China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 473 Responses from all sides

In the post bar, Shen Lang's personal Baidu post bar.

"Brothers, I bought Zha Lang and Liu Tianxian's magazines."

"Why did you buy this?"

"I'm curious, didn't Zha Lang always teach us not to be licking dogs? The question is that he directly licks Liu Tianxian in variety shows. I will leave a proof and ask him what happened when I have a chance."

"Zha Lang, you said that this nickname is thanks to us, let's post it on the bar, and whoever got it, Shen Lang is not a scumbag."

"If you think about it, he can tell that money is for women, not for women to see. There is also the theory of licking dogs and fighting wolves. I don't believe it because he has no experience in reality."

"That's right, I don't believe this either. He is aboveboard in flirting with girls. Although those female fans say that they are deceiving themselves by the effect of the show, they are all men. You can't tell if it's true or not."

"A role model for my generation, Brother Lang completely puts picking up girls before his career, and he is not afraid of losing fans."

"What kind of fan is he? Most of his fans are men. I remember watching his movie last year. Eighty percent of the halls were men. Everyone cares whether he is in love or not."

"I don't know much about star chasing. If you sell 30,000 magazines in half an hour, is that considered a big deal?"

"Well, let me read you a piece of news, and you will know that the 2015 spring and summer issue of "GQ Style" sold more than 3,000 copies per minute during the pre-sale period, and 10,000 copies of the magazine were sold out in an instant, creating this magazine. A new sales record, and Luhan is the first star to appear on the cover of "GQ Style".

Previously, Lu Han appeared on the cover of "ELLE" magazine. The magazine was pre-sold 5 hours in advance, and more than 10,000 magazines were swept away by fans, setting a record. In this regard, fans said, "This is the 'Luhan effect'", "As soon as Luhan made a move, the magazine disappeared in an instant", "It's too strong", "With Luhan here, sales are not worrying", "Magazine I really found the right person." "

"Damn it, 10,000 copies are just like that. For 30,000 copies, it costs 30 yuan a book, which is less than 900,000 yuan. Why does it feel so low? Readers and the like feel like they are everywhere. ah."

"Normally, fashion magazines have their own fixed audience. How do they compare with popular magazines? It's worth boasting about ten thousand copies."

"Haha, Brother Lang is indeed Brother Lang. I also bought a book to help out. Finally, I have a male star that my brothers have praised. Please support me."

"Go together."

"Go ahead, Shen Lang is so handsome, Liu Tianxian is so beautiful, I don't know if they are together or not?"

On Weibo, the volume of this has also increased. In Liu Yifei and Shen Lang's entries, everyone was discussing it, and then it spread to the peers.

Liu Tianxian had just finished filming a scene, returned to his resting seat, picked up his phone and swiped, what's going on, there are so many congratulations, the magazine is very popular, but he has a magazine online, maybe today.

She didn't care too much about "Fashion Bride". It was not a front-line fashion magazine, but it was just to promote the movie. Although she and Shen Lang were particularly co-produced, this was mainly because of her appearance.

"Sister Fei, this is the news just now that the magazine "Fashion Bride" has sold well, with more than 30,000 copies sold." The little assistant was very sensible and explained directly.

According to the normal situation, Liu Tianxian should know if she has broken thousands of copies, but who made her team weak, and the monitoring of public opinion is not so comprehensive. It is a bit late to receive the information from Liu Xiaoli first, and then to her. The amount of news dissemination is not as much as that of later generations.

"So much?" Liu Tianxian actually thought about it. The sales volume of Lu Han's magazines is still a bit scary, and Shen Lang is also a small fresh meat, which may sell well, but why are there so many more.

"It's not over yet, and the sales are still rising rapidly, and the magazine has urgently reprinted it."

In fact, tens of thousands of copies of the magazine have been printed this time, which is almost the same, after all, that's all Lu Han has.

In everyone's opinion, Shen Lang's movies are higher than Lu Han's, but their appeal in the fan circle is really not as good as Lu Han's. It can be imagined that men will also buy magazines. This is a difference in consumption concepts.

But who let Shen Lang have a system, it can always be unexpected. If there is no system, the male fans will praise the individual field, and if there is a system, the money will naturally come.

Although the magazine was a little caught off guard, it has already quickly printed it, and this time it ordered 50,000 copies.

Although 30,000 copies in three hours is amazing, magazines are different from movies. They can be sold for a month. This kind of fashion magazine, excluding the previous normal sales volume, is completely aimed at the stars themselves. There are tens of thousands of them. Yes, it's almost enough to rush for an hour or two.

It's not the later generations, rushing for a magazine, and buying a dozen, twenty, or even hundreds of copies by one person, now, brothers are still sensible.

Liu Tianxian was also a little shocked. She became famous too early, and she has a huge fan base, but she really doesn't have the immediate ability to sell goods like a male fresh meat.

She also knows that this result has nothing to do with her. After all, this is Shen Lang's first magazine cover, but it's not hers. How many magazines she has, on average, every month. Spend.

She was a little curious, whether the traffic Fanfan she was working with now had such appeal. She used to think that Fanfan and Shen Lang had similar traffic, but from the performance point of view, Shen Lang seemed to be stronger.

Lu Han's magazine sold 10,000 copies, and that's all the magazine's expectations for Shen Lang were, you see, it was a mistake.

In fact, there is also a way to predict box office or sales. It is not unreliable at all, but after meeting Shen Lang, it is not reliable.

For example, now, because there is no relationship with the distributor, the box office of "Big Winner" in the circle is only 200 to 300 million, which is calculated based on the film performance of Lu Han and Fanfan.

No one could have imagined that the box office of this movie would go directly to 800 to 900 million, such as "Pancake Man", who would have thought that it would break one billion, but the reality is so magical.

Fanfan also received this news, to be honest, he was not that happy, Xiaoxianrou was all rivals, although Shen Lang himself didn't want to be Xiaoxianrou, but the definition of him in the circle and the public was like this.

Fanfan is unhappy, but the one who is most upset is definitely the record-breaking Lu Han, as well as his fans, it's hard to brag that you came so soon.

As a result, a very magical thing happened now, Liu Tianxian got a little more passive bonus.

"It's as if he sells so well by himself, female celebrities are the most famous, okay?"

"That's right, my family Hanhan just suffers from not cooperating with a popular female artist on the cover."

Although this reason is untenable, it is not a big problem to brainwash your fan circle, but this reason will soon be broken.

50,000 magazines are not enough to sell in four hours, just over 30,000 in three hours, how can it be 50,000 in four hours?

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