China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 281 Quotations from Instructor Shen (thanks to the person in the pot for the reward)

"Brother, you can't talk nonsense. I have interacted with Sister Ma." Shen Lang retorted when he heard the brother's interaction.

"Why aren't you as close as Gulina and Wang Likun?"

"I can't say that, Nazha and I are classmates and friends, and it was the first time for Sister Ma to record, so I couldn't let go.

As for Sister Kun, she is a guest, and I am obliged to lead her into the state, and Song Ji Hyo, compared to her being a newcomer, I asked her a few more things. "Shen Lang understands, the so-called interaction is flirting with sisters, and he communicated with Sister Ma.

Speaking of Sister Kun, I really don't want to contact her when I come back. She also has a one-night date, so it doesn't matter, there will be chances in the future.

After answering the brother's question, Shen Lang said that they were all here to make trouble, and the fans said that it would only be believed by ghosts, but it was very interesting, so they changed people.

"Shen Lang, I'm your fan. We saw "Running Man" later, and you asked a passerby, who is the prettiest of the two female stars, and what do you think?" It was this kind of question again.

"It depends on the state at the time. I can't answer it now. The next time they are together, I will answer you." Shen Lang hid. You can ask questions next time.

"Shen Lang, I'm your fan. I want to ask, how can I be like you and be able to flirt with three girls at the same time."

Many people wanted to see Shen Lang's answer to this question, and Liu Tianxian was also watching the excitement, how interesting it was, not more interesting than the press conference.

"Let me tell you, Shen Lang in the variety show is only for the effect of the show, not to flirt, but to lead the female guests into the state.

Also, brother, let me advise you, the only true love is sincerity, let alone flirtatious, it's inappropriate. "Shen Lang said.

"Shen Lang is the effect of the show. True love requires sincerity. I believe you have ghosts." While taking notes, he complained.

"Shen Lang, I'm your fan. I think I'm sincere and devoted to the girl. Why does she still ignore me?" Isn't this just licking a dog? A man got up and asked this question.

"Cooperating sincerely with any card is a trump card, but playing alone is the ultimate skill. I think you can think about your relationship." Shen Lang didn't have the nerve to say that you were a dog licking and a bit aggressive.

"Lick the dog," someone said.

"Brothers, we can't say that about the person who gave in love, we can only say that the girl doesn't know how to appreciate it, brothers, come on." Shen Lang said.

"Shen Lang, I'm your fan. My girlfriend wants to break up. We had such a good relationship before. What should we do?" Shen Lang was speechless. Why did you all add that you are my fan? I'm afraid I won't answer.

"Look at what's wrong, it's best to solve it, if the girl is determined to break up, don't pester her, look forward, I'm a bit like standing and talking, but there is no better way.

Remember no one will always love you, but there will always be someone who loves you, I believe you can handle it, come on. "Shen Lang said.

"Shen Lang, I'm your fan. You've always said sincerity. Is sincerity really useful in relationships? Can you reap a consummate love?"

"I can only say that if you are sincere, you may not be able to gain love, but if you are not sincere, you will definitely lose love." Shen Lang was very helpless, the movie press conference.

"Classic, write it down."

"Ms. Shen, there was a girl who communicated well with me before, but she got angry when she didn't reply to WeChat during this time. What should I do? Especially just now, she sent WeChat. I just listened to your lecture, and I didn't see how to reply. Better?" Teacher Shen, what the hell.

"You just reply. It's not intentional not to reply. It's just that you are too important. I don't think replying to anything is worthy of you. Just kidding. Tell him the truth and tell him what you are doing." Shen Lang said.

Liu Tianxian felt that Shen Lang's tricks were too many, not very good.

"Shen Lang, I'm your fan. I want to ask, why don't you overturn if you want to be a wolf warrior?" This brother wants to be the king of the sea.

"I still advise you not to play this game. Just kidding. If you still want to step on a boat, you will capsize sooner or later. If you step on ten thousand boats, you will never end. It is better to have a good relationship." Every sentence is dry. , worthy of being a mentor.

"Shen Lang, I want to ask, I have a crush on a girl, but I am very hesitant, for fear that if I do something, I won't be able to be friends anymore."

"If it's sincere, then go after it. If you hesitate, you will lose. If you are sincere, you will only give it for nothing." The small classroom is a bit overloaded.

"Shen Lang, I'm chasing a girl. I don't know what she means. I chase her and she doesn't agree, but if I don't chase her, she will contact me intentionally or not. What do you mean? Is she interested in me?" Or lick Dog, hanging on to you, I know it, I just want to be woken up.

"Among adults, if she doesn't explicitly express her acceptance and consent, it's a rejection. Of course, I'm speaking based on your situation.

You guys have known each other for a long time. It's normal when you just met. After all, girls are always reserved. For example, I said, Sister Fei, can we have dinner together tonight? It's normal for her to say no and to agree. "

"Um, me." Unexpectedly, Liu Yifei changed the topic to herself.

"Yes." Shen Lang nodded.

"Okay, let's have dinner together, I invite everyone." Liu Tianxian said, she doesn't understand these routines, but she has been pursued too many times, and she has already spontaneously formed a habit of responding, pulling others.

"As expected of Shen Lang, you have to tease me to answer the question, but Liu Tianxian is a bit too difficult."

"Cow batch."

"You see, it still has to be combined with the actual situation." Shen Lang finally said, as for Liu Yifei, he was just casually probing.

"How did Yang Zhenmin lie to Xinglu, his partner and wife, aren't you tired?" Okay, finally someone asked the movie.

"He types fast, and it's not that he can't talk. Just kidding, because of his work, Xing Lu is a flight attendant who flies often. He is also in business, so he can find time no matter what." Shen Lang said.

"Shen Lang, do you know how to play tricks when you're in love? Are you sincere?" Another brother started making trouble.

"True love is knowing routines but not playing routines, knowing the world but not the world, always sober, it is rare to be confused, and I am willing to be confused.

Also, don't treat the other party as a robot. The routine is only played with you if she has a good impression of you. Think about it, you are a man, and I am a woman. There are two purposes for approaching me. No, I'm not stupid for what you're trying to figure out. "Shen Lang said.

"Shen Lang, what do you think of sibling love? Is it possible that you appreciate Liu Yifei so much? The age difference is half a circle." Liu Yifei wanted to pout her mouth and say who is old.

"I'll just stand and watch. Let's put it this way. If I say that I've never been in a relationship, you won't believe me. Except for my first love who is half a year younger than me, the rest of my girlfriends are all older than me. Everything is possible."

"My friends, don't ask about personal matters, let's talk about movies." The host came.

Thanks to the people in the pot for rewarding Liu Tianxian with 500 points

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