China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 749 What is a system?

On the other end of the phone, Yao Tingting looked at her phone and knew that her idea was shattered. Shen Lang didn't give herself a chance to say anything.

She knew that she was a bit unscrupulous, but there was nothing she could do about it. Everyone knew how much the box office of "My Girlhood" had to do with her.

She will definitely be able to reap the dividends, after all, she filmed the movie, but no one knows who the real hero is.

"Tingting, what's wrong? It's time to go?" She was thinking about how to make the box office higher when a female voice came from the side, it was Huang Mengying.

In addition to the two of them, there are also the lead actor Bai Jingting, the heroine Liu Tianxian and the producer Chen Zhixi. The current publicity team only has these few people, and the road show is enough.

It doesn't mean that you are qualified to participate in this just because you are an actor. You have to spend money. Of course, unless you are famous yourself, "My Girlhood" doesn't have much funding at all, and these people who came out are already good enough.

"Here we come." Looking at Huang Mengying, Yao Tingting had a little idea. She and Shen Lang are also exes. If this news breaks out, will the box office be higher?

But just thinking about it, after all, she knew that her exposure would offend Shen Lang, and she was not that stupid.

Besides, she is also afraid of self-defeating. The mainstream thinking of the current box office surge is that Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian have unforgettable off-screen moments. In conjunction with the regrets in the film, it is suddenly revealed that Shen Lang has an ex in the same crew, which will have an impact on the movie. Is it the opposite, okay?

She was still a little regretful. Their small publicity team had been disbanded in the past two days. There was no need to keep running road shows. Everyone had something to be busy with.

She still has a project in hand. Although she can now access better projects, she has everything ready and it is impossible to let go of it.

The male lead is Bai Jingting, and the female lead is Huang Mengying. It is conceivable that the movie they will collaborate on will be like "My Girlhood".

In fact, she really wanted to continue to let Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian cooperate. She could continue to work together, but it was unrealistic.

On Liu Tianxian's side, after meeting up with a few people, Chen Zhixi came to visit. After all, this was not their first time working together, they had known each other before.

"Feifei, how did you sleep?" Chen Zhixi was quite enthusiastic. She looked at Liu Tianxian now just to see the treasure.

Other capital wants to copy the legend of Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian. She also wants to but knows that it is not realistic nowadays, but the type is also possible.

For example, she is also one of the producers of "Youth 2", which has been filmed. Many people are optimistic about this movie.

Of course, it is not that there are no similar combinations. The collaboration between Yang Mi, Lu Han and Feng Feng was initially considered good by everyone, but it seems that compared to Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian, their combination was a bit ugly at the box office.

Although Fanfan's traffic is not as good as Lu Han's, and his performance is not as good as Shen Lang's, he can still be considered one of the top stars, benchmarking against Shen Lang, and having the same heroine.

The capital doesn't ask for more than a billion. If it can break through five or six billion, this will be a big harvest. Of course, the capital must want to earn more. The producer is also thinking about letting Fanfan and Liu Tianxian explode themselves. A love affair.

However, this was a bit too difficult. For Liu Tianxian, it was because Shen Lang was willing to pay that he had such an experience. After all, he still wanted to see the fairy dew.

Not to mention whether Liu Tianxian is happy or not, Fanfan can't get over it. He bets his career and cannot afford to gamble. As for Liu Tianxian, let alone Liu Tianxian is not happy, Liu Xiaoli didn't tell Liu Tianxian about this at all. Pass.

They are both from the entertainment industry, so it’s okay if they don’t interact with each other, but they have worked together on a movie and know each other somewhat. This Fanfan is quite confusing.

Yes, it is so direct. Evidence is needed to expose the paparazzi, but for people in the industry, it is enough to know about it, and there is no need to prove it to anyone.

Fanfan hasn't developed into what he will become in the future, but he is quite famous in the circle. His fashion resources are very good, and the resources are also very good. How did he get it? In addition to his own traffic, he also has a big sister.

After returning to China, Xu Cainü has the leading male lead in a big movie. Even if Lu Han is a top star, even if "Twenty Again" relies on his fans to attract traffic, he is still not ranked first.

It's okay for Fanfan, mainly because the entertainment industry is really chaotic, and no one thinks it's a big deal.

In front of the camera, people can directly take wine glasses to toast in front of fashionable female bosses, domestic female devils, and Zhao Xiaojing. The latter may not be well-known, but she is the domestic vice president and public relations manager of LV, and she even gets patted on the thigh by her eldest sister. It doesn't matter.

In comparison, Liu Xiaoli actually felt that Shen Lang was a bit too powerful. Why use Shen Lang to compare? It was not nonsense. Shen Lang was the first to hype Liu Tianxian, so he must make a comparison.

I don't want to know this, but I'm shocked when I think about it. Shen Lang got to the celebrity position all because of himself. He became famous in variety shows and his own comments, and then a few movies brought him up.

Of course, Liu Xiaoli did not agree to the hype simply because Fanfan had an eldest sister. There was another main reason. She also had investments in "So I'm Still Here".

"The Third Kind of Love" made her earn a lot of money. You just want my daughter to pay for your reputation with empty words. What are you thinking?

Liu Xiaoli is not a fool. She cannot guarantee that if Liu Tianxian has another love affair, the relationship with Shen Lang will have a big impact, but it will also affect Liu Tianxian himself.

Everything has the greatest impact the first time. No need to imagine this. Besides, can you, Fanfan, compare to Shen Lang?

When a movie is released, in addition to the box office that everyone sees, which region has the most box office, and even the approximate male-to-female ratio will be counted. This is a shallow application of big data.

There is an interesting composition. When Shen Lang promoted, the box office radiated from him, without exception.

During the days of his road show, the box office in his city was twice as high as the box office on the day of their road show, which was scary.

The most outstanding point is that Shen Lang's hometown also topped the domestic box office, which was the day he went to the road show.

How outstanding is it? The box office that day was 170 million, and his province directly accounted for half of it.

This means the system has taken action, but it's still the same thing. He uses the points and the system belongs to him. It doesn't matter when he doesn't participate in the promotion, as long as the box office arrives.

But when he promotes it, he has to collect the dividends, that is, the number of movie theaters in a city is limited, otherwise it is not impossible for a city to have 80 to 90 million yuan.

What is a system?

The two parties disagreed, so naturally the matter passed, but capital never sleeps. When the movie is released, if they are not exposed, can't capital make up false information?

Of course, this kind of scandal is not painful and of little use. If Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian hadn't benefited so much from their cooperation this time, no one would particularly want Fanfan and Liu Tianxian to copy it.

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