China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 702 Damn Concentration

"That's not right. It was Shishi who called for people when the game was just started. He didn't say anything about the substitutions in the middle. Shishi also learned bad things." Ye Qing said.

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? I want to find my lawyer. Don't think I don't understand. How can you say that Shishi has followed you to learn bad things? Shishi has not learned bad things from you. She is very good." Shen Lang subconsciously said Got the call.

"You." Ye Qing was a little speechless. Do you need to show affection like this? You also deliberately misunderstood my meaning. I should be called a lawyer. What do you mean by not following our example? Are we bad people?

"Don't make trouble, you say so many weird things every day." Liu Shishi's voice sounded.

"Okay, I listen to you. Listen, they are so jealous that they screamed out." Shen Lang's words made several girls feel like vomiting and made vomiting sounds, but how could Shen Lang be afraid of this.

"I can't stand it anymore, I'm leaving first." Yu Shasha ran away, and then Ye Qing said "I despise you" and left. Guo Xiaoting also said goodbye.

To be honest, even though it's annoying, I think that everyone has seen Shen Lang's boyfriend, and he doesn't have any shortcomings in terms of personality or appearance.

And it's quite interesting. The phrase "What are these words? What are these words? I want to find my lawyer" is so joyful to say.

"Master, Ye Qing despises you, you have to remember." Shen Lang said seriously to Master Liu who was looking at him.

"If you bully me, I'll bite you to death." Master Liu was about to bite someone when he came up.

"How do you know my purpose? Also, can the word "you" be separated?" Shen Lang hugged Master Liu and said.

"What, you really want to hack me? How?" Master Liu didn't respond to Shen Lang's dirty talk at all. She was just curious. Shen Lang shouldn't be able to harm her. What did that mean?

"Yes, you don't know, there are vegetables soaked in water." Shen Lang whispered.

"You are too bad, ah, I was wrong, Xiaolang, Sister Shishi is joking, be good, let go." Master Liu understood, he just kicked him, and he was immediately caught, and he quickly begged for mercy.

"I understand, how to start a sibling relationship. Sister, you are really good at playing. In this case, I also want to let you know what an idiom is." Shen Lang was sensible and made a direct hit.

Then, it was all said and done.

"Okay, sister Shishi, your acting skills have improved a lot." Shen Lang said to Master Liu.

"Can you speak nicely?" Liu Shishi felt a little embarrassed when he heard his sister.

"Senior Sister, Brother Lang." While the two were chatting and laughing, they met Reba. She joined the group. Well, she was quite a pretty girl.

Hot Bar knows who the big shots are in the crew, so she greets everyone quickly when she comes. Of course, she is somewhat famous now. After all, she was the one who once overshadowed Tang Yan. Well, Gao Wen is quite popular. She blows her hair. , Shen Lang also looked at it secretly.

To be honest, for Hot Bar, it was impossible for Shen Lang to say that she had no ideas in the past. If she were really serious, her traffic in her previous life had already exceeded that of Bawuhua. Of course, that is traffic, which is serious. The national level cannot be compared.

Shen Lang had some thoughts about her in his previous life. There is no need to pretend. He is the kind of layman who likes beautiful women. If she is a beautiful woman, that is enough.

Of course, he will definitely not admit this kind of thing now. I, Brother Alang, travel all over the world, and I am single-minded when I am in love. Let alone being hot, I am tied up with my most affectionate Bawuhua, ahem, Don't get me wrong, Shen Lang just feels like coughing.

"Thank you, Reba. Are you busy lately?" Shen Lang took the milk tea and said.

"A bit busy." Reba said.

"Huh?" Shen Lang and Liu Shishi were a little surprised. It was just a polite word. Are you really going to say something? But what should I say? People who are capable have confidence. Just listen, maybe there is some gossip.

"There happens to be a new movie that I am participating in that is released, and I have to go to the road show." Reba said.

"I understand, it must be Sister Mi's movie. She even specifically told me and Shishi." Shen Lang and Liu Shishi knew what was going on.

Just a few days ago, Yang Mi suddenly contacted two people. It was nothing else. She just said that Reba and Zhang Yunlong had to ask for leave and she wanted to say hello.

In fact, the two people's time has been arranged, and the crew must have made a record. Besides, the crew can also ask for leave. Some things are not prepared until the situation arises. Yang Mi just said hello to Shen Lang and Liu Shishi, This is called socializing.

"Yes." Reba responded obediently. Even though he collaborated with Shen Lang on his second work, he was still very sleepy and not very familiar with it. There was nothing he could do about it. Shen Lang had time to devote himself to Liu Shishi.

Shen Lang didn't want to waste time when it was time to be passionately in love. Shen Lang didn't want to waste time. Of course, it was because of his attention to Liu Shishi regardless of other people's opinions that he was able to win Liu Shishi.

There are many beauties in the entertainment industry, but for a top-notch person to have no one else but himself, this inner sense of vanity, this feeling of being more attractive than others, is really wonderful.

Of course, Hot Bar sometimes complains from the bottom of her heart. Shen Lang is a scumbag in her mind. Okay, it mainly means she is not convinced. I can't win the coffee position, but in terms of appearance, I'm not bad, right? What do you mean.

She discovered that Shen Lang was not playing hard-to-get, he really only had Liu Shishi in his eyes, what a damn concentration.

It's not that she likes Shen Lang, but she simply feels that she has been ignored. How could she have been so wronged? This Shen Lang did not do it on purpose. It is completely his usual style. He has always had clear goals and will not take too much fancy. trouble.

There are many people who think like her. In a crew, there are many beauties who want to be on top. Shen Lang has always known that, but he will not change. Only this kind of atmosphere can help him chase girls. Even this was created intentionally by him. atmosphere.

Shen Lang doesn't need to care about what others think, just care about what she thinks. Keep things simple and don't worry too much. Worrying will only lead to defeat. Just do it.

Shen Lang doesn't want to cause any complications. You are pursuing Liu Shishi, but you are also close to other women at the same time. Isn't that a disease? It's okay if you haven't chosen a target. If you do, you must be firm.

In this case, the communication between Shen Lang and Reba was just that of colleagues. When Reba faced him, he definitely didn't have the natural feeling of facing a friend. A brother would definitely still be called.

"Hi, hello, are you hot? You are so beautiful. My name is Meng Ziyi, and I am the junior sister of Senior Brother Shen Lang." Shen Lang and Senior Master Liu chatted with her for a few words and then left, but there was a beautiful girl next to them. My sister said hello, but why does this greeting feel so strange?

Oh, it feels a bit like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

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