China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 641 Several Ways of Writing Kun

"What are you looking at?" Seeing Shen Lang looking at his phone, Liu Shishi asked curiously.

"Look at the box office." Shen Lang definitely can't say, I'm looking at my income after watching "The Third Love" offline, and his points have exploded now.

"Hong Kong囧" and "The Third Kind of Love" are offline. The box office of the former is over 1.5 billion. I don't know how it compares with the previous life. Whether it is affected by "The Third Kind of Love" should not be a big problem, after all The themes are different, and he can get 20% of the box office points for this movie.

This is the change of the coffee position. Before, he should only be able to get 10%, and it’s not a big problem in the seventh episode, but it’s been a year, and his influence has risen too much. It’s easy to become a special star. This It becomes 20% of the points, which is similar to "Charlotte Annoyance".

The points he can earn from "囧囧 in Hong Kong" are in the early 300 million, which is already dead. As for "Charlotte Annoyance" which will be offline in a few days, it should be about the same.

"The Third Kind of Love" has a cumulative box office of over 790 million, and he can earn 40% of the points, which is still in the early 300 million. Adding the points after the release of "Langya Bang", this is nothing .

[Points: 1.35 billion]

[Point benefit: 980 million]

His points benefit did not increase, after all, he didn't spend much points, but he used a lot of points. When he first joined the group, he was in the early 1.2 billion, but he directly used 500 million points on "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shining Star".

Of course, the points should be used in "Your Wedding" soon, and with his thought, the points changed.

[Points: 550 million]

Shen Lang didn't favor one over another, and spent 800 million points on this. As for whether he will use reality stability or double chances, we will talk about it next year.

He guessed that even if this movie didn't use points, the box office should not be low. After all, he used points for "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shining Star". The box office cannot be lowered.

"How's the situation?" Liu Shishi asked.

"Very good, the box office of "I Am a Witness" has dropped by 10 million in a single day, so you can rest assured." Shen Lang joked.

"What do you mean, what do I care about, if you think about it again, I'll hit you." Liu Shishi hurriedly said, Shen Lang is too ignorant, as if he hoped that Yang Mi's movie box office would not be good.

"Oh, I said the wrong thing, Shishi, that, if there is a chance to tell me about the things between you?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

"What do you want to know, don't think about it, the relationship between us is not as complicated as you think." Liu Shishi said.

"Um, how complicated is my thinking, forget it, I'm leaving tomorrow, let's talk tonight." Shen Lang said.

"Go away, leave tomorrow afternoon, come back in the evening, if you don't know, you may think you are going abroad." Liu Shishi said that he would not accept this.

Shen Lang has something to do tomorrow, so he will go to Zheng Kai's "Predecessor Raiders 2" movie premiere. This is a must, and his own film family will also join in. Reciprocity, and Shen Lang's own movies are more than anyone else.


Wanda Cinema, there are a lot of people today, even in the capital, it is not so full of people every day, especially near night, and everyone is too concentrated.

But when you know it's the premiere of the movie, it's not so strange. Even if you are not a fan, but you can see the stars, you don't mind joining in the fun.

Of course, the people at the front are still occupied by people with long guns and cannons. These are the media.

The most conspicuous among the fans present were the fans holding a sheep sign, all of whom were girls.

This is obviously knowing that the idol is coming, and they came here specially to support the show. Of course, there are other leading brands, but there are not so many.

It's normal, Zhang Yixing is a pure traffic star, traffic certainly can't be considered top stream, otherwise there must be him in the big four and the third small, but it's not close.

Among the remaining leading actors, only Zheng Kai has some fans, and Running Man is very effective, and it is already a national variety show.

It's just that he had already revealed his love affair in August, besides, even if he didn't blow himself up, his personality would be difficult to attract fans.

Seriously speaking, his previous character design was that of a playboy, who loved to play.

Running man became popular, and he also attracted CP fans, which was incomparable to the traffic cultivated by this professional fan-absorbing routine.

Of course, judging from his self-reported relationship, he didn't intend to become a trafficker, the main reason is that he couldn't. If he had the opportunity to become a top streamer, no one would refuse.

"Here we come." The crew appeared first, signed their names and went into the theater. Of course, they also gave a speech.

When Zhang Yixing came on stage, the fans were really loud. Of course, there were also the audience in the live broadcast room.

That's right, there were still some people joining in on the live broadcast of this red carpet linkage.

"Do you have any news, will the men's running team come, will Lu Han come?" a barrage asked.

"What are you thinking? There is a high probability that you won't. Instead of expecting him, you might as well expect Shen Lang."

"What's the situation, is my Brother Lang coming?"

"Didn't Zheng Kai say there was a mysterious guest?"

"I thought he was talking about Deng Chao."

"He's not mysterious, he's cheering everywhere, his own movie is about to be released, and he needs exposure."

"It's still my brother Lang who can hold on. The movie will be released soon, and there is no need to promote it."

"Does he still need publicity? Being shortlisted in the International Category A Film Festival is the biggest publicity."

"It's different. The movie starring Brother Lang doesn't seem to have such a thing as pre-publicity. It's like airborne every time."

"That's right, "The Third Way of Love" is a bit more turbulent."

"Haha, my brother Lang is still a cow, I just don't know, is there anyone who supports the new movie, revealing his love affair, the bravest top class."

"It's called being responsible."

"It is indeed a responsibility. Unfortunately, he chased the goddess, but the goddess seemed to think it was inappropriate and kicked him off."

"Don't talk nonsense, Feifei and Shen Lang are just hyping up the movie."

"I agree with that."

"Fans just believe what they believe."

There are people chatting online and offline, and there are many people who come.

Until Deng Chao appeared, he was wearing a jacket with a brand on the back, and he wanted to tear off the name tag.

Everyone still likes to watch the excitement, and the running man is really popular. After Deng Chao came on stage, before he could speak, Zheng Kai, who suddenly appeared, was thrown down. This is going to tear him up. (for the truth)

Everyone also laughed and watched the excitement, but immediately realized that something was wrong. Suddenly a super-fast contestant appeared on the red carpet, and directly snatched away the name tag that Zheng Kai was about to tear off.

"This is Shen Lang, I'll go, so suddenly, the red carpet has to run?"

The appearance of Shen Lang caused much more trouble than the appearance of other people before.

After all, he is top-notch, so he still has some face, mainly because this guy is really handsome.

Shen Lang originally wanted to go in directly and ask how many ways Kun could write, but he was stopped.

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