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Chapter 486: The Gossip With The Monitor

Suspending the relationship, when Ni Ni saw this seemingly normal, but super scumbag word, she was speechless.

It was the first time she saw this word, but it did not affect her understanding of this word. What is pause? Do you think watching movies online can stop as soon as you say it.

To put it bluntly, isn't it just a breakup? The question is who agreed to be with you. Well, if you think it yourself, then it's okay.

Ni Ni felt a little pain, and felt that this man was too stupid. I didn't say what I wanted to do, and I didn't agree to you. I mean, you should at least pursue me, otherwise we will be awkward together, you run away It went so well.

Suspension of relationship is equivalent to breaking up. You think you can go out of your way without restraint, and then come back to let you be a "taker" when you are cool enough. There is no such good thing in the world.

The problem now is that I don't seem to have promised Shen Lang. Both of them have some problems. What should I do? Also, is Shen Lang playing hard to get? To be honest, although he is good, he is a big star in a broad sense , There is no shortage of people to chase after, Shen Lang is probably a routine.

He didn't seem to be fake yesterday, he could do whatever he said he wanted to do, he could see that he meant to be together, but his behavior now, uh, forget it, he was just playing hard to get.

She didn't realize the importance of the problem, Shen Lang's relationship was too fast, you can't use normal thinking to figure out him, his problem of running away as soon as the love period is over, hasn't changed yet.

On the way back to BJ, Shen Lang had already chatted enthusiastically with his friends and classmates. Although not yet full of people, most of them were already on campus, planning to enjoy their last student time.

The group of Shen Lang, Nazha, and Zhou Dongyu are already popular, or the students who have a lot of fun are still outside, there is no way to tell if this is true.

As for Ni Ni's matter, he has completely separated, don't feel unfeeling, you have been in love nine times, and you will do the same.

That's right, Shen Lang regarded Ni Ni as his ninth partner. After all, the monkeys were all sent out, so he was not joking about suspending love.

Of course, this love affair is different from Liu Tianxian's. Liu Tianxian's love affair was a helpless act, not considered a suspension. In his heart, it was a real breakup with steps to break up.

As for Ni Ni's this time, he could see that the other party was a bit duplicity, so let's pause. Speaking of which, this word doesn't seem to exist now, and he is considered a coined word, because he saw too many messy things in his previous life.

Now I am chatting with other students in the classmate group. I am approaching graduation. This group is not usually active, and it can basically cause the effect of swiping the screen.

Li Chao: " @Shen Lang, Lang Lang, when will you come back? Are you still waiting for your treat?" This is Shen Lang's roommate, and it can be said that he is the male classmate with whom Shen Lang has the best relationship.

Shen Lang doesn't like making friends with men very much, but Li Chao, a roommate, has lived together for two years, so it's impossible for him to be alone all the time. Freshmen and sophomores often go to the cafeteria together.

That is to say, after he came out to work, Li Chao also returned to his hometown, thinking about entering the local establishment. How should I put it, he joined the job after graduation. With the name of the Acting Department of BJ Film Academy, he still has a lot of faces.

In fact, Shen Lang also had this idea at first, entering their local establishment, Renyi Mandarin is fine, he didn't try hard at all.

He also did not have the powerful network of contacts of the later princes, and he was not in a hurry to join them. A local name was enough.

But later, my mentality changed. I have my own brand, which is considered a business, and it’s not very good to have anything to do with the establishment, so let’s forget it.

Wang Qiaolin: " @Li Chao @Shen Lang, what do you call me?" This was a joke.

Shen Lang: " @Li Chao, don't disgust me."

Li Chao: "Look, if I don't say that, you don't plan to reply at all."

Shen Lang: "You love me, I'll go back, it doesn't matter what I tell you, I just arrived at the airport, it's not like you don't know, and you @Wang Ruirui, when did you change your name."

Yang Caiyu: "Look, you don't pay attention to your old classmates at all, alas, the relationship has faded, faded."

Shen Lang: "Squad leader, is it necessary to do this? Isolate me, she definitely just changed."

Yang Caiyu: "You guessed it right, @Wang Qiaolin, Shen Lang pays close attention to you, doesn't it?"

Xu Xiaolu: "Is it so hot, I have to gossip on the spot."

Peng Doudou: "My real name, Wu You, is in the gossip."

Wu You: "Peng Doudou, you are like this, just wait, I'll go find you now, but I'm also very curious."

Nazha: "What's going on, don't make fun of Shen Lang, he has a real girlfriend, you don't read gossip."

Nazha also appeared, this answer really made Shen Lang complain a bit, you think you are not tired enough.

This is the distance of the relationship. Except for her, basically the relationship with other people can't reach the level of gossiping Shen Lang directly to the audience. The main reason is that there are too many people. If you are alone, many people can ask.

In terms of relationship, Chen Xinxuan is also fine, but she will not speak on such matters, and everyone will not make such jokes.

The scandal between Shen Lang and Ni Ni is quite popular, especially among classmates, this group of people are the ones who gossip the most.

But in saying this, Yang Caiyu was a bit too much, of course, the other party did it on purpose, after Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian broke up, even though they hadn't met each other, they were enthusiastic for a few days for no reason, too much.

Nazha was very happy, Shen Lang had nothing to do with herself when she was embarrassed, she had to seize the opportunity, judging from the frequency of contact between Shen Lang and herself and the lack of flirting during filming, she concluded that the other party fell in love again.

Shen Lang still respects Ni Ni, and he didn't flirt with Na Zha during filming with her, because of this, probably only Na Zha can guess Shen Lang's love status.

After all, looking for Nazha every time we break up is already a routine state. It has happened seven or eight times, and Nazha is not stupid.

Shen Lang paused the breakup, she naturally didn't know what happened just now.

Jin Bohan: "Gossip, gossip, big gossip." Anyway, at the beginning of Nazha, everyone is embarrassed to make such a fuss, and there is a leader.

Shen Lang: "You slander, slander me."

Yang Caiyu: "Haha, I'm in a hurry, @Wang Qiaolin, what do you think?"

Shen Lang: "Forget it, squad leader, don't blame others like this."

Wang Qiaolin: "Well, what old Shen Lang said, Cai Yu, I didn't expect you to shout "stop thief."

Yang Caiyu: "He did it on purpose, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Xu Xiaolu: "This is an urgent meeting, I understand."

Everyone laughed and didn't take it seriously, but when one person came out to speak, the situation was different.

Chen Xinxuan: "I really believe this. Some people like Liu Tianxian so much. Well, someone told me that you are similar to her to some extent. Talk to me and get together when I go back."

Everyone was a little silent, and they didn't dare to make jokes. Shen Lang didn't expect what happened to the meatballs.

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