China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 1008 Accountant’s Night Talk

"Xuan'er." Dong Xuan was quite enthusiastic and said that he would introduce good sisters to Shen Lang. After Tong Liya and Chen Sicheng thanked everyone with their children in their arms, they took Shen Lang and went straight to the good sisters.

Shen Lang himself had a strange feeling, a bit like pimping. Of course, he suddenly had an idea. In fact, he knew that Dong Xuan did not have this idea.

"Weier, look who I brought here, Zhang Wansen." This is not the pronunciation of BJ's son. It's just a matter of good relationship. It's too serious to call her by name, so adding her directly seems close.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Gan Wei."

"Hello." "Long time to see you."

"I like your Zhang Wansen so much, he acted so well, and I've watched every one of your movies." Gan Wei was quite enthusiastic, and it was obvious that she really liked it.

Okay, rich people also have their own preferences, and TV dramas treat everyone equally, even if they know they are acting.

"Thank you." Shen Lang said.

The communication was fairly smooth, and another person, Liu Yun, was introduced in the middle. Well, it was more obvious that she felt like Gan Wei's little follower.

But it's normal. After all, Accountant Jia's skin has not been broken yet. It can be said that too many people are rushing to get to know Lao Jia, mainly because of conflicts of interest.

In the past two years, it has become very common for celebrities to invest in film and television companies and then go public. Lao Jia’s LeTV Film and Television and LeTV Sports are the big ones. No, they should be the first. There is no one. All the stars want to get on board. company.

The reason is very simple. If you invest in Lao Jia's LeTV Film and Television, Lao Jia will guarantee you a minimum. This is what everyone is flocking to. You will make a lot of money when you win, and you will make money when you lose. No matter what, you will still make money.

This is what Lao Jia said, and he plans to do so. He plans to use his own LeTV network to acquire his own LeTV Sports. The left hand is the right hand, but it can indeed double everyone's worth.

But Shen Lang was very doubtful. He remembered that in his previous life, these celebrities had caused Lao Jia a lot of trouble, especially the 50 million from Tao, the good wife. This guy could really make money.

Therefore, today's Gan Wei does not have a high status, but she already has real capital, and many people lick her.

They also have a circle of their own. If they can enter this circle, wouldn't there be opportunities to make money while lying down?

For example, why could Chen Sicheng and Gan Wei come to his child's 100-day banquet? He also invested in LeTV. Well, he should have been introduced through Dong Xuan. And the relationship between Tong Liya and Dong Xuan is still so good in later generations, which means they let Dong Xuan Those who help get into this circle have different understandings than joining it.

From the perspective of future generations, many people think that if they invest this money, it will be over, but that is from God’s perspective. Nowadays, even Lao Jia himself can have star effect and expand LeTV’s reputation, but from the current time period, It's not that Lao Jia is seeking stars, it's the other way around.

Gan Wei looked at Shen Lang and noticed that he was different from the others. His attitude towards herself did not seem to have changed.

She is used to being held up, because of Lao Jia Niu, many people don't say anything on the surface, but after all, they want something from her, is there any benefit?

But Shen Lang, because he knew the results of LeTV, he never thought about getting involved in this matter.

He doesn’t know when LeTV will collapse, so he won’t think about entering early and then exiting soon after the collapse, because he is afraid of getting stuck.

He had actually speculated in LeTV stocks before, with the stock price peaking at more than 170 per share last year. He had done it a little bit in the past two years, and then he never planned to touch LeTV again.

The market capitalization is high, but the transaction value is low. Yes, stocks make money, but they can’t stand Lao Jia’s love for financing or issuing new shares.

"Okay, if you have time." After chatting for a while, we stopped talking. The topic was not nutritious. Shen Lang didn't mention Accountant Jia. Gan Wei did, saying that she and Shen Lang were fellow villagers.

Shen Lang and Lao Jia had met before. The leader's wedding was held. The leader had strong connections. Not only Accountant Jia, but Rebus also went there.

"Eggplant." Shen Lang cooperated with Tong Liya and took a group photo of the children. Well, there was also Dong Xuan. She and Tong Liya had a really good relationship. That's right. With a big belly, how could their relationship be normal?

"Duoduo, this is Uncle Shen Lang. Take a closer look, and you will be as long as your uncle in the future." Tong Liya said, looking at her son's eyes staring straight at Shen Lang.

Duoduo kept looking at Shen Lang. Shen Lang personally thought it was because children were not familiar with strangers, but what Tong Liya said was that Shen Lang was handsome.

"Yaya, if you hold Shen Lang down for so long, you have to give Sicheng a good explanation." Dong Xuan joked.

"Explain what, being handsome is not a good thing, you said, Shen Lang." Tong Liya understood instantly, there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

A married woman is much more courageous than a girl. If she is alone and has a good friend, she can definitely drive like crazy.

"I won't express my opinion, you can talk." Shen Lang said.

"You're still shy." Are you a woman? Being together will make you bolder. This is teasing Shen Lang.

"Then let's go back first." Shen Lang wanted to leave after having enough wine and food.

"Uncle and aunt, there were too many people and the reception was not good. Let's go back and get together alone." Tong Liya said, Shen Lang left with his parents.

"It's okay, you're really busy."

"Mom, you don't trade in stocks, right?" After returning home, thinking about LeTV, Shen Lang talked about this topic with his parents.

"No speculation, we don't understand this, why did you remember to say this?" Okay, after all, they are from ordinary families and will not be involved in unfamiliar industries.

"Sister Xuan just introduced me to Gan Wei, the proprietress of LeTV. They are not very popular in the stock market now. I'm afraid you will invest. OK, if you want to buy, just buy Maotai." Shen Lang said.

"What do you mean, this company is not good?"

"I'm not very optimistic about it, it's too lively." Shen Lang originally wanted to explain, but later he was afraid that he wouldn't understand, so he just didn't like it.

"Okay, we listen to you." Parents have considerable trust in Shen Lang, which is also an advantage. If Shen Lang can make such a big business, he must be better than them.

At this moment, what Shen Lang didn't know was that in another place, Gan Wei and his wife were also talking about him. He was more important than he thought.

"Shen Lang, he is quite rich, and with his fame, he can indeed tell a good story. What did he say?"

"You didn't say anything, and you never talked to the company. Are you just pretending?" a female voice sounded.

"I don't know, but it's most likely not the case. I invited him to participate in several LeTV events before, but he really didn't come. It would be a good thing for the company if he joined."

"Does he not invest, and only earns film remuneration and advertising fees?" the female voice said curiously.

"Oh, no, don't we want to acquire his TV series? After learning about it, the brand under his name, Xingyao, has super sales. They are not a listed company and do not need to disclose it, but according to speculation, they may be in the trendy brand field last year. No. 1, sales should exceed one billion."

"so smart."


Shen Lang didn't know, but Accountant Jia and his wife talked about him at night, and they didn't care if they knew about it.

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