"This is Shen Lang, right? He's really young and promising." After watching the movie, the main creators finished speaking, and everyone started to withdraw.

Shen Lang didn't plan to meet anyone, although the actor who played Nami was also there, but she didn't have any feelings, she just had a good figure and a celebrity face.

Although they are good-looking, none of the female stars that Shen Lang has been in close contact with is not beautiful, and each has its own characteristics. He really appreciates it.

Originally planning to say hello and leave, Huang Zhonglei came over to say hello, the second boss of Huayi Brothers, quite well-known.

"I'm Shen Lang, hello." Shen Lang was still polite.

"I've wanted to know you for a long time, but I never had the chance, but I caught it. My daughter is a fan of yours, and she asked me to find a way to ask you for an autographed photo." This is the way to build a relationship.

Of course, he didn't talk nonsense, his daughter really likes Shen Lang, after all, Shen Lang has been famous for a year now, and they are all people in the circle, Shen Lang's amazing appearance is still a bit of a reputation, but it's not easy to praise in person Just him.

"It's definitely not a problem." Shen Lang wanted to see what he wanted to say.

"Look, I'm not ready today, how about this, add a WeChat to contact later." Shen Lang added a work WeChat, focusing on a separation of life and work.

"By the way, what are you doing standing here? The banquet has already been set, let's sit down and have a good chat." Huang Zhonglei really wanted to cooperate with Shen Lang, and Shen Lang's box office appeal was still very good.

"I'm really sorry, I have something to do tonight, I plan to say hello to Brother Kai and leave." Shen Lang said.

"Okay, then you are busy. I will make an appointment later when I have time. If there is a cooperation project, we can chat together." Huang Zhonglei doesn't care, is he a businessman?


The chat was unnutritive and fake, but social interaction was like this, Shen Lang and Zheng Kai withdrew after saying hello, he really had something to do, he went home to eat with his parents.

I didn't go back to the set directly, and I went to the city. It's not appropriate to go home. I can't just fall in love and stay home.

The main reason is that I have to go back and discuss with my parents about buying a house. The money just arrived in the past few days, and my parents know it, but he hasn't gone home to discuss it together.


"Yo, the busy man is back." Lin Fengxia's words came right after Shen Lang returned home.

"Of course, come back and see my dear parents." Shen Lang was still shameless.

"De Xing, why did you come back today? I thought you and your girlfriend were tired." Lin Fengxia said.

"Mom, what you said, shouldn't you be happy when I have a partner? I remember when I was in high school, you said that no one will look for me in the future." Shen Lang said.

"Then I'm urging you to lose weight. Also, I'm happy that you have a partner, but you are called a partner. Do you have a long one? Don't you like that Liu Yifei very much, so it's okay." Lin Fengxia didn't ask a question, is a statement.

"Mom, what you said, if it doesn't fit, we'll break it up." Shen Lang said.

"This time, I'll talk to you about it. Seeing that you have changed your screen name after several years, you really put your heart into it." Lin Fengxia is still more concerned about her son's relationship.

All right, Shen Lang's circle of friends blocks his parents, but the change of his screen name can't hide from his parents who are most concerned about him. He changed his name for no reason, so he must be concerned, that's all.

"I'm serious, don't worry about this, what do you have to eat?" Shen Lang said.

"Noodles, the sauce has been fried, just put it in the pot and cook."

"Braised pork, do you have it?" Shen Lang said.


Shen Lang specially ordered braised pork. After all, he has a Muslim girlfriend. She doesn't eat pork, so it's not good for you to eat it in front of her.

Of course, Liu Shishi is not so domineering, others can't eat pork in front of her, but her boyfriend is different, he has different requirements.

Shen Lang was quite puzzled at first, how she still has this habit when she grew up in BJ, but if she cooperates, it's actually not too difficult, and she can eat beef and mutton.

"By the way, Mom, have you gone to see the house these two days?" Shen Lang talked while eating, although he could not eat or sleep, but Shen Lang couldn't do it.

"Look, your dad and I will go out to watch if we have time." Lin Fengxia said.

"It's almost settled, the money has already arrived." Shen Lang said.

"That's for sure, the price changes every day, it's better to buy it earlier." Lin Fengxia said, and then patted Shen Lang's head.

"What's wrong?" Shen Lang raised his head and asked.

"I really didn't expect that you could become so capable. Your father and I thought that it would be good if you could pass the university entrance examination." Lin Fengxia said.

"It will be better in the future." Shen Lang said.

"En." Lin Fengxia suddenly gained confidence in her heart, and planned to take down the house during this period of time, and told Shen Lang the location.

There are new houses and second-hand houses, and they ran out of many places. The couple are fine now. They planned to visit the flagship store, but later found that they couldn't do it.

Shen Lang didn't pay too much attention, there were about fifteen sets, both in the HD area and nearby Baizi Bay, well, mainly because there were many nearby, after all, Lin Fengxia had lived here for a year, and she was a little familiar with the surrounding area.

The house is going to continue to be rented out. It can’t be left empty. The HD area is the same. The combined price is about 180 million. Of course, I still plan to pay 200 million and keep 20 million just in case. The property is in a mess. The things, even the decoration of the new house, all cost money.

Basically, the houses are more than 100 square meters. In fact, they are a bit more expensive than other locations, but when it comes to locations, there is no need to worry about this.

The school district housing in the HD district is too expensive. Now the housing price in BJ is basically 50,000 to less than 60,000, but the school district housing price is directly 100,000.

Lin Fengxia talked to Shen Lang about the house, and she didn't talk about it seeing that he was absent-minded. She felt relieved, with these dozen or so houses, even if her son had passed away, she could live well as a charterer.

In fact, she and her husband were very happy when they knew that their son made hundreds of millions of dollars in one play, but Shen Lang's previous works earned a good income, and they got used to it a little.

You see, this is the expectation of your parents, and it will only be considered for your future. Shen Langxin is no longer on it. He is reading the message Chen Zhixi sent him, and he really thinks that the director just needs to sit on it and call the card when shooting.

Uh, it seems that it is really possible to find a few good assistant directors, but Shen Lang still wants to get started on his own. He knows his shortcomings, but he doesn't intend to rely entirely on the assistant directors. Let's learn while directing. His advantages Just know the finished product.

As a director, you don’t have to worry about chores, but you definitely need to know about shooting and casting.

The actors that have been confirmed now, he and Nazha are the male and female leads, and Chen Xinxuan is the second female. She replaced the original dynamite, the drummer.

For the remaining two, the old man Shen Lang was looking for was the original Han Tongsheng, and the children had more choices, and they hadn't finally been selected yet.

(Everyone can make suggestions for casting)

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