China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 732 First Week Box Office

"You said that yourself." Chen Zhixi joked along with Shen Lang's words, but to be honest, Shen Lang was indeed a bit unprofessional this time. If he hadn't been the investor in this movie, Chen Zhixi would really understand him.

But it doesn't matter now. Not only is he an investor, but he's still selling tickets like this, she has to be accommodating. There will be cooperation in the future.

She is the producer of "The Sewing Machine Band" and "Big Shot", after all, she is really doing a good job.

Of course, she also had to understand Shen Lang. After all, Shen Lang had not one but two girlfriends in his team.

Huang Mengying's ex was also exposed by Shen Lang himself. Even if she and Shen Lang broke up, at least they were still good friends. If it weren't for Shen Lang, how could she have joined the crew of "My Girlhood".

Shen Lang didn't join everyone this time not because of her, but because of Liu Tianxian. She didn't know what happened inside.

Chen Zhixi wanted to gossip, what happened to Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian? Could it be that Shen Lang was really dumped and became angry with shame? It shouldn't be.

Nowadays, there is a rumor on the Internet. In addition to the premiere and the road show, Shen Lang just didn't join the big troops. A lot of people said that Shen Lang couldn't forget his old love and was rejected by Liu Tianxian, so he couldn't go back. Another part The theory is that after Shen Lang was dumped, he became so angry that he refused to go back.

Shen Lang was speechless. How could the public opinion be like this? It doesn't matter to me. Do you know how angry my girlfriend would be if she knew this kind of news?

"I do have some problems here. I'm sorry for everyone this time. I'll treat you all to dinner later. How about I treat you to the celebration party?" Shen Lang said grandly.

"Of course you have to invite me. You still want me to pay for it myself." Chen Zhixi said, there is another meaning in this sentence. You are the boss of this show.

"Haha." Shen Lang said.

"But I still have to congratulate you. The box office of the movie you starred in has officially exceeded 500 million, and it has exceeded 500 million in two days. I never expected it." After Chen Zhixi said this, Liu Tianxian, who didn't want to talk to Shen Lang, couldn't hide the happiness on his lips.

Yes, the box office of "My Girlhood" exceeded 500 million. On Saturday, the box office exceeded 290 million, bringing the total to 510 million.

When "My Girlhood" grossed 220 million on its first day of release, many people in the industry speculated that if its reputation did not collapse, the movie's weekend box office should also be very impressive.

Even after only one day, people in the industry understand that this "My Girlhood" is different from Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian's previous "The Third Love".

The pretentious plot of "The Third Love" did not help the box office at all, and it all relied on the scandal between Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian.

But "My Girlhood" is different. This movie has a pretty good reputation, and many people felt very moved after watching it.

Although scandals boosted the movie's popularity in the early days, after it was released, not as many people discussed the plot.

Of course, we must also thank today's movie market. This kind of youth-themed movies have not yet been bored by the audience. With the help of the system, today's scene has been created.

This kind of box office growth rate has never been experienced by the crew, including Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian. Even Chen Zhixi has managed many movies, but this is the first time that a film has such a high box office growth rate. She is famous in the "囧" series, but it is a pity that Bald Xu played with the light in "囧" and she did not participate.

Shen Lang's previous movies had no schedule at all, and they all went up step by step from low to high, unlike "My Girlhood", which started with a bang.

By the way, the reason why today's box office is so high is not only because of the weekend, but also because of the film schedule, which has been increased by 40%.

Of course, the effect is also good, accounting for 80% of the box office. If there were no emergencies, it might be higher.

It doesn’t matter what the other movies are today, but there is a sudden and sudden work, "Unexpectedly", a major movie screening.

This point-and-shoot made Shen Lang know that it was not original for later generations to arrange films with eighteen or twenty points and call them point-of-view.

"Never Expected" was screened at 18% of the screenings. In fact, the number of screenings in name is more than the screenings of the officially released movie.

There's nothing we can do about it. Who makes other movies less successful? "Unexpectedly" had a good start in screenings, with a box office of 42 million.

To be honest, "Unexpectedly" is really popular nowadays. It is something that Master Liu is watching. If Shen Lang hadn't seen it in his previous life, he would have been addicted to it. It's really funny.

Shen Lang also gained something. He saw the actor of his father, and thought of that script-killing movie in later generations. It was not "Man Jiang Hong", but "Famous". Shen Lang felt that this movie was also interesting.

"Never Expected" had a good start at the screenings, and I don't know if it affected the box office of "My Girlhood". It probably didn't. Shen Lang believes in the system, and it may have affected the box office of "Never Expected".

However, Shen Lang discovered that the reputation of "Unexpectedly" didn't seem to be very good. He didn't remember the box office of this movie in his previous life, and didn't care too much.

Anyway, the reputation of "My Girlhood" has been maintained, which is why everyone is happy.

"Congratulations to Sister Tingting. Without her, this work of ours would not exist," Shen Lang said.

"No, no." Yao Tingting immediately waved her hands wildly. If others didn't know, how could she still not know what was going on?

Shen Lang found someone to come up with the idea and script for this movie. She just followed the script and didn't have much desire to talk. This is normal. After all, she is a new director. Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian are both big names. If she can have the opportunity to be a director, Okay, I won’t think too much about it at all.

And she also read the reviews of this movie. Her shooting techniques were criticized and said to be immature. She relied entirely on the plot to win. This is actually what this kind of youth movie is like.

"Sister Tingting, how's your new project going?" Shen Lang and Yao Tingting both talked, and they must be polite. Besides, it has something to do with him.

"It's very good, the progress is going very smoothly." Yao Tingting said, she has a film "Whose Youth Is Not Confused". Under normal circumstances, this is her typical debut film, but she met Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian, this pair The new director was a particularly big opportunity, so she dealt with it first.

Now it seems that thanks to not giving up "My Girlhood", she would have regretted it a lot.

Shen Lang invested in her new movie "Whose Youth Is Not Confused". Of course, it was not the full investment. Yao Tingting originally contributed part of it. It was Guangguang's investment. Later, Chen Zhixi approached her to make a movie and subsequently invested in her movie. , Shen Lang is the third company, and the share is still squeezed out.

We chatted for a while and then hung up. They were still outdoors. The road show continued on the third day. The box office exceeded 100 million at 1 o'clock and over 200 million at 6 o'clock in the evening.

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