China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 99 Guest appearances by celebrities

A small fire depends on support, a big fire depends on life!

Although it sounds mysterious and mysterious, it still makes sense.

The most simple and simple thing is the problem of facial appearance.

Among the action stars in Hong Kong, it can be said that Zhen Zidan's "flowering period" is the shortest.

In 1984, he starred in "Laughing Tai Chi" directed by Yuan Heping, but there has been no improvement. In 1992, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor as the villain Nalan Yuanshu in "Once Upon a Time in China". "Ip Man" is considered a big hit.

It has been 24 years since his debut in 1984!

Everyone knows that he can fight, and his initial resources are not bad. It took more than 20 years to become popular, so naturally he has most of the problems.

Donnie Yen's biggest problem is that his appearance is not "decent" enough and he looks too fierce!

And having a righteous appearance is very important for male protagonists in action or martial arts films.

No matter how beautifully you fight, if you look fierce after the fight, the audience will immediately change from cheering to fear.

After the action actors defeat all the enemies, they will inevitably have a bit of anger on their faces and bodies.

Those famous action stars often have their own ways to resolve this hostility.

For example, Bruce Lee worked hard on his styling, wore simple clothes, and adopted the strategy of defeating the strong with the weak. Cheng Long uses comedy themes and funny performances.

Hong Jinbao is more convenient, and the fat figure itself brings a sense of joy.

But when he got older, his natural sense of joy disappeared, and he seemed to become more and more fierce as he got older.

When Donnie Yen first entered the industry, he was very sharp and his fierce look was almost unconcealed in his fight scenes. Naturally, it was difficult for him to win over the audience.

Fortunately, as I grow older, the lines on my face become relatively fuller, and my temper has been polished through years of ups and downs. By chance, I encountered the relatively gentle martial arts style of "Wing Chun", and my violent temper was restrained, and I finally became a man. Cannon and red.

But at this moment, Donnie Yen is neither suitable to play a decent character nor a villain.

After much thought, Jiang Heng decided to ask him to make a cameo in the film, as a villain with a limited role and a role in fighting the male protagonist.

Zhen Zidan was very happy about this and repeatedly stated that she would be a guest star for free and would never be paid.

When Jiang Heng saw this, he stopped forcing it.

Having dinner together in the evening, Jiang Heng called Wu Jing. This guy's status has improved a lot since "Shituoling", but his resources have not increased much.

After all, the action movie genre is in a slump overall, and there are too few new projects.

When he learned that Zhen Zidan was going to make a guest appearance in Jiang Heng's new film, Wu Jing hurriedly said, "I can do it too, Director Jiang, and I'll do it for free, no salary required!"

Jiang Heng couldn't laugh or cry, "Look what you said, it's as if I asked you to come here just to let you participate in the show for free!"

Wu Jing chuckled, "Isn't it okay for me anyway?"

Jiang Heng wondered, "Are there no new dramas recently?"

Wu Jing sighed, "After filming "The Lion and the Camel Ridge", I feel like I can't even pick up the energy even though the book is a little bit bad. As for the TV series, I don't really want to act in it...!"

Hong Jinbao suddenly said: "Why don't you get a notebook yourself?"

Wu Jing was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Jiang Heng, his eyes gradually showing an expectant look.

Jiang Heng took a sip of beer and smiled: "Okay, if you have a suitable book, I will invest for you!"

"Oh, Director Jiang, you are my eldest brother, my real brother!" Wu Jing was excited and incoherent. He picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp, then poured two more cups and drank them all.

Jiang Heng also had a drink and said with a smile: "We agreed in advance that the quality of the script must be decent, and we can't fool it during filming!"

Wu Jing said excitedly: "Absolutely not. We are all people who are dedicated to making good movies, not those who make bad movies to make money!"

Hong Jinbao said: "That's right, they were really dedicated when filming. In the scene in the alley, several sticks were discounted!"

Wu Jing recalled the filming experience of "Slaying the Wolf" and felt a dull pain in his back, while Donnie Yen smiled apologetically.

