China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 658 Monica didn’t come again, what are you afraid of?

"More movies, we must schedule more movies." The general manager of a movie theater chain was patting the table.

"Manager, we really can't add more. If we can maintain today's schedule, we have used up all the remaining activities we have." The staff said.

No wonder the manager suddenly wanted to schedule more movies. Who would have thought that their movie theater would be in short supply one day.

Of course, this is also the reason why there are fewer performances of "Shouting Mountain" in Pai. To be honest, today's "Shouting Mountain" is really shocking.

The box office of "Shouting Mountain" the next day was 27 million, which didn't seem too high. But when the cumulative box office nationwide on this day was less than 55 million, the box office was a bit scary.

The market on weekdays is not big to begin with, but there are still competitors. When a movie whose first-day box office was just over 9 million, triples the box office the next day, it’s terrible.

You know, yesterday's market price was 30 to 40 million more than today's. Obviously, it is the holiday bonus of Double Eleven. In addition to shopping, it is normal for the movie market market to rise.

It will return to the normal stage on Thursday. The market will rise again on Friday because of the double holiday, but it will definitely not be today.

But what was unexpected was that "Shouting the Mountain" suddenly emerged as a new force. It had nothing more than a premiere, and it only had an extra celebrity to promote it.

The box office of 27 million is not high, but when it accounts for half of the box office that day, it is amazing, especially since it was achieved with 13% of the film schedule, focusing on half of the country.

This is not a cumulative total of more than 36 million in two days. Of course, this box office may be a bit unexpected, but it has not yet eliminated everyone's prejudices.

Literary and artistic films are inherently niche, and if they want to increase the box office, they are Shen Lang's fans. Judging from the crowd of moviegoers today, it is true that the fans have contributed.

It is normal for fans to rush to the box office. There is a blockbuster movie to be released tomorrow, and "Shouting Mountain" is still very dangerous.

There is no uproar on the Internet because of this. Fans of other streams are still watching the final box office. Now they are keeping a low profile for fear of being slapped in the face.

Shen Lang's fans were also holding their breath, waiting for the result.

Shen Lang himself didn't care much about the box office. He believed in the system. What he cared about was that his points benefit finally exceeded one billion.

[Points: 1.35 billion]

[Points benefit: one billion to ten million]

The conversion of points into point benefits is real-time, which only shows that the 500 million I invested now is starting to show its power.

Although the points can't be used twice, the points benefits are quite gratifying, but he is a little curious. There is an upgradeable word on his system.

The first upgrade was to 100 million points. He originally thought it would be possible to upgrade when it reached 1 billion points, but now that the points and point benefits have both exceeded 1 billion, it still didn't work.

This trick is just a small game in his previous life that he came back to. Who knows what the upgrade conditions are. He is not in a hurry. There is always a chance to upgrade. At most, it will be 10 billion or 100 billion.


"Do you think our next box office can survive?"

"Director, don't worry. If the film schedule does not drop, the box office should be better than today." Shen Lang received a call from Yang Zi, and he was quite happy.

This is normal. For a director, there is no better reward than high box office. Yang Zi knows who to thank.

After all, there is an unspoken rule in today's domestic entertainment industry. The ones who carry the box office are the young ones, and the offline ones are somewhat guaranteed. Shen Lang is the top one.

As for Ni Ni, she is one of those players who has celebrity status but no fans. Her previous movies have also proved this. In "Four Little Flowers", Liu Shishi and Yang Mi relied on their fans, and the baby had not yet escaped at the time. As for the man, damn the leader, she was chosen by the media and has nothing to do with the fans.

In this case, especially judging from public opinion, it is Shen Lang's fans who contribute energy. Who can grab the dividends for him?

This is the meaning of the existence of the system. As long as Shen Lang takes action, the dividends will definitely be his.

Yang Zi is much more nervous than Shen Lang. Although there is good news that the film will not be dropped, there are many competitors tomorrow and "007" is coming, so it will be easy to be suppressed.

Shen Lang didn't laugh at him. If you care, it will lead to chaos. No one cares about his own work at all. The reason why he is not afraid in the face of danger is that he knows the answer in advance. This answer can satisfy everyone, but others can't. .

Confidence is an invisible and intangible thing, but it can be reflected. Because Shen Lang is really confident, other people's trust in him has greatly increased. The backbone is here.

Yang Zi also breathed a sigh of relief. The box office of this movie will definitely make back its money anyway. That's all. After Shen Lang and Yang Zi hung up the phone, they video-recorded with Liu Shishi to communicate about their relationship. Shen Lang was very serious about every relationship.

Otherwise, after you run away, there seems to be no memories between you. Why should people miss you? Love must look like love.

Liu Shishi was also very satisfied. Although on the surface he felt a little annoyed by Shen Lang, he was actually very happy. What woman doesn't like the feeling of being cared about by her boyfriend.


The road show continued the next day, and Shen Lang was not afraid at all. Anyway, the box office would definitely not be as good as "007". It was such a big event, and even a satellite TV station had a special show for a week. Shen Lang tried his best to compare.

But he just needs to do his own thing well. Anyway, he will be satisfied if a literary film exceeds 500 million.

However, there are always good brothers who cause trouble. Knowing that he will not answer questions about love affairs, he directly asks about his competitors.

"Brother Lang, "007" is officially released. It premiered yesterday. Are you worried?" I don't know if this is a brother or a black man, maybe it's intentional.

"What are you worried about? Monica Bellucci is not here again. Haha, just kidding. This is just a small-budget artistic film. Come on, two brothers, and fork him out." Shen Lang joked.

"Haha." Everyone was quite supportive. To be honest, there were a lot of boys at the scene, so it was great to be able to support the movie, and he also supported the most boring art film. It can be said that everyone has a good impression of him.

He responded to all changes by staying the same, but the calls from Xiao Tao and Yang Zi seemed to come one after another. He knew that something good had happened.

On Friday today, "007" exclusively occupied 40% of the film schedule, and the box office was not low, but "Shouting Mountain" seems to be even more amazing.

When everyone thought this movie was going to be rejected, he actually stood up and was the only domestic film to stand up.

The box office queen's "With Anthony" was released on the first day, and the real-time box office was quite good. Shen Lang felt that this was quite normal, and the name didn't sound like a big hit.

That's right, Bai Lily started her career in movies, so it was unexpectedly reasonable to let her go. As for the box office, many theaters regretted it. Giving 18% of the film schedule was a bit too much.

Moreover, this series of films is not available immediately. They are all protected by film schedules, and not all of them are Shen Lang, who doesn't care about distribution at all.

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