, it was not popular to have various premieres. Midnight test screenings were generally used to gauge the audience's reaction.

This process is very depressing for the creators. If the audience keeps laughing, the creators will be happier. If the audience is full of curses, they can only leave in despair.

So the main creators all found their own places to sit down instead of gathering together.

Jiang Heng and Li Meiqi sat down in a corner. The latter first asked about the post-production situation and then talked about the current situation during his time in Hong Kong.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "By the way, Yan Zu keeps asking me out for dinner these days!"

"Oh, how did you respond?"

"Of course I don't have time. I can't work, I have nothing to do, and my future is uncertain. How can I think about going out for fun!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "If you endure it for two or three months, you will become a big star!"

"Just dazzle me, I'm almost fooled by you!"

"What did I lie to you about?"


"What did you say?"

The sound effects suddenly sounded in the theater. Jiang Heng only saw Li Meiqi opening her mouth and didn't hear what she said at all.

After asking, the latter just shook his head and looked at the big screen.

Not far away, Liu Zhenwei was holding an unlit pipe in his mouth, looking around from time to time to observe the reaction of the audience, which could be said to be very concerned.

Occasionally, when the light is good, I see Jiang Heng's happy expression, and I think to myself: "I'm afraid I won't be able to feel so comfortable when your movie comes out!"

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