Liu Shishi Studio: "Shen Lang joins forces with Jing Tian to contribute to public welfare. All proceeds from this live broadcast will be donated to..."

They said this, some people believed it, some people didn't believe it. If Shen Lang simply went to take a look, no one would think much about it, but it was too strange to give so many gifts at once.

"Everyone asked why Shen Lang gave Jingtian gifts. Are they really together?"

"It shouldn't be possible. It's just a promotional live broadcast."

"No way, it wasn't publicized in advance."

"It's all a routine, it should be propaganda."

"Never heard of it."

"I have a friend who worked as an extra in "Zhu Xian". It is said that something happened."

"I have a friend, I have a bestie, I have a colleague, but it's not me anyway, right?"

"Forget it if you don't believe it."

"@李天仙, hurry up and live broadcast. Shen Lang is going to buy gifts. He didn't go to the last live broadcast."

"@六天仙, did you watch your live broadcast? Shen Lang regretted not participating. This time I will practice."

Netizens just love to cause trouble. When they saw Shen Lang, they naturally thought of Liu Tianxian. The title of Licking the Dog Lang cannot be thrown away. In fact, now, even if everyone knows that it is fake, they still have to deal with this matter. The Internet Just causing trouble.

Liu Tianxian also saw this message and was speechless, but also a little speechless in his heart. I just broadcast live two days ago. Why don't you give me some gifts? Why don't you break up after such a quarrel? You also said that you are afraid of quarrels. You quarrel the most, right? .

Unknowingly, she made more demands on Shen Lang, even though she knew that Shen Lang didn't need to give her gifts.

In other places at this moment, the exes looked at Shen Lang suddenly doing this, and they had various emotions. Forget it, the scumbag loves to cause trouble, ignore him. Even though I say that, I am so envious. It wasn't like this when we were together, and it was so unfair.

Da Tiantian's popularity soared for a while. Shen Lang helped him a lot this time. Although giving gifts was a hot topic, live broadcasting her face cleansing without makeup was something that a celebrity had never done before. It was so popular that everyone didn't like it. Be an outsider.

The most important thing is that Da Tiantian's bare makeup is quite impressive and has attracted a lot of fans. This was the beginning of her reputation reversal in her previous life.

With Shen Lang's performance in this life, the effect is much better than in the previous life. Da Tiantian has attracted a lot of business, mainly for skin care products.

Her career has really improved significantly. Many of her colleagues are envious of her and wonder if she should learn from it.

But in this kind of thing, the founders are the most popular, and imitators will be ridiculed. Besides, the only people who can imitate are some small people. If they are really big people, they will be embarrassed to learn this.

"Shen Lang, you are living day by day, sleeping until the sun goes down every day. You are young and cannot be energetic." Lin Fengxia began to complain about her son.

After staying at home for three days, on the fourth day, the family time began to recede, and my parents began to find fault. No matter how rich you are, you can't avoid this.

"Mom, how long have I been working? I will come back to rest for a few days, and I will leave in a few days. You don't think I can see you anymore." Shen Lang said.

"Look at Dahuang. He has been filming on the set for such a long time, but he still donates money when he comes back."

"Mom, how can you compare your son with a dog?"

"They're all the same. Are you single?" Lin Fengxia complained.

"Uh, Mom, when did I lack a partner?" Shen Lang said speechlessly.

"You call me a partner? I'm embarrassed to say that to you." His own mother is always the cruelest when she complains about her son.

"Why don't you call me your partner? Mom, why didn't you cook meat?" Shen Lang sat at the dinner table.

"I have to feed it to your mouth. Let me tell you, people look for a partner in order to get married and have children. As for you, it's just for fun. It's meaningless whether you can find a partner or not." Lin Fengxia brought over a plate of braised pork. said.

After all, I still feel sorry for my son, but their generation has taught their children to get used to this state of affairs.

"Who provoked you again?" Shen Lang said casually.

"No one is exciting. You know the third child in the front yard? His son gave birth to a daughter. She is really beautiful." Lin Fengxia said.

"Look, don't you think this is still the case? Mom, I am a star. In our industry, we all marry late and have children late. You also know that when we get married and have children, it is easy for our careers to be affected. You don't want your son to become obsolete. "

"Don't come here. People can't hide their marriages. Also, don't lie to me. In your industry, love does have an impact. But you have been in love more than once. It has an impact on other people, but it has no impact on you. You just love. Play." Lin Fengxia complained super.

She also understands now that her son's role as a star is different from others. She did think about Shen Lang before, but Xiao Lang has exposed his relationship more than once. After breaking up, he had to expose it. If he was afraid of this, he would not show up at all. This kind of thing.

Besides, from his point of view, no matter how successful your career is, your life without children will still be a failure.

She didn't insist that Shen Lang hold the child now, she just wanted to put the matter on the agenda.

Her son is actually not very old, she just wanted to remind him.

"Mom, that's a love affair, it's different from marriage. I'll go and walk around after I'm full." Shen Lang said.

"Go." Lin Fengxia didn't stop her. This was a normal chat between mother and son, and it didn't have any purpose.

Lin Fengxia actually supports her son's work, and she also knows that it is also a test for him now. Shen Lang's investment in "Zhu Xian" was too large, and Lin Fengxia was also worried.

However, she and her husband are not as ambitious as Shen Lang. As parents, Shen Chun and Lin Fengxia feel that their son has made enough progress. Even if he does not make money now, he can live comfortably with his industry and savings.

It happened to be summer, Shen Lang took Da Huang for a walk, and Da Huang said, "You are worse than me. I slept well all day, and three people walked me. I am not tired."

Shen Lang was lazy himself, so he took a walk and sat down on the first floor. Their house was a luxury house, and the first floor was similar to a hotel. There was a small front desk, but no one was there. There was a hall, a sofa, and some snacks. The elevator was inside.

Shen Lang started a game and planned to stay here for a while. Although the upstairs was kept at a constant temperature and humidity and the air was purified, it was better for Shen Lang to blow the natural wind. It was fun.

Occasionally, people came and went. Some knew who he was, and some didn't. But everyone was very well-mannered and didn't chase stars. Maybe they were embarrassed.

"Huo, aren't you a busy man? Why are you staying here?"

"Sister Dong Xuan, are you going out?" Shen Lang looked at the person who came.

"I came to see if you didn't join the group. The group is in chaos now. I saw you here, so I came to see."

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