China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 324 Deserving to be an individual (2400 monthly ticket plus update)

"Nan Xing, take care." Shen Lang said while looking at Tong Liya, who is currently filming.

"Treasure." Tong Liya clasped her fists and left, not to mention, she was quite chic.


"Sister Yaya, do you feel that we have feelings, oh, in the play." Following the pause, Shen Lang directly found Tong Liya.

"Why, it doesn't work in the play, but it doesn't work in reality, my sister is married." Tong Liya joked.

"Speak seriously."

"Normal, my script has been changed a little bit, this is really your fault, who made you so popular all of a sudden." Tong Liya said.

"I don't know, my brand's sales are good, does it have anything to do with film and television dramas?" Shen Lang said.

"If you get it cheap, be nice, it means that your fans have money and are willing to support you."

"Stop it, when I wasn't famous, the sales of my brand were good, but now it's just better." Shen Lang said.

"Virtue, I even boasted about myself. Besides, I'll give you a chance to like me. How many people don't have this chance." No, no, it seems that the aftereffect of selling 300 million sales is still there.

Shen Lang talked a few words, but didn't pay much attention to it. What can he do? They didn't change the script too much, they just wanted his character to have an ambiguous relationship with Shen Nanxing.

The main heroine, all men like the Mary Su plot of the heroine, it is still very common, there have been in the beginning, but now there are more.

"Okay, I'm just a young actor after all, everyone insists that I like you, so I can only like you." Shen Lang said.

"You can speak clearly in the future, how can you chat with sister." Tong Liya smiled.

"Hehe, the head of the family doesn't even have the right to speak, this sister doesn't care." Shen Lang said.

"Okay, head of the family, just came back today, would you like to treat your sister to a meal, the intestines and intestines in your hometown are delicious." Tong Liya said.

Shen Lang listened to a woman say such words, he couldn't look directly at it, forget it, he knew that what the other party said was not the same as what he had imagined, this is a snack, made of buckwheat noodles, the mouth is crisp and gluten, Strong taste, mild appetizer.

"Let's eat, is there any in Hengdian, but not today, I have an appointment today." Shen Lang said.

"Going to have dinner with that pretty female classmate of yours again, why, aren't you afraid that I will tell Xiaotong?" Tong Liya said with a smile, she knew Mao Xiaotong.

Even in this group, there are quite a few people who know Mao Xiaotong. The hero and heroine have collaborated in a film... "The Woman of the Swordsman Family". Coincidentally, Mao Xiaotong also performed in it.

Mao Xiaotong also told Shen Lang that they are so destined that she went to his hometown before she knew him, although this fate is a bit forced.

"Say it, tell her that you want to be a teacher, but I don't want it, and turned around to have dinner with the female classmate. Anyway, I reported it to Xiaotong. If you say it again, it will prove that I am honest and withdraw." Shen Lang said .

Shen Lang ran away after finishing speaking. Tong Liya should be able to react soon, or she has already reacted, but she just doesn't care.

"This little guy really has a lot of thoughts." Tong Liya pouted in her heart. When she said that thing, she didn't think so much at first.

But after Shen Lang repeated it twice, she knew that he was joking with her, and she didn't get angry. After all, he is a handsome guy.


"You really can't get enough of this iron pot stew." After Nazha arrived at the place, she looked at Shen Lang who was already here and complained.

"That's for sure, yesterday it was fish stew, the day before yesterday it was stewed ribs, today it was stewed chicken, tomorrow it was stewed big goose, and everything was stewed in an iron pot." Shen Lang said.

"You're so boring." Nazha sat aside and said.

She just returned to Hengdian for filming in the past two days, and now her career has been boosted too much because of "Big Red Envelope".

Not to mention the film appointments, but there are also a lot of commercial endorsements and so on. If there is money to be made, the company and she must be willing to be busy.

Not everyone is Shen Lang, and if the price is below a certain level, he doesn't want to accept it, so he has to maintain his own role as a delivery person.

The main reason is that his system can earn money with points, and now that his career has started, he doesn't care so much about this kind of endorsement money.

There will be no extra points for filming commercials. It's better to stay in the crew for two days, just to pretend to be aggressive. No one wants to be compared. If there are endorsements, he doesn't, shame on him.

"Isn't this going to help you become popular, someone must be taking pictures." Shen Lang said.

"Nonsense, otherwise why are we sitting by the window? By the way, I heard that you pushed back the endorsement for that travel photoshoot again." Nazha said.

"Sure, the two of us "Big Red Envelope" all rely on the wedding to get out of the circle, you want to knock us out for a few million, what are you thinking, let them quote when you go back today." Shen Lang said.

"You said you didn't answer, why do you keep doing this?" Nazha was a little touched, Shen Lang was sacrificing himself to help her get popular.

"I'm looking for someone to eat, but you are the only one who doesn't seem to have changed." Shen Lang was a little bit emotional. His girlfriend seemed to know that he had a strong ability to bring goods, so her attitude changed a little. How should I put it, she took care of it more.

I also want to help Nazha. Although Nazha never said anything, Shen Lang knows that after "Big Red Packet", he and her can be regarded as CP. She treats her well, and she didn't say anything when she brought the goods, and just helped publicity.

"Why, do you feel uncomfortable? It's not good to have too many praises." Nazha joked, she has known Shen Lang for a long time, so she can say whatever she wants.

"That's not true, I'm uncomfortable because you didn't lick me." Shen Lang said casually.

"Shen Lang, don't forget, you have a partner." When Nazha heard this word, something was wrong.

"You know I didn't mean it literally, I have this concentration." Shen Lang didn't know since when, Nazha liked to misinterpret her own words.

The two chatted for a while.

"I'll take a call." Shen Lang looked at the phone and gestured.

"Xiaotong, what's wrong?" What happened to Mao Xiaotong? Shen Lang was very puzzled.

"No, I'm just asking, didn't you have dinner with Nazha, did you go?"

"It's here."

"That's good."

What Shen Lang said was all nonsense, what did Shen Lang understand, it was because she was afraid that she would mess around, she was really a sweet girl with a queen heart.

I actually told her that this dinner was actually promoted by two people and the team behind it. This is the superficial reason.

The main reason is that they are all in Hengdian. The box office of "Big Red Envelope" has exceeded 530 million. Having dinner together is easy to be trending. Xiaotao doesn't mind this, and she will immediately endorse Braun.

Although Shen Lang doesn't need this enthusiasm, Nazha does, and since they are good friends, they have to get together even if they have nothing to do.

He has confidence in both himself and Nazha. Shen Lang can easily lose control if he doesn't have a partner, but he is trustworthy if he has a partner.

"Why, what about Chagang?" Nazha said.

"That's right, Nazha, be careful in the future, don't look too beautiful, my girlfriends all regard you as a competitor."

"Then you explain." Nazha laughed, boasting in different ways.

After chatting, go back to each hotel, there is no need for hype.

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