China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 321 Change (thanks to Mingyueying Bingxue for the reward)

"Shen Lang, egg pancakes, double bacon, full set." Shen Lang saw Xiaotao when he went out after washing up.

"Sister Xiaotao, don't be like this, be normal." Shen Lang took the egg-filled biscuit from Xiaotao's hand, very satisfied. Xiaotao brought him breakfast before, but most of it was eggs and milk.

Meat or something, she doesn't recommend it. The problem can't control Shen Lang, so he can only use this method to fight. Anyway, what I give you is the healthiest.

Unless Shen Lang specifically asked, otherwise, she would not give Shen Lang such a heat bomb.

"It's normal. You are very valuable now." Xiao Tao was not usually happy. Last night, many previous business contacts contacted her.

Although she can't earn a commission for Shen Lang's business, it's all contacts, which are helpful to her career.

When she went to buy pancakes for Shen Lang early in the morning, many merchants came to ask him out again. This night, Shen Lang's ability to bring goods was amazing.

The pre-sales exceeded 300 million. Even if there are returns in the future, this is a statistic that shocks many people. If it is a big brand, it is fine. One billion to ten billion a day is normal, but this is the personal brand of a celebrity.

This is still a trendy brand, just for one night, this trendy brand of Shen Lang can be said to be the most profitable fashion brand in China this year.

Teacher Chen's trendy brand is famous enough, and annual sales of 10 million US dollars is enough to boast, and Shen Lang's can be said to be a myth.

It also let more people know how strong the spending power of Shen Lang's brothers is. In fact, the sales volume looks high, but the sales volume is not too much.

The three platforms, Prodigal Son No. 1 have a combined quantity of about 100,000 pieces, and clothes, hats, pants, etc., are also about 50,000 pieces.

A total of 250,000 pieces were sold, the quantity is not too much, but the price is a bit too much, but Shen Lang does not regret it.

The quality of my trendy brand is definitely top-notch, even if it can't reach the current price, but if you don't earn the money, someone else will earn it. At first, I was a little embarrassed. Now, at least buy my quality and guarantee the quality.

"Forget it, let me tell you something, your current business quotation should be the most upscale in the mainland." Xiaotao said something serious.

There is no need to have doubts about this. In the past, I relied on traffic and fame to drive business, but now my business value has been vividly and exquisitely reflected by me.

Even if this is the first business realization after becoming famous, everyone is cheering, but next, how can it attract some sales.

Shen Lang brought back the fact that the traffic fans of later generations directly sold out, and brought it back in advance. Although he didn't have a group of brain-dead fans who took the initiative to sell, even if there were not many, there was a system.

He has a lot of poor brothers, but it is a bit difficult to get them to pay, and the system has to be activated.

"Well." Shen Lang didn't care about this, he just looked at his last chance to use points, and there were more than 460 million points, whether it would be a waste if he didn't use them.

Now I just wait, three days later, if the business fails to sign a contract, I will use this opportunity directly in my next movie.

Nowadays, if the use points of a film and television drama exceed 100 million, it has to be injected in advance, and if it is less than 100 million, it must be injected on the day of release.

"Shen Lang, here we come."

When Shen Lang came to the group to put on makeup, he felt that everyone laughed more when they saw him. He really succeeded and there are good people everywhere.

But he was quite popular before joining the group, and now everyone is so friendly is just icing on the cake, but there is something wrong with Huang Mengying.

Shen Lang is thinking wildly, Mengmeng, you have to resist the double temptation of money and my appearance, don't seduce me, I managed to control myself, not to play other messy things when I am in love.

If Huang Mengying knew what he was thinking, she would definitely kick her in the air and throw herself into her arms. How should I put it, after the breakup, the more successful the other party is, the more difficult it will be for her, unless she is the incumbent.

In addition, the love bank theory he played was perverted, and he was unforgettable, but you kept getting better, and you were still wandering around, regretting and wanting to make up for it.

This is Huang Mengying's attitude, and Shen Lang is short of taking the initiative. This is money, hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is a small target for the richest man, let alone other people.

But to say hello to Shen Lang, he is still the same as before, neither close nor distant, alas, what do you want from me.

As for the other actresses, their eyes and hearts are blooming together. These are not potential stocks anymore. This is realized, okay?

This time, he can directly reach the top of the celebrity income list. I dare not say the most. After all, Fat Bingbing's celebrity income in Forbes has exceeded 100 million in the past two years.

Jay Chou has basically exceeded 100 million every year these years, but those are all comprehensive, different from the more intuitive data like Shen Lang, according to the above calculations, except for Yao Ming in the past few years, the rest have to save two dollars. Year.

But it's not too exaggerated. For those who don't count commercial investment income, even if Shen Lang brings 300 million in goods to his own brand, he will definitely be able to wait for the Forbes Celebrity List next year, and this sales will not be included in his Forbes income.

Anyway, the price of the brand is there, and the sales are there, so figure it out yourself, it's a bit sour, if they are together, plus Shen Lang's good looks, it won't be a disadvantage at all.

"Shen Lang, let's have dinner together tonight, your business is doing so well, I want you to be my adviser." Bao Tianqi made the first move.

"Sister Tianqi, okay, let's have a dinner together. I'll invite you all today." Bao Tianqi also took the initiative. He was originally suspicious that Shen Lang's temper had changed.

Why didn't she take the initiative to tease herself, but it's not that she lacks love, no matter how good you are, it's still a bit difficult for me to take the initiative.

Today is different, you are already a billionaire, my sister asked you for advice, it shouldn't be a big problem, but she still doesn't know Shen Lang's habits.

"Alright, by the way, I just haven't seen Sister Chun for a long time, let's meet and talk together." Bao Tianqi made a move.

"Okay, if there is a chance later." Shen Lang cried in his heart, she has a partner, and I have a partner, alas, there is no way, who made my bottom line too high.

"Shen Lang, look, this is your role for today." All right, the director personally sent the script to Shen Lang, which is also acceptable.

I only sold hundreds of millions of yuan worth of goods. As for the rarity, if you know that someone in the future will bring tens of billions of yuan in goods a day, you won’t be scared to death.

It's not uncommon for celebrities to bring goods, two or three hundred million a day. Oh, forgot, that's a later life, not that Shen Lang is so awesome now.

"Director, why do I feel that I have too many scenes?" Shen Lang looked at the script and felt something was wrong. Tong Liya was not there. Although he had extra roles, it shouldn't be so many.

What, the emperor looked at Shen Nanxing appreciatively, he is the emperor, and Shen Nanxing is Tong Liya, could it be said that the emperor also wants to fire CP.

With just 300 million RMB in goods, Shen Lang felt that the world was a little different.

Thank you Mingyueying Bingxue for rewarding Liu Shishi with 1000 points

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