China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 111 Moved to the point of agreeing with her body

"I'll figure it out myself, and you give me the staff."

Shen Lang asked Nazha to find a way to explain how she was rich. After all, her income was higher than that of a normal worker, but she also spent money herself, so how could she have saved more than one million in one go.

Shen Lang wanted to give her an idea, but later he felt that he took it for granted. You don't know her family, so she should handle it by herself.

"I don't know what's going on in your family, please tell me in detail, and I'll give you an idea." Shen Lang looked at Nazha, who was in a bad mood, and decided to make a joke.

Nazha was sad when she told about her father just now, and she felt the same as Shen Lang. After all, his friend was gone, but Shen Lang directly lent her money to help her, so touched.

Don't think that borrowing money is easy. Even if you know that you can pay it back in the future, borrowing money is a test of your own psychology and the psychology of the other party.

"Come on, you scum, you want to know my sister's information again, don't even think about it." Nazha really recovered some of her true colors.

"I'm not wronged. I need to know your family information before I can give a reasonable reason. If you want to do this, think for yourself."

"Think for yourself, it's better than selling out my sister," Nazha said.

"No, can we talk about our conscience, I have never said anything about your sister, it was you who said it." This Shen Lang was really wronged.

He just chatted with Nazha once, and he chatted a lot with good friends. Nazha especially liked to post about his mother and sister on Weibo.

Shen Lang asked a question, and Nazha was suspicious at that time, saying that he had other ideas. Shen Lang was a little puzzled at first, but he understood immediately.

Although I have a clear relationship line, but I have more girlfriends, and I love chasing after girls. What Nazha means is obviously because she is afraid that she will date her sister.

That's what Nazha thinks, she doesn't want her sister to become one of Shen Lang's ex-girlfriends, what, can't she take him down.

If you think too much, the onlooker will know that she is confused when it comes to love, but other people are not. The main reason is that Shen Lang's emotional experience is really unbelievable.

Every girlfriend lasts from three months to half a year. Three months is a frequent meeting, and half a year is an occasional meeting. This cannot but be misunderstood.

Nazha also knew later that she probably thought too much, but she thought it would be good to get a vaccination. If her sister was with Shen Lang, how would she deal with herself.

"Are you clear in your heart?" Nazha had already recovered, and Shen Lang knew how to get her out of the emotion just now.

Of course, he wouldn't usually say these things. After all, you and Nazha are friends, so it doesn't matter how you joke about it. It's not appropriate to involve other people.

As for Sister Nazha, Shen Lang has seen her Weibo, to be honest, she is considered a beauty, but Shen Lang has no star feelings here, pass.

"Can we ignore this topic, just chat and eat something?" Shen Lang said.

"Uh, how much pre-dinner bread do you want me to eat, and I won't eat the rest?" Nazha said.

"Okay, but the bread in his house is really big." Shen Lang looked at the round bread, which was bigger than a human face.

It is also the first time for Shen Lang to come to such a high-end restaurant. He couldn't afford it in his previous life, but he is rich in this life, so he doesn't have a chance to come.

That is to say, I want to solve the matter of Nazha's father tonight, so I did it on purpose. I can do it anywhere, but he has become a habit. When I don't have a girlfriend, it's quite interesting to get close to Nazha for a few days. .

But what is more paradoxical is that, based on his experience, after a breakup, there is usually no need to be friends, especially for people like him.

He is self-aware, knowing that there must be a problem with his love, he just wants to enjoy the sweetness of love, and if he feels a little bit uncomfortable, he just runs away.

Even Pan Zhilin, who watched the most peaceful breakup, doesn't like to talk to him now.

Of course, Pan Zhilin didn't want to break up with Huang Mengying, just like Huang Mengying.

But Shen Lang was too open-minded about the breakup, not the kind he pretended in front of her, she could tell the difference, and she was upset at this time.

If you promised to be so straightforward, you must have thought about it a long time ago. Of course, some men are trying to save face, but Shen Lang is not.

After the breakup, she was still in school, and she paid attention to it. Shen Lang broke up like a wild horse, and all the seniors and sisters got in touch.

She is familiar with this. At that time, chasing her was the process. She really didn't care. Some things, who really cares who loses.

Forget it, let it be, don't look at Nazha's love brain, it depends on you chasing her, if you want to pursue her, there are still difficulties.

Of course, lending her money this time is an opportunity, but Shen Lang is purely helping a friend, if you take this opportunity to do something, you will think too much.

A woman's thoughts are very complicated, and she was originally grateful to you, but if you show any thoughts, her mentality will also change. It turns out that you are for this.

If you are purely for the little brother, you can go this route. Shen Lang is not hypocritical, but after all, we have been friends for two or three years, and it is not worth losing a friend because of this.

His concept of love is absolutely different from that of Nazha, he just wants to enjoy the sweetness of love, while Nazha is the brain of love.

Besides, he lent the other party money mainly because he wanted to thank the other party for connecting him with Liu Shishi's studio, not for any messy things.

Of course, Nazha is not so easy to deceive. After becoming a girlfriend, her IQ may have dropped, but during the courtship, her IQ was super high.

"Why don't you eat spinach salad?" Nazha looked at the salad in front of Shen Lang and asked deliberately.

"I don't know, spinach salad and onions." Shen Lang said.

"You are really a picky eater. You have steak and leather teeth. What should you do if you go to eat western food with your girlfriend?" Nazha had never been to a western restaurant with Shen Lang before, so she was very curious.

The Piyazi she mentioned is the same as onions, but they are called differently, and both of them can understand.

"I just told them not to let go."

"Is that delicious? The meat has no skin and teeth." Nazha shook her head,

"I think it's okay, no, our school has a halal canteen, we have been there, don't you know?"

"I just want to know how you fall in love." Nazha said.

"It's just the two of us, chat casually, eat something, and then do whatever we need to do." Shen Lang said.

"What should I do?" Nazha intentionally misinterpreted Shen Lang's words.

"We are friends, but we also have gender, you are not my brother, don't talk about everything." Shen Lang naturally understood her thoughts.



"You are bleeding, more than three thousand per meal." Nazha said.

That’s right, it’s 1,000 per person, but for some steak, a piece of rib eye, New York sirloin, it’s 1,500, and a seafood platter is not much 700, plus more than 3,400 others.

This is still not drinking red wine, no wonder it is high-end, high-end is in terms of price, the two of them chatted while walking on the road, their voices drifted in the wind.

"It doesn't matter, if you have money, by the way, remember what we mainly said, see a doctor first."

"Understood, but do you have that much money?" Nazha knows that Shen Lang is rich, but he has invested in movies, and his online store has a lot of sales.

"Yes, if it's not enough, can I continue to earn money?"

"Don't impress me to death."

"Isn't that also the purpose, if you are really moved to agree with your body."

"Dream, by the way, your friend, don't be too sad."

"What's sad, it's not that he won't come back, he just left the country."

"Going abroad?"

"Yeah, what do you think?"

"I'll kill you, don't run away."

(I can’t write about Nazha anymore. If I continue writing like this, she will become the heroine, which doesn’t match the original idea)

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