"Has Sister Rujing contacted you?" Not long after contacting Ji Rujing, Tang Yan's phone number arrived.

"Yes, you know it too?" Shen Lang smiled.

"Nonsense, I just don't know, she still wants to contact you." Tang Yan said, she knew the reason. If she knew, she would definitely not let her contact Shen Lang. What does she think of herself? She still needs her career. Shen Lang paid, for what reason.

"It's okay. She's doing it for your own good. What do you think? How about I go there?" Shen Lang said.

"No, I'm not being polite to you. You can do whatever you want after this matter is over. But you just can't go now. Or are you willing to help him clarify?" Tang Yan said. She was very determined. She was just afraid. Shen Lang thought she was retreating in order to advance.

"Okay, I'm afraid you'll be embarrassed to say it." Shen Lang said, don't say it, if Tang Yan is really willing, he can really go, but if that is the case, he may bow to Tang Yan.

This is a person. I can pay by myself, but you can’t make me pay. This is something different. The incident in "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" is different. One is that he has no grudge against Yang Mi, and there is another reason. , he wanted to go there himself, and pleasing Tang Yan was just one of the reasons.

This time is different. Don't think too much. Fanfan Studio must be willing to give in and let Shen Lang help clarify through Tangtang. Tang Yan is not like this.

"De Xing." Tang Yan hung up the phone. She was still very busy, that is, after Ji Rujing learned about this, she quickly contacted Shen Lang.

Ji Rujing did not hide it from her. This is not an idol drama. For the sake of profit, the manager did not tell the artist and let the artist's boyfriend silently pay. The boyfriend also thought in his heart that as long as he was good to his girlfriend, he would not tell his girlfriend. , this is all a bloody plot.

Although Ji Rujing manages Tang Yan's work, strictly speaking, Tang Yan is the boss. How can she have so many independent decisions, especially when it comes to other people's affairs.

Of course, when Ji Rujing contacted Shen Lang, she must have thought that she could facilitate this matter. After all, nowadays, Tang Yan and Fanfan are still competing fiercely for the position.

And Tang Yan herself is still at a disadvantage. In her previous life in "European Strategy", her position was not as good as Fanfan.

She is good in the field of TV series, but this is the field of movies, so naturally she cannot be her heroine.

"Nazha, call me so late." After Shen Lang and Xiaotao discussed the road show of "Your Wedding" and watched the TV series for a while, Nazha called suddenly.

"Where are you?" Nazar asked.

"What's going on at home? Do you want to treat me?" Shen Lang said, feeling suddenly sleepy. Nazha was always very energetic every time he contacted him. Why did he feel low in mood this time?

"I miss you." Nazar's words made Shen Lang's heart pound. Could it be that the tacit understanding was about to be broken? The problem was that he had a partner now. Tangtang himself was still very good, although if Nazar had to, no, he couldn't think like this.

"Come out, I'm at the gate of your community." Nazar said.

"Just wait, I'll be there soon." Shen Lang didn't hesitate. Naza definitely had something on his mind. As a good brother, he would definitely show up. What's more, Naza came to visit him.

They didn't alert their parents. It was almost early in the morning. They lay down early. The only person who was alerted was Dahuang who was following him. He was not a stranger and would not bark.

One person and one dog trotted to the gate of the community. Naza was a little touched when she saw this scene. Shen Lang swiped her card to let Naza enter the community, and she stood at the door.

"You're not cold, why don't you wait in the car?" Shen Lang said.

"I came here by taxi. It's not like you don't know that I can't drive." When Nazha saw Shen Lang, he felt much better and was a little bit annoyed.

"You are so brave." Shen Lang said, not because she was afraid of danger, the Imperial Capital was still fine, but mainly because she was a star after all when she was discovered.

"How can it be such a coincidence? Haven't you always said that as long as you don't deliberately surround yourself tightly, how can so many people care about you?" Nazar said.

"Okay, you have a point, tell me, what's the situation?" Shen Lang said.

"I suddenly thought about it." Nazha looked at Shen Lang, who was holding Dahuang next to him, and suddenly felt very aggrieved.

"Tell me, what happened? We have been brothers for so many years." Shen Lang said.

"Who is your brother? I'm a girl." I still healed by chatting with Shen Lang. Suddenly, it felt good, especially like a young couple walking the dog. They couldn't help but get closer to Shen Lang. Shen Lang noticed, but I didn't care, it was a tacit understanding, two people get along in private, there is no safe distance.

"You're being polite to me. Tell me, what kind of help do you need from me? Is there not enough money or something else?" Shen Lang said.

"You saw through it, and I'm a little embarrassed to say that I borrowed money. You also know that I put all my savings into my house, um, 500 million." Shen Lang thought Naza was telling the truth at first, but when he heard the two I knew she was joking.

Five hundred million in cash is a sky-high price even for celebrities. Take the 2.08 million that everyone makes fun of. If you have this amount every day, you have to earn it for a year, and it's still day in and day out. It's not very good. Possible, well, this is without paying taxes.

"Okay, if you really want it, give me some time." Shen Lang said, the box office share of "My Girlhood" will soon be shared.

"You are really rich. You don't even care about such a big sum." Naza thought Shen Lang was joking, but Shen Lang didn't explain.

"Tell me about it." Shen Lang became a little more serious. He wanted to know what happened.

"Suddenly I felt a little bad. I saw some people scolding me today. I was used to it, but they told me to forget about it. They also said that my father and his heart were like this. This was retribution." Nazar said, she had not thought about it. I kept it secret from Shen Lang, but I just came here to talk. My best friend thought it was a joke.

"That's it. They are really too much. Didn't I tell you? Don't read the comments in the future." Shen Lang said. He was also in a bad mood, but he didn't want to show it. It's normal for celebrities to be scolded, but Nazha was breaking his guard. Coming to him means that she was scolded badly during this period, and he knows the reason.

"I listen to you. I don't want to read anymore. Can you tell me if I turn off the comments?" Nazha suddenly stopped and looked at Shen Lang.

"I support you, no matter what your plans are." Shen Lang said, he was very serious.

"Well, I listen to you, ah." Naza repeated "I listen to you," and then suddenly broke out and started crying, or suddenly threw herself into his arms and cried.

Nazha is also an adult, and logically she shouldn't be so fragile, but who asked her to come to see Shen Lang? She used to be in a bad mood, and just ease it slowly, but when she saw Shen Lang, she didn't want to wrong herself. After all, although she didn't Ming said that, but after Shen Lang helped her pay for her father's surgery and helped her later, she unknowingly became her confidence.

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