China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 1038 Very interesting

"Can you briefly introduce what type of work "Your Wedding" is?" The host was very supportive. This was an opportunity for Shen Lang to promote the movie.

"The youth film genre also tells the story of some unforgettable things two people experience together, from school to society."

"The name "Your Wedding" means we are not together again, right? "My Girlhood" and "Twinkle Twinkle Star", everyone is very sorry." The host made a little joke, "My Girlhood" and "Twinkle Twinkle Star" both ended in tragedy.

"Everyone has to go to the cinema to see this. I can't spoil it. I can only say that you won't be disappointed." Shen Lang said with a smile.

"Then everyone is still looking forward to a good ending. We will meet at the cinema on July 8th. Be sure to watch it." The host said.

"As a youth movie with the same genre as "My Girlhood", do you worry about being compared with others? After all, "My Girlhood" is very successful, will you feel any pressure?" the host asked The problem is, this is what everyone is most concerned about.

However, he still asked conservatively. He should directly ask about the meaning of youth and head-on collision, and whether it was intentional. That's right. If he asked like this, there would be no chance for such an activity next time.

"There is pressure, but there is also motivation. My Girlhood, a collaboration with Sister Fei, has a high box office, but a work cannot just focus on the box office. Box office is only a part of success.

The cooperation with my senior and senior sisters is also very suitable. Being able to present this work is the greatest success in my opinion. "The answer is very official.

After another visit to Master Liu, the red carpet was completed. Amid everyone’s cheers, the red carpet was completed.

"You're quite good at speaking." Master Liu suddenly said after walking off the red carpet.

"Isn't this a basic operation?" Shen Lang said.

"I guess you have had a hard time enduring it. I would especially like to ask you, how do you feel about being paired with "Youth 2"? Is it intentional?" Liu Shishi said.

"Master, I found out that your speaking skills have improved. You obviously want to know it yourself, and you still talk about others." Shen Lang teased.

"I didn't." Liu Shishi retorted subconsciously. In fact, she really wanted to know, but how could you say it directly.

"Then do you want to know?" Shen Lang's behavior made Master Liu a little anxious, so hurry up and say it.

"Is there any benefit?" Shen Lang said.

"You are boring and don't want to know." Liu Shishi said.

"Okay, let's not talk about it." Shen Lang's words made Master Liu very uncomfortable.

"I don't want to know, but come to think of it, aren't you worried about box office or overturning?" Liu Shishi said a little seriously. She really cares. She still lacks works in the film industry.

"Well, why do you look at me like that?" Master Liu didn't hear Shen Lang's answer, but the other party suddenly stopped and stared at him, "What do you mean?"

"Let's see where a smart teacher like me has gone. What's there to be nervous about? Isn't it right that the works we collaborated on surpassed "To Youth"? You shouldn't have doubts in your mind." Shen Langdao .


"Think about it, you are no worse than Liu Yifei, let alone me. If the box office of "Your Wedding" is less than 1 billion, then we just quit the industry. Do you think their movie can exceed 500 million? ?" Shen Lang said, Shen Lang was quite arrogant and dazzling at this moment.

To be honest, without the system, he really couldn't guarantee it, but the system gave him enough confidence.

"Are you so confident? What if we surpass each other?" Liu Shishi actually knew that they had the popularity of "Twinkle Twinkle Shining Star" and there was a high probability that they could surpass each other. But what if, she was mainly worried about her own gains and losses.

"Then it's surpassed. There is no shortage of miracles in the entertainment industry, but I really can't think of how to surpass it. In terms of popularity, "Twinkle Twinkle Shining Star" can be said to be the most popular in recent years. It is better than the previous "To Youth" The popularity of the first part was high, since the movie was several years old.

The directors are all new directors. Su Lun has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, unless you think you are worse than Liu Yifei. "Shen Lang said.

"That's not right. Why should I be the winner when someone else has a male lead?" Liu Shishi said. She actually knew what Fanfan was comparing to Shen Lang. Shen Lang's was a real box office, but she just didn't want to lose in a quarrel. .

"I'm confident anyway." Shen Lang didn't take Fanfan seriously at all.

"Oh, you are an idealist as a co-author. If it fails to beat the box office, is it because of me?" Liu Shishi said.

"Are you scared?" Shen Lang hit the nail on the head.

"Well, a bit. After all, you two are well-known exes, the kind that everyone knows. You have the second-largest movie in film history, and so do others. It's so popular." Liu Shishi counterattacked Shen Lang, but he couldn't bear to see you being so confident.

"I understand. Do you think you feel inferior because we haven't made it public?" Shen Lang would misunderstand.

"Whoever feels inferior is your goddess."

"You too, look, if you still don't believe it, just wait, I will make it public later. You didn't think about it at the beginning." Shen Lang said with a smile.

"Can it be the same?" Liu Shishi said. She really didn't believe it. If they were still together, there would still be credibility, but if they were separated, there would be no benefit in making it public. Shen Lang could still do such a thing!

In fact, it is still a bit regretful. Liu Yifei in front of her was made public, and Tang Yan in the back was separated. It seemed that she was the only one. Of course, I just think about it occasionally and don't worry about it.

It's just that I occasionally think that if they had made their relationship public when they were dating, then would they not have broken up? A review of a relationship is necessary.

After all, Shen Lang's conditions really fit her mate selection criteria.

# "Your Wedding" is scheduled #

Some news is destined to be particularly popular. Shen Lang and Liu Shishi entered the backstage and began to be serious. The popularity was too high, but too much information was spread in the outside world.

The combination of the bright star couple will definitely be on the top of the hot list, even if "Your Wedding" is scheduled, it will be ranked second.

However, this entry is the most discussed, after all, it is a direct confrontation with "Youth 2", which is worth watching.

"Is this intentional?"

"Great, worthy of being my brother Lang, is this for Liu Tianxian or Fanfan?"

"It must be Liu Tianxian, he wants to prove that he is the male lead that Liu Tianxian should choose, and he wants to defeat Zhi Qingchun head-on."

"The above person thinks too much, this is obviously to take revenge on Liu Tianxian, making you dump me."

"No, why do people generally think that "Your Wedding" will definitely have a better box office than "Zhi Qingchun 2"?

"Take a look at "Twinkle Twinkle Star."

"Do I need to think about this?"

"Suddenly, it feels so interesting."

The outside world was bustling, and Shen Lang was watching the performance. It must be said that the leader does have a strong network of contacts. There was a performance at the beginning, speaking on behalf of the filmmakers, and he was that filmmaker.

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