With the box office of "Sewing Machine Band" exceeding 2.5 billion, Shen Lang's fans have become even more arrogant. This idol is so awesome that he has completely surpassed others by a level.

Before, there were middle-aged people who could be compared with him, but now, in terms of director and actor, no one can compare with him at all.

For previous works, you can say that he hyped, that he relied on others, and that he had a chemical reaction with others.

But now, he directed and acted by himself, and he won so many box office with popularity and stories without any scandals. Who else would not accept it?

There is only one thing that everyone can complain about. Shen Lang is too rare to be a director. Everyone just wants to join in the fun. But saying so does prove Shen Lang's box office ability.

Look, the popularity on the Internet is unprecedented, and the fans of major traffic are crazy about bundling. They can only attack the previous "The Murderer" box office.

But from fans to the circle, including the producers, they are all very satisfied with the box office exceeding 400 million.

The box office of this movie was all driven by Shen Lang alone, and he didn't promote it much. He was too busy filming "Zhu Xian" at the time, so there was no investment. He was not the first actor, but he was able to push the box office to this level. It was very nice.

However, Cao Baoping was very happy before, because the box office of art films was just so-so. But when he saw "Sewing Machine Band" directed by Shen Lang himself, he was a little dissatisfied. People are always dissatisfied.

However, Shen Lang has done enough. Now he needs everyone to coax him to participate in his works. He is the leading actor in art films, and everyone now believes that he can get at least 500 million.

"The Murderer" is too obvious. It all depends on Shen Lang's five-star killer to get the box office. This role is a breakthrough for Shen Lang.

This makes Shen Lang a little helpless. Wu Jing wants to add more scenes for him, and even adds the ambiguity of Tang Yan's role to him. This movie is a big hit, which is a great stimulation for everyone.

However, Shen Lang still refused. He was afraid of affecting the original Wolf Warrior. He came to earn points, not to grab Wu Jing's position.

Shen Lang also found that during the filming, Tang Yan's attitude towards him was much better. He wondered if the director's success was really different.

Although Tang Yan was stubborn, she knew that Shen Lang was really the best for her. It was okay if he had some flaws. After being with him, she looked at other people and found that it was not the case. His so-called flaws were not as good as the ones played by others.

It was a pity that there was too little contact time with Shen Lang. This was filming, not for you to cultivate feelings, plus some of Shen Lang's own work, hi.


Changshu, Wu City.

Shen Lang looked at the scene in front of him, which was so retro. Han Shao really liked this kind of scene. He was at the opposite extreme from Guo Xiaosi.

"Hey, hey, hey, who is this? He came to visit me." Deng Chao came up to show off just after finishing a scene.

"Brother Chao, I'm really sorry for you this time. I'll visit you next time." Shen Lang pointed to the super big poster next to him and took off his sunglasses.

Not pretending to be cool, the sun here is really poisonous.

"You're done, what's the situation, chasing girls?" Deng Chao made a little joke.

"It's good that you understand. How about it, no one is chasing her!" Shen Lang said bluntly.

He came here with a purpose this time. The big poster is Zhao Xiaogu, which is super obvious.

Being single for a while, Shen Lang has also walked out of the shadow of a broken heart. After the big sale of "Sewing Machine Band", when Zhao Xiaogu congratulated him, the two got in touch again.

Look, Zhao Xiaogu joked and asked him to visit the set, but he had nothing to do, so he came directly.

Zhao Xiaogu was actually still dissatisfied with Shen Lang, but Shen Lang, who became a director and was successful, made all doubts disappear in the movie. She is also a female star, and she must want to make progress.

She didn't want to fall in love with Shen Lang, he was such a jerk, but it was okay to become friends with him.

However, if Shen Lang really wanted to win over an enviable male god and make her the only female lead in the future, this challenge would be interesting.

As for the previous incident, he just liked to play a little bit, and he didn't fall in love with her and cheated on her. He was still a good person. There was no difference between Shen Lang and Feng Shaofeng. The only difference was that Shen Lang's girlfriend might be more famous than his girlfriend, that's it.

She chatted with Shen Lang yesterday, and Shen Lang flirted with her. She was just joking and came to visit the set, but Shen Lang came directly.

Shen Lang has no projects on hand now, he is just waiting for "Detective Chinatown 2", which is a scheduled project.

There are too many competitors for this, Shen Lang and Baoqiang are definitely determined, but the competition for female roles is indeed quite fierce.

Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, Liu Tianxian, they were before, and now Liu Tianxian has withdrawn, she is likely to win "Mulan".

As for Liu Shishi, her weakness is her poor English, but she is a leader in "Detective Chinatown".

Naza also joined the cast. It was not Shen Lang who invited Naza, but Chen Sicheng. A popular movie will indeed bring a lot of dividends.

Da Tiantian, Yang Mi, and even Zhao Xiaogu have all participated in the audition, and Shen Lang knows something about them.

There is also a big name, Pang Bingbing, who personally called Shen Lang and asked him if he wanted to cooperate. Now "Detective Chinatown 2" has become a hot topic for many female stars.

It is obvious that Shen Lang directly brought up the box office of several female stars, which is really super enviable.

What's more, there is Baoqiang this time. The first movie has a good reputation and the box office is almost 1.8 billion. It is normal for many people to compete.

However, Shen Lang is sure that Liu Shishi is unlikely. Although she and Shen Lang's CP is deeply rooted in people's hearts, Chen Sicheng himself wants the plot to be king, and Liu Shishi is too popular. If he wants to cooperate with the king and wait for her, he has to adapt to the schedule, which is not very cost-effective.

Da Tiantian is also unlikely. Although she has a better reputation now, she still gives people the impression that she has made bad movies, which is very hurtful.

As for Zhao Xiaogu, she has little chance either. She has not proved herself. Yang Mi's black and red will affect the box office. Anyway, it's quite messy.

Shen Lang is confident that he can lead them, but he is not a nanny. Chen Sicheng himself has a lot of considerations. Shen Lang has investment instructions for the project, but he himself has no control and is not good at being the master.

However, some things always come out of the blue. Two days ago, Yang Mi invited Shen Lang and Yaya's family to dinner and hinted at the matter of "Detective Chinatown 2". Even under the table, Shen Lang helped to say a few words.

Chen Sicheng must think carefully about Shen Lang's opinion. In fact, he is now qualified to make a decision. This is the status.

Yang Mi also knows how to behave. Later, she blossomed for the second time. Shen Lang passively completed the third achievement for the first time. It can be seen that it was also the first time for Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was actually quite unhappy. She got married too early, and Shen Lang was too easy to talk to. She accompanied him twice. This time, she wanted to prove that her relationship with Shen Lang was okay. Who knew that Shen Lang would help directly.

"Oh." Deng Chao didn't expect Shen Lang to be so bold. This is not like the style of a star, but he still had to cheer.

Everyone was very supportive.

That night.

"Shen Lang, I do have a good impression of you, especially your sincerity, but you did go a little too far before. I still have a knot in my heart for you, but I can try."

Shen Lang was stunned. It was the first time that a big star confessed to him. What should he do.

(I am really convinced. I want to compress it, but it's still like this. Sorry everyone, I will try again)

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