China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 514: Pretty Good Record

A movie that can sell at the box office has a relatively large bonus for the main characters. As the heroine, Pan Zhilin can naturally receive this bonus.

Her previous films were indeed relatively slow, but with "Big Winner", she still has the capital to fail several times in the follow-up.

This is still the present, if "The Big Winner" really hits the box office, she will be qualified to compete for the heroine of many movies, what is missing is the affirmation of a work.


"Pancake Man" was released. I have to say that the contacts made by Dapeng in "Diaosi Man" before are still very bluffing. Of course, giving face to the producer is also an important reason. Who is the producer? "Love" that Sohu boss.

He likes to participate in these things in the entertainment industry. After all, Shen Lang met him. In order to get in touch with Liu Shishi, through Nazha's introduction, Jiang Jinzai led him to meet the boss with white hair. To be honest, that is Shen Lang has seen Liu Shishi's worst look.

Tang Ren had a good relationship with Sohu for a while, mainly because Cai Yinong, the boss of Tang Ren, and her husband came from Sohu.

The relationship is okay now. For example, "Wuxin Master", which is a little popular now, is broadcast by Sohu, and the main focus is a happy cooperation.

Speaking of "Pancake Man", although Shen Lang's "Big Winner" can be regarded as an indirect opponent, it is only indirect. The main opponent is "Monster Hunt", and "Big Winner" is a sudden rise.

Shen Lang also helped promote this movie, how should I put it, Shen Lang bowed his head for the points, but it was not on purpose.

Chen Zhixi met Shen Lang because "Pancake Man" wanted Shen Lang to be a guest star. Later, Chen Zhixi helped with some "Big Winner" matters, and after confirming Dapeng's place, there was a scene of making a phone call. Dapeng asked a friend for help, but everyone refused.

Shen Lang still helped, and the work was completed in half an hour. He just wore normal clothes, and it was over when he called and refused. It was even so convenient. Shen Lang didn't see Dapeng, so an assistant director came, brought a camera, and left after filming.

Of course, Shen Lang is also conditional. A special role will occupy a spot. Anyway, the 20% points share must be collected, and I am also grateful to Chen Zhixi for her help.

Although she may also show favors, after all, she is also the producer of "My Girls' Generation", but she doesn't want to return the help, you don't have to care about it, but it's appropriate to use this kind of thing that also benefits you to return favors of.

Speaking of which, all the people who ran the men's team were recruited. Except for Baby, everyone else helped, Chen Chichi, Baby, Zheng Kai, etc., the box office can be so high, and the number of stars is also one reason.

However, this does not affect Shen Lang and Dapeng facing each other head-on, the schedule is all there, so don't do anything if you let it go.

"Pancake Man" was released on the first day, directly expanding the box office of the entire summer. How to put it, it is almost worse than yesterday's "Monster Hunt". strong.

In terms of filming, at 29%, the filming of "Monster Hunt" has also dropped, at 32%, which is 8% lower than yesterday. This is the summer file.

Correspondingly, "The Big Winner" dropped by 18% due to the relatively strong box office yesterday.

Although "The Return of the Great Sage" has a lot of tap water, it has to make concessions. The film schedule is 15%, which is a little less than "The Big Winner".

As for "Gardenia Blossoms" and "Tiny Times 4", it's over, the box office has been upside down, and today's film schedule is under 5%.

In today's movie circle, two heroes are fighting for hegemony. Although the box office of "Monster Hunt" is not as good as yesterday's premiere, the speed of breaking 100 million is similar to that of "Pancake Man" which was released on the first day.

The selling point of "Pancake Man" is group play, counting stars, being funny, and selling tickets. It is also Dapeng's debut directorial work, and it is also the culprit that influenced his later works. I don't know if I will regret it later.

But he shouldn't regret it, this movie also gave him a firm foothold in the movie industry.

The audience turned their attention to these two films, but some people still focused on "Big Winner".

Everyone felt that this movie was too strange. Although the box office was definitely not as good as yesterday, it reached 35 million at four o'clock in the afternoon.

"The Return of the Great Sage" was close and had a good reputation, but the box office was only in the early 20 million mark. The gap widened, and many people were disappointed. Are your fans so strong?


"Thank you everyone, thank you for the support of the people in my hometown." Shen Lang is doing a road show in his hometown, the provincial capital city where he lived and worked in his previous life.

He also came here to watch movies in his previous life, but the situation in this life is different, the crowd is crowded.

In his hometown, the box office was a hit, and his arrival made too many small leaders of theaters. Every time he came back, he could drive a movie-watching frenzy.

From the perspective of subdivision, Shen Lang's film arrangement is overwhelmingly higher than other works in this province, but it is nothing but in the whole country.

"Shen Lang, Boss, Mentor." Everyone shouted one after another, calling for everything. Shen Lang smiled and passed by one by one, not pretending to be ungrounded, but being straightforward. The problem here is not the space for you to stop and be grounded. bother other people.

But when he was in the movie theater, he was very willing to cooperate with taking pictures and so on. Of course, he had to take a big group photo, otherwise he would come one by one.

This time I won’t go to other cities, I’ll just stay in the provincial capital for a day, go directly to the airport to fly abroad, and go to work on time tomorrow. Although there are no points to claim, the work still has to be done.

When he was busy until eight or nine o'clock, Shen Lang had time to return to the hotel where he was staying, and he didn't go back to rest directly, and went to the private room of the restaurant first.

He lives in a suite, but there are all kinds of restaurants for eating, but the people who come here are not suitable, and they are prone to scandals, forget it.


"Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road." After Shen Lang entered the door, he bowed to several people and smiled.

"Understood, big star? We're watching the local news because you're stuck in traffic." A female voice sounded a bit aggressive.

"Third sister, don't be joking." Looking at the smiling people in front of him, Shen Lang felt a little relaxed, this is also someone who can make him miss his previous life all the time.

It's definitely not good to mess around in the previous life, but it's also my own experience, so there's no need to avoid it.

There were five people here, three women and two men. Shen Lang actually didn't have much contact with everyone, but after all, when he came back, he still had to make contact.

After chatting for a while, they planned to withdraw. It would be good to meet and chat for a while. Shen Lang had a feeling that he could easily achieve the achievement of sister flower.

Thanks to the fact that there are two other men, these are the husbands of the eldest and the third, not to mention, Shen Lang really can't stand the temptation because of his previous life, and he knows how attractive the female bosses who have been in close contact with are.

Several people also have their own ideas in their hearts, there is no jealousy, the distance is too far, only envy, the woman still has the idea of ​​a little devil in her heart, Shen Lang is a bit too handsome.

"Slow down, we'll get together when we have time, don't you guys go to BJ to order, if I go, I'll be there, and I'll arrange for you then." Shen Lang sent everyone away.

This is all an episode, Shen Lang will take some time to rest, and then go to Thailand.

Taking off in the early morning is like this every time, and thanks to Shen Lang's recovery, he checked the record on the plane, and it's pretty good.

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