China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 306 Desire to Control

"Shen Lang, you've been staying in your hometown for a few days, are you lazy?" Shen Lang received a call from Wanzi, it wasn't from Nazha, it was too much.

"Wanzi, why do you say that, I'm only on the third day, I'm leaving, I'll be in Guangzhou in the afternoon, I'm very tired, okay?" Shen Lang was also bored, waiting for the plane, let's talk more.

"It's really tiring. You went to the road show the day before yesterday, but there was no news about a certain person to promote it yesterday. Why, you don't let your publicity face go?" Chen Xinxuan said.

"Ahem, it's fine if it works. My box office is 16 million, which is more than all of you combined." Shen Lang said shamelessly. After all, the ability of the system is obvious, and the outside world seems to be his own ability .

He has already tried it in "Heart Labyrinth". As long as he promotes it locally, the box office around the city will be higher than other places.

Maybe he didn't run so much in person, but as long as he doesn't go to the next place to promote, the gap is not too big.

So he was indeed lazy yesterday, but it was too much not to show up for a day, and he went to a few places in the morning. In fact, there was no publicity plan that day.

It's because everyone thinks that Shen Lang has a strong appeal at the box office in his hometown, so he stayed for an extra day, and the effect is still there. Yesterday, the box office dropped slightly, to 28 million, and the total box office accumulated to more than 111 million.

His excessive box office has reached 16 million. Anyway, the brothers really support it. Even if this kind of bad film has systemic influence, we should thank it.

This kind of performance is a bit too immediate. Chen Xinxuan is really envious. After chatting for a few words and then hanging up, she actually has something to do, but she thinks it's okay to meet and talk, don't worry.

Shen Lang didn't care about this either. After looking at today's box office situation, he will not promote it when he arrives in Guangzhou this afternoon. He will have a road show tomorrow, and leave a way for "My Early Girlfriend" today.

"My Early Girlfriend" was released today, and the screening ratio is 28%, which is three percentage points higher than "The Year in a Hurry" and two percentage points lower than "Big Red Envelope". Everyone seems to be optimistic.

However, "Big Red Envelope" is a bit special. The market is not high in the past two days, and the box office ratio of 30 million is almost half of it. The box office of "The Year in a Hurry" is also around 20 million. That's right, almost 300 million.

Shen Lang suspects that without "Big Red Envelope", "The Year in a Hurry" would have a high probability of 300 million. Movies are easy to influence each other when they are released together, but the current volume is not as big as the later generations.

In this case, it will be a bit difficult for "My Early Girlfriend", but there is no way, and the schedule cannot be moved.

In a few days, it will be the new work of director Jiang Wenda, whose previous film has a good reputation at the box office, and in a few days, it will be the new film of director Gu Changwei, baby Chen Chichi.

Everyone is looking forward to this movie, let's see how strong the running man is, whether Shen Lang is a special case or what he looks like.

But with Gu Changwei, the configuration is very high. Speaking of which, Shen Lang also submitted a resume for this movie. He had submitted too many resumes before, but "Heart Labyrinth" was not included, which was a bit difficult.


"Shen Lang, the people in your hometown are really giving you face. Today's box office is 45 million, and you contributed 22 million." Xiao Tao reported the situation to Shen Lang at any time.

"Today's box office has increased." Shen Lang looked at the 2500 yuan of "The Year in a Hurry". If it was yesterday, the two movies would have occupied the box office for a day.

But today came "My Early Girlfriend". The premiere of this movie didn't even make it through "The Year in a Hurry". It's in the early 20 million, which is not really a big deal, but you have to see who you compare it with.

As for the leader's "A Spoiled Girlfriend is the Best Life", these two days have been several million, and today it is less than two million. There is no room for survival in the future.

The total box office of Shen Lang's "Big Red Envelope" reached over 150 million. In the next two days, the box office will definitely soar.

Shen Lang didn't believe it, even if the "Big Red Envelope" in his previous life didn't hit the box office, the reality was stable, and his own 200 million points still couldn't cheat the box office of 20 million.

Now that the box office is so high, the core is the reason of the system. It shows that the mentor's new movie is released, and the brother should not be ashamed. The box office activated this time is really contributed by boys.

"Yes, today is Friday, many people have time in the afternoon." Even if Xiaotao chatted with Shen Lang, she was still working, not filming, but business.

Shen Lang's ability this time has been seen by more people. Everyone naturally has an idea. Shen Lang knows it, especially for men's things such as razors and men's clothing. His fan portrait is indeed a bit different.

Shen Lang was thinking, take one quickly, he still has one chance to inject points, you give me the endorsement fee, I will inject it for you, how good it is, to show my sales ability.

It's only a few days away, forget it, let it be, anyway, something big will happen in two days, and seeing that the cash withdrawal amount has reached 100 million, I am very excited.

In the end, it should be able to reach a cash withdrawal amount of over 160 million, which is pretty good. He has invested 100 million points. Although it has increased, but the increased points will not give cash withdrawal opportunities, that is just a skill, Shen Lang Said, I am very satisfied.

Never mind, take a break, come to think of it, the boss doesn't mean anything, he agreed to meet at the end of last month, I didn't have a job because I was waiting for you, and sooner or later I will let you compensate me, Shen Lang didn't want to at all, he was addicted to love, at that time Where is the boss.


"Thank you everyone for your support, thank you everyone." Shen Lang returned to the hotel and saw that there was no shortage of brothers anywhere. The question is, I want more female fans, but Shen Lang is a little dissatisfied.

"Tongtong, what are you doing?" Shen Lang started video chatting when he came back, this is a serious girlfriend.

"What else can I do, take a break, I'm really tired from filming." Mao Xiaotong complained openly.

"It really hurts, if only I was by your side." The beautiful words were over.

"Well, it's really good, and then it was immediately exposed that Shen Lang was dating a female celebrity and was suspected to be in love." Mao Xiaotong said.

"What's the matter, what do you mean you're afraid? Alas, I paid by mistake." Shen Lang said, "I'm a small sample, and I'm still testing me. I'm not afraid of this. Do you want to post an official announcement on Weibo?"

"No, you clearly know that I didn't mean that, you bullied me." Mao Xiaotong said, let alone, she still looks like a sweet girl nowadays.

"By the way, I bought you a coat. I saw your promotion today, so why don't you wear a sweater?" Mao Xiaotong said.

"It's either a movie theater or a car, where is it cold?" Shen Lang said.

Shen Lang found out that Mao Xiaotong has a problem, she seems to be a bit controlling, like Lin Fengxia, she cares about her clothes.

Of course, this is so good to remember, Shen Lang found out that Mao Xiaotong really has a lot of ideas, he still feels a little bit sorry for her like this, with such a father.

Thank you for the reward of 500 dots that I missed, Yuan Lai and Liu Shishi for the reward of 100 dots

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