"I definitely miss you. Do you want to come?" On the way back to "Zhu Xian" from the airport, Shen Lang was talking to Lin Yuner on the phone.

She knew some of Shen Lang's schedules. As a qualified girlfriend, she had to pay attention to this. After all, when the entire domestic entertainment industry was moved by Zhang Wansen and Lin Beixing, she, as a girlfriend, was still in danger, because they were exes.

That is, the relationship was not completely stable, otherwise it would be exposed. It's not like she had never had a boyfriend and had never been exposed.

But she also wanted to be open with Shen Lang, but she had just entered the mainland market, and she had not thought about the impact of love on her career.

She knew her position. Most of the other actresses in the domestic entertainment industry started with film and television dramas, but she started with the thigh era. The quality of her fans was not as good as that of other actresses. The consumption power of male fans was not high. What's the point of running more?

Even if the target was Shen Lang, exposure could bring a lot of heat, but this kind of heat was not what she wanted.

What she wanted was for Shen Lang to support her, and then the exposure of boiling a frog in warm water. She was not in a hurry. Isn't love like this?

Unfortunately, she still didn't realize that my brother Lang was not the person she knew before. His love cycle was even lower than the history of your country. How terrible.

This was not to tell Shen Lang about her heart. She planned to do well. As a girlfriend, Shen Lang would definitely help. After all, your famous exes all had their own masterpieces.

This idea was not shameful. With Shen Lang's current record, they were willing to cooperate with Liu Shishi and Liu Tianxian again. After all, there were really bonuses.

Unfortunately, Lin Yuner still didn't have complete information. She didn't know that the situation was different. Liu Tianxian and the others were sentimental. They had cooperation first, and then pursued the girls through cooperation.

Shen Lang talked to Lin Yuner on the phone. As always, he asked Lin Yuner to pay a little and come to see him. He couldn't run away.

Sometimes, he even thought that he was a little too authoritarian. Lin Yuner didn't take it to heart. After staying in Korea for a long time, Korean men were more chauvinistic.

Shen Lang felt that he was not as concerned about Lin Yuner as other exes because of prejudice, or he was a little numb because of too many relationships. Sometimes he wondered if he was too careless to date Lin Yuner and should get to know each other better.

He was also a little confused by the era of big legs. After the real relationship, the two people were far away from each other, which was still affected.

He had talked with Lin Yuner and knew her thoughts. Her thoughts were very obvious and she would be scolded if she said them out loud.

The basic market of Koreans cannot be lost. It is not easy to just enter the film industry, but the domestic entertainment industry makes too much money. She wants to be an international star. Shen Lang understood her work plan.

Shen Lang did not think she was shameless. It is normal to go where there is more money. Not only Lin Yuner, but anyone who wants to enter the domestic entertainment market has this idea.

But as a former angry young man, he must pay attention to these things.

Of course, Shen Lang did not find excuses for himself. Maybe, after getting it, he satisfied the idea of ​​winning glory for the country, and his thinking returned to the right track.

As for pursuing the other party, maybe Shen Lang was really dazzled by the reputation of the thigh era. After being together, he can take off the halo. In fact, Lin Yuner is not bad, but when she is promoted to the position of girlfriend and goddess, her halo is not as dazzling as Liu Tianxian Liu Shishi.


"Come on, let's say it together, congratulations to Director Shen on his successful return." In the big square, under the guidance of the leader, everyone said.

At this moment, the venue of the Seven Veins Martial Arts Competition has become a barbecue place. The smell of skewers can be smelled everywhere, and there are ingredients and beer everywhere. The staff are also very happy.

Shen Lang must not start immediately on his first day back. He reviewed the filming some time ago, and then decided on the next work, which is to treat everyone to dinner.

In July, it's hot summer, it's easy to choose what to eat, barbecue, even if it's for the whole group, it's nothing for his personal income.

"Teacher, Xiao Ming brother, don't make a fuss, you know I don't like drinking." Shen Lang smiled at the leader who asked everyone to raise their glasses just now.

He also joined the crew, in fact, he came back a day earlier than Shen Lang, and he joined the crew not too late, Song Daren has a lot of plots.

"Hey, you want to call me the leader, don't think I don't know this joke." The leader has a very good temper and can make fun of himself.

He is not angry. As an artist who grew up in the new century, he is much more mature than ordinary artists. In that era, black is also red, and it is also well-known.

"No, how can I be that kind of person, by the way, when will sister baby come?" Shen Lang said with a smile.

"Don't change the subject, you are the director, and baby's work is not reported to me. I don't know that you should know it." The leader said.

"Have you forgotten, there are so many things in one day." Shen Lang said as he looked at the grand occasion in front of him.

The entire platform was densely packed with people, and there were at least thousands of staff in front of and behind the scenes of the crew.

This is a pure 3D movie, not the kind that says 3D, but is actually shot and converted to 3D.

Because of Shen Lang's requirements for special effects, there was more than one studio, more than one 3D camera, and a lot of equipment was purchased at great expense.

However, these are also included in the cost, and if there is a next one, this can still be counted as a cost, which is quite impressive.

The staff of each studio and the system make full use of them. The detailed division of tasks for each studio is quite surprising.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, this is Shen Lang's credit. Not to mention the staff, even many post-production companies are surprised.

In fact, many people are not optimistic about Shen Lang, mainly because of these companies. Each company has different tones and areas of expertise. It is normal to have doubts about Shen Lang without a finished product.

However, we have to admit that this director seems to know a lot about post-production and arranges tasks in an orderly manner.

The staff who don't understand these are still quite surprised by Shen Lang. It's too bluffing. Let this camera be low and that camera be high. There are many more things to pay attention to than normal filming.

This also led to many people who saw Shen Lang shooting for the first time to regard him as a talented person. Isn't it, Sister Yuanyuan, does she have resistance to this kind of personality?

And Da Tiantian, I admire Shen Lang very much. He manages a crew in an orderly manner. He can pay attention to the points that everyone didn't pay attention to. You can't not pay attention to it. The red circle under your feet is too conspicuous.

"By the way, I have to congratulate you. The movie is a big hit. You have to treat us tomorrow."

"Brother Xiao Ming, people say you are the most generous. Why do you have to treat me when it comes to my place?"

"The guest should follow the host's wishes."

"We are all family."

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