China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 498 Happy writing and cooperation

On the plane, Shen Lang didn't chat with Tong Liya, and the two of them were not together, it's first class, there is enough personal space, no need to be next to each other, front and back seats.

It's still necessary to avoid suspicion, Shen Lang doesn't need to worry about this, he is thinking about the copywriting right now, after graduating, he wants to post some testimonials, mainly to post on Weibo, which has not been posted for a long time, so just do it when he thinks about it.

The first-class cabin is able to access the Internet, so there is no need to worry about being bored. Shen Lang reads the news, and there is an interesting piece of news. Yang Mi basically focuses on the heroine of "Bounty Hunter". I don't know if it is his own marketing, or it is true.

Anyway, Shen Lang knew the result. The heroine of this movie was Tang Yan. Besides, there was another piece of news related to him. Of course, the protagonist was not himself.

Xu Qing participated in the "Love Schedule" meeting in Shanghai, with a smile on her face all the time, when asked by the media about "Flower Girl", the staff hurriedly stopped her, and the interview ended hastily.

"Hua Shao 2" was broadcast, and in the episode with Shen Lang, he just went there for the purpose of tearing it up. It was good, although a lot of cuts were made, but the rest is enough for everyone to guess.

As expected of the pinnacle of variety shows, netizens were curious about what was going on. You see, as soon as Xu Qing got a job, she was pulled out to ask questions.

Shen Lang saw this and sent a screenshot of the news to Xu Qing. They both had WeChat. After all, Shen Lang did a lot of things that Xu Qing remembered deeply that night.

Speaking of this, Shen Lang is a bit troublesome, Shuangzi contacts her a bit frequently, but I don't have time to meet her, no, it should be that Shen Lang doesn't want to be pua.

Shuangzi likes to instigate Shen Lang very much, so that Shen Lang has the illusion that he has a good relationship with her.

What Shen Lang reads is the domestic news. There is an entertainment news that is very popular. The Kardashian sisters also have a place in the internal entertainment. It fits his aesthetics, and I will have a chance to get to know him in the future.

He reads the news and has his own copywriting. He misses his college days, after all, the female classmates are very attractive.

[I remember that when I was young, I liked to read idiom stories in Chinese textbooks, and I saw a story called "Carving a Boat and Seeking a Sword".

When I saw this article at the time, I thought this person was so stupid. Didn’t he know that the sword fell into the water in the middle of the river, and he couldn’t get it back when he ran to the bank.

In the past two days, I suddenly have a new understanding. Although it does not match the thought expressed by this idiom, I want to share it with you.

In this long river of time, many people lost something at a certain node, and then went back again and again to find it, but they didn't know that they were just standing by the boat and could not go back in the middle of the river.

According to my understanding, this should be called regret. Many regrets have happened, but time will only move forward. I only hope that my classmates and I can grasp the present and do our best in the days to come.

Thanks to the teachers, to the people who have helped me, and to the students of BJ Film Academy in 2011, we have graduated. 】

For the small composition, Shen Lang said that apart from breaking up, there are other places where it can be used. He also sent a group photo of his graduation thesis defense, and he doesn't mind sharing it with everyone.

After all, it is a small fresh meat, and it is also the era with the most traffic. The hot search is too easy, #沉浪graduated#, it is so simple and rude.

"After graduating, can I continue to join the group? There have been no works for more than half a year." There are still a lot of likes, and Shen Lang replied.

""The Big Winner" will be released in 0713, so stay tuned, the work is still being filmed."



"Baby, are your feet feeling better?" After Shen Lang settled down, he first met with the crew, and Bao Qiang was of course the first to greet him.

After all, they have filmed "Running Man" together, so they are a little more familiar than others. Although Chen Sicheng chose him as the protagonist, the two of them actually met once. The reason why Shen Lang was chosen is because He is red for no other reason.

"It's much better." Baoqiang smiled, and he was really down-to-earth. There was a small episode, some time ago, Baoqiang had an accidental fracture, and he almost didn't want to shoot it, but the result was still good.

By the way, this time, Shen Lang and Bao Qiang are nominally the two male leads, but he is still a little behind Bao Qiang, but he has no objection, as long as the system recognizes that he is the male lead, he is not Liu Haoran, he is But the little fresh meat with its own heat cannot be completely suppressed by Baoqiang.

Fan position is still more important, both for Shen Lang and Bao Qiang, but it is impossible for Bao Qiang to be the second fan for Shen Lang, especially in the case of a movie with two male protagonists.

Baoqiang was able to suppress Guo Tianwang in "Taoist Down the Mountain", and it was very easy to suppress Shen Lang. It is also a comedy, and Baoqiang himself is the field that he is best at in the impression of others.

Shen Lang is only a comedy movie, and the public's expectations of him are not as good as Bao Qiang. In fact, Shen Lang also knows that if there is no system, how can he compare with Bao Qiang.

"That's good, but your front tooth." Shen Lang asked.

"It was knocked off when I was filming a variety show. It's just inlaid with gold." This gold tooth is really useful for Baoqiang's role fit.

I exchanged a few words with Baoqiang, chatted with Chen Sicheng, and started reading the script.

Now that the role has been completely settled, Shen Lang also knows that his original role of Huang Langdeng has also been given to his old acquaintance Chi Chi.

Looking at it this way, this movie has gathered a small half of the original members of the Running Man, seven permanent members, three of whom were filming together, and isolated the other four.


"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but you guys, am I a big detective? I'm very busy. I have a lot of cases to deal with. I've just been working on a big case. Are you dumb?" Bao Qiang Walking and talking with Shen Lang, he didn't hear Shen Lang's response, so he turned around and asked.

Not to mention, what Baoqiang said in Guangpu is too distinctive. Although I often heard it in movies in my previous life, it feels different when I say it in reality.

"I, I, I, I." Shen Lang raised his head slightly, and he didn't finish a word. This is Qin Feng, who stutters, and comedy must have contrast. For example, Shen Lang, such a handsome young man, and Tang Ren This greasy man is the contrast.

Also, he is so good-looking, but has the flaw of stuttering, which is also a contrast.

"It's not dumb, it's stuttering." Bao Qiang happily pointed to Shen Lang and said.

"Stop." Baoqiang had more lines than Shen Lang, but he still finished speaking safely. I have to say that Baoqiang's acting skills are really good, so let's not talk about Mr. Shu. Even this Tang native, Baoqiang is also very good. It's about to enter the state.

Of course, Shen Lang is the same, and he has some preparations. The filming of this scene went very smoothly. It was filmed directly at the airport, highlighting a truth. Of course, in this case, ng is also very troublesome. It is simply Shen Lang and Bao Qiang. It was a pleasure to cooperate.

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