Jiang Heng said: "I know that there are really fewer and fewer people like you who are dedicated to making movies!"

Then he looked at Zhen Zidan and said, "If you have a suitable script over there, you can come to me directly!"

Zhen Zidan was overjoyed when he heard this, and he also hurriedly offered three cups to Jiang Heng.

Hong Jinbao coughed and his expression was a little awkward, "Mr. Jiang, I respect you!" After that, he had three glasses of wine.

Jiang Heng hesitated a little, saying that when he was young, Hong Jinbao could be called a general in Jiahe.

But as I get older, I can no longer grasp the pulse of the market.

But at this moment, Wu Jing and Zhen Zidan have both agreed. A big brother in the Hong Kong film industry like Hong Jinbao is offering three glasses of wine. If he doesn't make a promise, he will be embarrassed to death.

Jiang Heng thought for a moment and said, "Brother, if you have a suitable script, you can come to me!"

Anyway, I didn’t say that I would definitely vote, I’ll tell you when the time comes.

Hong Jinbao was extremely excited. He raised his glass and said: "Mr. Jiang, you really take great care of the Hong Kong film industry. This time I directed and acted in a new film. I think everyone should contribute. After dinner, I Just go back and call on everyone to make guest appearances!”

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this, "Come here, everyone, I don't have that many characters in this film!"

Zhen Zidan smiled: "You can add it on the spot. No matter how small it is, stars will be found to participate. The audience will come to the theater to count the stars."

Wu Jing said: "I'll notify the mainland and call on everyone to come!"

Jiang Heng couldn't laugh or cry, "This...!"

Hong Jinbao said: "Mr. Jiang, don't worry so much, it's all in the wine!" After that, he drank another drink.

But he said that after dinner, Hong Jinbao went back to the hotel to rest, then returned to Xiangjiang early in the morning to help Jiang Heng recruit people to the crew.

Zhen Zidan also called a few people he thought he had good connections with, while Wu Jing contacted a few friends in the mainland entertainment industry.

Soon, news spread throughout the entertainment industry, and everyone heard that Jiang Heng's new film, directed and starred in, would have many movie stars joining the cast and making guest appearances for free.

Even Zhang Yimo called and asked Jiang Heng to leave a role for him.

Speaking of which, Lao Zhang was also a leading actor when he was young.

He collaborated with Gong Li on "Ancient and Modern War: The Love of Qin Terracotta Warriors", which can be called the originator of time-travel dramas.

And people like Jiang Wen and Ge You, who were familiar with each other, also called to join in the fun, and they must be given a guest role.

Jiang Heng felt like his head was spinning at this moment, because according to the original plot setting, it seemed that so many actors were not needed!

When Han Sanping heard the news, he was very excited and supported Jiang Heng to change the script again, "You are the only one in the Chinese entertainment industry who has the charisma to produce a star-studded blockbuster!"

Jiang Heng said hurriedly: "Hey, you can't say that, there is someone else who has this strength!"



"Hey, how can I..."

"You have!"

Han Sanping did not argue about the matter, but was curious about how Jiang Heng changed the script.

"I originally wanted to include a prehistoric setting in the film, but I was afraid that the background would be too grand and the plot would be too weak to support it. With so many celebrity guest appearances, I might consider it!"

"Honghuang?" Han Sanping murmured, not quite understanding what this word meant.

Jiang Heng did not explain, and just said: "Does Mr. Han know about the list of gods?"

"Then I must understand!"

"The list of gods has conferred many righteous gods in heaven. Have you ever thought about what heaven was like before being canonized as gods?"


When Han Sanping heard this, he couldn't help but think.

Jiang Heng didn't explain too much, feeling that there was some inspiration in his mind that would be fleeting.

Busy to your desk and type out everything that comes to mind.

When Han Sanping saw this, he left first.

However, after the news that many celebrities from Mainland China and Hong Kong were going to guest star in the film, it caused an uproar in the Chinese entertainment industry, and even attracted countless female stars to seek the role of the heroine.

After all, with so many stars gathering as guest stars, the heroine's popularity and attention will definitely increase significantly!

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