China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 336: Bottom and Seven Days

"Okay, very good, we will have a break." The production crew began to take an intermission, and Shen Lang went directly to his RV, ignoring other people's whispers. After all, it is really impossible to hide the fact that his girlfriend came to visit the set. other people.

"Xiaotong, you must be very tired." After Shen Lang got into the car, Mao Xiaotong woke up in a daze. She was really tired.

It's okay to just film, and she has to take time to participate in activities. During this period of time, she has enthusiasm, and she also wants to realize this enthusiasm as much as possible.

Looking for Shen Lang this time, even for work and selfishness, I definitely want to see my boyfriend, but I really need to activate another wave of enthusiasm.

This made her a little ashamed, but Shen Lang kept urging her to come, which made her conflicted. Once she came to the film crew, there must be enthusiasm, after all, the target of the scandal.

Shen Lang is very low-key, the paparazzi can't get any news about him now, he just commutes to and from get off work every day, which is very boring. Knowing that Mao Xiaotong is here, he must be nervous.

Even if they all know that they are dating, but Shen Lang is very popular, so there is no need to worry about kpi if they are photographed.

"I'm not tired, how can I be tired after seeing you." Mao Xiaotong said.

"Okay, I should say what you said, our roles are a bit wrong." Shen Lang said.

"It's all the same." Mao Xiaotong happily enjoyed Shen Lang's embrace.

"Forget it, let's be serious, are you cheating on me without telling me?" Mao Xiaotong joked, of course, he also had sincerity, this feeling of insecurity is too much, scumbags are harmful, and they don't believe in men up.

"No, where are you going to mess with flowers and grass?" Shen Lang said.

"You really have an idea." Mao Xiaotong said.

"Just kidding kidding, alas, it's time to shoot."


"Thank you everyone for taking care of Xiaolang." Mao Xiaotong treated guests tonight, and everyone took part to save face, of course, those who had the right to speak.

Guo Biting and others participated, after all, they are colleagues, you have to give face to Shen Lang, and you didn't go far, just ate at the hotel where the crew stayed.

"Will you save face?" Mao Xiaotong said.

"Support, then I have to thank you very much." What could Shen Lang say.

"That must be done." Mao Xiaotong said.

"Then I'll start."

"What gift, no, why are you tearing it up again?" Mao Xiaotong felt cold again.

"Um, it's not good to give myself to you, don't be dissatisfied." Shen Lang said.

"What kind of gift is this, you give this every time we meet, I don't want it, I don't want it anymore." Then he bit Shen Lang's shoulder.

"Duplicity." Shen Lang didn't think it was wrong. When Mao Xiaotong spoke, he had already acted. You can control other things. I am born a god of war in such things, and it is difficult to fail.

"Xiao, Xiaolang, I really like, like you, you, you like, I don't, like?" Mao Xiaotong is at this time, and he will not forget this.

"I must like it, otherwise I will do this with you." Shen Lang straightened his body a few times, which made Mao Xiaotong react a little bit more.

"Then, can you, can you promise, promise me, stay with me forever." My sister, what are you doing.

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden?" Shen Lang hastened to speed up. Sister Tong's symptoms tended to be serious, and her desire to control was too strong.

"You, you, if, if you agree, promise me, in the future, this, this kind of thing, whatever, how, whatever you want, I will, agree.

Even if you continue to be a doctor, a doctor, I would also like to be your patient. You can continue. In the future, if you want to play, I will cooperate with you. "Mao Xiaotong originally wanted to raise, but found that he had nothing.

"Don't say these words, it feels like watching a movie, something is about to happen." Shen Lang has no choice but to never promise for the rest of his life, why did he stop suddenly? Is he born to be a scumbag? want to run away.

"No, no, um." Mao Qiqiu's body paused, and then began to shake. Dr. Shen came online, and quickly put her on the ground, holding her protruding tissue with both hands. I don't know what's going on now, just do the same as last time, Detoxify it.

It was the antidote bottle that was a little rusty, and the antidote hadn't been squeezed out for a long time. Mao Qiqi also knew that he was poisoned, and cooperated with Dr. Shen's treatment.

All right, the first attempt to find the antidote failed, there was no way, Dr. Shen took out the familiar needle, and had to get another injection.

However, Mao Qiqi couldn't accept it a bit, and shouted something in his mouth, Xiaolang, in a slow, unaccustomed voice. Thinking of this, Dr. Shen knew that he was also slightly poisoned.

Mao Qiqiu was poisoned, how could she not want an antidote? What she should have said was sarcasm, meaning hurry up. Dr. Shen said, I understand. Someone told me since I was a child that girls love to say sarcasm.

Mao Xiaotong has experienced it once, but this time he is still not used to it. Thanks to the development, he can accept it.

She also wants to resist, Shen Lang is too unorthodox, but there is no way, in this kind of matter, the other party has broken through the limit of the human body, what they say makes sense, she has everything she should have, and I can't let him stand still Well, not suitable.

The most important thing is that Shen Lang used Yang's schemes, he made himself unable to resist, this kind of thing, his strong desire to control is useless.

He could speak up, but he was afraid that the talker would not have the ability to resist, so it would be embarrassing for him to use tools to gag his mouth.

Shen Lang was able to do this kind of thing more than once. In other matters, Shen Lang is quite easy to talk to. In this kind of matter, the other party's strengths are too strong.

Feeling a different feeling, um, I am a little used to it, Xiaolang, I am willing to live like this for the rest of my life, how about you?


"You're like this, and you're like this, you can't just give it to me inside." Mao Xiaotong complained while washing his face.

"Who let you."

"Okay, let's change the reason, cuteness can be used as a reason." Mao Xiaotong stopped his excuse.


"Okay, rest." Mao Xiaotong also complained, and then obediently lay in Shen Lang's arms.

"Go to sleep, I still have to work." Shen Lang said, this time Mao Xiaotong stayed in BJ for about a week, and her company is in BJ, so she can come to accompany her basically every day.

I have to stabilize her scumbag first, or else she will be in trouble if she finds out.

"Well, Xiaolang, have you decided on your work yet?" Mao Xiaotong asked again.

"Let's talk about it after filming this movie." Shen Lang said.

"Hmm." Mao Xiaotong was a little disappointed.

I understand, what she asked was "The Third Kind of Love", and he didn't answer directly.

"Don't worry, I can push that drama." Shen Lang felt that the most important thing was the girlfriend, which was the greatest respect for someone during the relationship.

"Yeah." Mao Xiaotong was much happier.


The next day, after two people worked hard.

"Xiaolang, you want us to have a few babies. When your career is stable, we can get married." Mao Xiaotong was thinking again.

third day.

"Xiaolang, everyone says your boss is a little angel."

"Okay, you are too suspicious, I want to get rid of demons."

For a week in a row, Mao Xiaotong felt that she had no secrets from Shen Lang anymore, and she was very happy and was leaving.

(Last month 2700 monthly ticket plus update)

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