China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 340 The Strong Xiaotong Goes Online

After leaving the private room, Shen Lang returned to the hotel and thought about what happened today. Mao Xiaotong is really different from other women and is very strong.

"Xiaotong, are you acting on purpose to deceive me?" The scumbag father chattered endlessly, and Mao Xiaotong became angry.

"Are you worthy? Are you worthy of me breaking up and acting? Do you know? If it weren't for you, Xiaolang wouldn't be like this at all." Mao Xiaotong said angrily.

"Why did you talk to me?" Dad scumbag was angry.

"That's it, let me tell you, now that he broke up with me, if you make trouble again, he will definitely sue you, and I can't help you.

Also, you stay at home well in the future, and I will pay you for your child support every month. There is no problem with food and clothing, so don't expect to blackmail me for other things. "

Mao Xiaotong turned around and left, the scumbag father was a little lost, why did he become like this, no one is afraid of him now.

He didn't want to make trouble anymore, Xiao Hai and Lao Wang were so scared this time, they just thanked Mao Xiaotong a thousand times, and after they said that, they looked at themselves, alas.

He is not afraid of Mao Xiaotong, he is afraid that these two will really cause trouble, he has always known that he has no ability, the reason why he can make trouble with Mao Xiaotong is blood relationship, he really can't control others.

Besides, it would be uncomfortable to go in and stay for a few years. He just thought that Mao Xiaotong would not dare to do this, but others did.

That kid is really too ruthless, he really did it, if it wasn't for Mao Xiaotong who couldn't get in touch with Shen Lang and found him by himself, he didn't have time to react at all.

In fact, I thought too much, and this time I still scare, but the procedure is legitimate, and no one wants to deal with those places.

Mao Xiaotong took the things and returned to his home, a very cozy and homely furnished house, a house of more than 100 square meters.

This was bought by Mao Xiaotong herself. She bought the house with her savings for many years. She gave this house to her mother, who was very kind to her.

After the divorce, she was raised by herself. Of course, my mother is capable, otherwise she would not be able to send her to learn talents. Of course, she is not a rich second generation, but she is willing to spend money on her.

This is also a gift she gave back to her mother after she has the ability. Of course, she also lives here, and her mother is still taking care of her.

"Xiaotong, what's the matter, so unhappy, what's wrong with your father?" A woman who looked gentle said to Mao Xiaotong.

"Mom, it's okay." Mao Xiaotong smiled, she knew it was not easy being a mother since she was very young, otherwise she wouldn't have become her current character, she just looks sweet and likes to laugh.

After returning to the room, she took out the things that Shen Lang left her, besides a letter, there was also a USB flash drive, and several confidentiality agreements, which she had already read.

{Tong Tong, seeing a letter is like seeing a face.

Forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, for the next road, forgive me for not being able to walk with you.

I know about your father, and you are very embarrassed. After all, blood relationship cannot be changed, so I make my own claim, and these confidentiality agreements are my guarantee for you.

Knowing that he is making trouble again, I plan to report them directly. In this case, I think it is better for us to break up. After all, he is your own biological father.

I don't say anything hypocritically. In order to make you hate me, I deliberately didn't explain this matter clearly, and paid for it in obscurity. That's the plot in the TV series.

We fell in love once, and I want to help you solve this matter. At least, he can't make troubles in the future, so he can find you in private. I believe your character can handle it well.

Our breakup has nothing to do with him. You don’t have to think about it. To be honest, my personality is flawed. In a relationship, I don’t want to quarrel. When there is such a sign, I want to avoid it. This is my fault. .

You like to control me, once or twice is okay, but after a long time, I'm afraid I can't help arguing with you, which is too scary in a beautiful relationship, so after thinking about it for a while, I still feel that my personality is not suitable.

You must not change. Your strength is also the reason why I like you and pursue you. It is I who have changed.

I hope you can forgive me. In the public perception, I may be a scumbag. By the way, the USB flash drive I gave you, the bitcoin in it is recommended for you to continue to hold.

I was going to take "The Third Kind of Love", and suddenly I felt that I was really unwilling. After all, the time is too short, so it's better for you to hate me, otherwise I will be upset if you forget it too soon.

The mountains are high and the rivers are long, I hope to meet you in the future, you will become a better version of yourself, this time is very happy, always enthusiastic, always happy, the life you want can only be given to yourself, this is what you said to me, I admire your strength.

Shen Langliu}

Shen Lang is indeed quite a scumbag. You did tell the reasons and even said that you want to take on "The Third Kind of Love". This is a conspiracy.

In fact, when he had the idea of ​​breaking up, Shen Lang knew who his next target would be.

Mao Xiaotong looked at the letter and felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't read the contents of the letter during the day, and she wanted to hold Shen Lang back. It was the scumbag father who made her feel embarrassed. This father is too embarrassing and drags people down.

This is also the reason why I didn't go to Shen Lang later, she is indeed very strong, although this relationship is very beautiful, but losing me is also your loss.

During this period of time, she also discovered her own problems. She was a little too anxious, and her desire to control had indeed become stronger. She knew why.

The company asked her to take advantage of Shen Lang's popularity, but she didn't respond and continued marketing. Shen Lang never cared, she cared.

But she doesn't have much say in this kind of matter, and the company's marketing is also for her career.

She felt embarrassed, so she could only make up for Shen Lang by doubling down, but in this way, she would take care of more.

Looking at this letter, and the Wukong doll without a stick beside her bed, how could she feel heartache.

Xiaolang, did you do it on purpose, because you were afraid that if you were soft-hearted, you would not be able to control my dad to make trouble? You also have this idea, right?

That's enough, she has brainwashed herself again, there is no way, the main reason is that Shen Lang really did this, unlike his predecessor, who simply avoided seeing it, pretending it was nothing.

Xiaolang, everything is safe and the entertainment circle is not that big. I believe we will meet soon.

The lights went out, and I suddenly wanted to listen to "The Year in a Hurry". As the singing sounded, Mao Xiaotong's fragility really appeared.

She remembered, it seemed that the time with Shen Lang was the best of her several relationships.

Can it not be beautiful, love bank yyds, the normal late stage of love is exhausted, Shen Lang is all beautiful.

Mao Xiaotong found that crying once in a while makes him happy.

The next day, I went back to work full of energy.

On the third day, when participating in an event, Mao Xiaotong was cueed into the topic of boyfriend, and everyone knew what was hot.

"I'm single, but I'm very grateful to my ex-boyfriend, he really helped me a lot."

"Is there something wrong?" The reporter asked, gossiping.

"Our personalities are a bit incompatible. There is nothing messy. Maybe we will get back together in the future. Don't mess with my love."

The strong Xiaotong is online.

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