China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 225: Homecoming (Monthly Pass Plus)

"Are you hungry, would you like something to eat?" Hearing Shen Lang's words, Nazha expressed that she didn't want to talk.

Looking at the situation of two people, this is too abnormal, the living room, the sofa, and then he hugs himself, one hand is drawing a circle on the small-scale natural work that he can see when he looks down, and his other hand is still Habitual.

I'm going, but still, Nazha quickly retracted her hand, feeling that she was poisoned by Shen Lang, the relationship was so good before, must it be so complicated.

Shen Lang didn't care about it either, some things are done step by step, you see, this time, a little bit of relationship can happen naturally, there is no need to pursue one step at a time.

In fact, in the current situation, anyone who is capable can do it, and both of them know it well, but both of them also understand that there are some things that you can lie to yourself, and some things that you have to think about before you talk about it.

Shen Lang really regards Nazha as a good friend, and he doesn't want to break up with those ex-girlfriends in the end. Shen Lang is very sober now, and with his way of wandering in this life, he will definitely branch out, and it will be a bit difficult to deal with up.

"No, I should go back." Nazha said, Shen Lang asked this, there was really no ambiguity, she knew it.

"Why don't you rest here." Shen Lang said.

"Come on, I'm afraid you will become a beast." Nazha said, she had already stood up and put on her clothes, that's right, she had to wear a pipe, and she also took off her clothes to cool off, if it wasn't too hot.

"If I do, you think you can stop it." After finishing speaking, he patted Nazha's buttocks.

"Boring." Nazha also fought back, stepped on it with her foot, and was very careful. After all, this kind of treasure that has never been seen before should be well protected. Although it is not hers, it can be used occasionally, right? The color in Nazha's heart is no less than that of Shen Lang, but she doesn't say it.

"You are so ruthless, if it doesn't work, you can find a way to fix it for me, you see, it's partially swollen." Shen Lang joked.

"Do you look bad like this? Why do you react to everything, and you are not tired." Nazha watched as she moved and got up again, a little scared.

It was hard to appease him just now, he managed to kill Shen Lang once, killed one hundred enemies, and self-damaged one hundred thousand, this is not to run away quickly.

"I'm not tired, I'm in good health. Besides, don't say you don't know, how beautiful you are. Although we are brothers, if I don't respond, it will be too disrespectful to you." Shen Lang wanted to continue talking talk.

"Stop talking, as soon as you talk, I feel what you want to do, I'll go first, don't expect me to use other things, just kiss me and you'll feel sick." Nazha didn't wait for Shen Lang to say anything, and made her own big move.

"You said it would be so uncomfortable if it had thoughts." Shen Lang said.

"Come on, I'm leaving, you feel bad." Nazha said.

"Did you misunderstand, it's just a natural reaction." Shen Lang said.

"That's it, help me get the bag." Nazha put on her clothes and shoes and said.

"Okay, here you are." Shen Lang said, then he was dumbfounded.

I saw Nazha squatting down, and then quickly lol a few times with her hands. The most excessive thing, she just wanted her to use the guy who was eating, but she refused. Create an atmosphere.

But what are you doing, the guy you eat now uses it, so you can use it if you have any questions, you can order more, it is very moist.

"Natural reaction, let me see how natural you are, 88, you are so uncomfortable." Nazha took the bag and withdrew it.

After closing the door, she ran quickly, she thought to herself, isn't it hard to accept, but it's good to be angry with Shen Lang, isn't it a good brother, isn't it a good friend, a bad friend is also a friend.

Shen Lang can actually catch Nazha, forget it, let you be proud, silly girl, you lost your wife and lost your army, you opened your mouth this time, next time we meet, you will have to contribute.

After confirming that Nazha went back, he also rested. Nazha had a small apartment in Shanghai, which was rented by the company.

In Liu Shishi's words, if Shen Lang comes out to live, the company can afford the rent, but don't go too far, after all, Shen Lang has also contributed hundreds of thousands of income to the studio, and it is getting better and better.

Shen Lang took a rest. Today's box office of his "Heart Labyrinth" is more than 2.9 million, and the cumulative box office has reached 7.2 million or almost 300,000.

The overall box office market has declined, but "Heart Labyrinth" still accounted for more than the film lineup, and it will rise again tomorrow.

This is the market's attitude towards small costs, which is very normal. A good reputation and a good box office have always been two different things, and there are too few good word-of-mouth at the box office.

At the beginning of the year, "Fireworks in the Day", the Golden Bear was brought back, did it affect its box office just over 100 million? , not a big investment commercial film.

After counting, the investment has been recovered long ago and the money has been made. Five million is the profit line, and money can be made after passing it.

Shen Lang didn't even need five million, because he didn't give money to the issuing company, which saved him another sum. He used the points in the system as the issuing company, and it was very easy to use and he would return the money without spending money, yyds.

Now Xin Yukun is also very happy that he can't find the north. If what he got is the benefit of money, then what he got is the benefit of reputation, which is very good.

The current audience just watched the movie with tap water. After all, I don’t know if Ren Jiangzhou will regret it, it’s none of his business.

You are taking advantage of yourself, but you can't hold what you have in your hands, so there is nothing you can do about it. Speaking of which, if it weren't for you, this movie wouldn't be so popular, and Shen Lang is not stupid. It wasn't a movie he invested in, so he wouldn't contribute points. It's not that there are too many and no place to use.

On Nazha's side, I went back to the apartment, thinking about how crazy today was, and closed my eyes to think about it for a while, forget it, let's rest, we are all good friends.


"I'm different from before. Now I'm at work, how can I have so much time." Shen Lang was talking on the phone with Liu Xiaojing.

He flew directly to his hometown from Shanghai in the early morning of the next day, instead of going back to BJ, it was unnecessary, and even harassed Liu Xiaojing, thinking of her every time he went home.

"That's right, after going to work, the degree of freedom is really not that good." Shen Lang felt the same way.

"Come on, you are a big star, I have never seen you work, how do you know this." Liu Xiaojing said.

"I really know, if I don't go back, I won't go back. By the way, what do you want to bring? I'll go back to my hometown and bring it for you?" Shen Lang said.

"No, everything is complete. By the way, congratulations. Your movie is very good. I went to see it with my classmates." Liu Xiaojing said.

"I can't thank you enough for that. I'll be back to BJ right away. I'll treat you to dinner."

"Is it convenient, you won't have many reporters following you now?"

"Thinking too much, it's not that popular yet." Shen Lang didn't care about whether it was good or bad at all, but he really had to take people's feelings into consideration.


"So many people?" After Shen Lang arrived in Longcheng, people from the local movie theater connected him. This is also the result of not having a distribution company, which is usually arranged by the distribution company.

But it doesn't matter, which movie theater I want to go to, people will definitely welcome it, and I can have free enthusiasm.

How do you feel that you are so welcome when you come back to your hometown?

"You are a celebrity who has gone out of our place. Everyone is curious. Knowing that you are coming, the movie tickets have been sold a lot more, twice as much as yesterday."

Shen Lang seriously doubts that when he promotes, the box office of points injected must be tilted towards the place he promotes, just compare it in the past two days.

(This is the first time to break the 2,000 monthly ticket. This is everyone’s support. Although it has not reached the 2,001-plus change rule, but in order to thank everyone, and today it was recommended by the editor-in-chief again, let’s add a change. Thank you, I hope Everyone continue to insist next month, Ollie)

Thanks to the book friend 20180417223506345 for the reward of 100 points

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