China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 800 I really want to cooperate well

In less than ten minutes, so many questions can arise. How much this audience wants to interact, they really want to cause trouble.

There are many questions that cannot be answered at all, such as: Shen Lang, why did you and Liu Tianxian break up.

Also: Shen Lang, you have always asked everyone not to be a dog licker. Do you think your behavior towards Liu Tianxian was a dog licker?

Also: Shen Lang, do you have a girlfriend now? Have you ever been with Ni Ni? All kinds of questions.

Of course, there are also simple ones, such as what kind of girls do you like? There are general answers to this, just say whatever you want.

Of course, many of them are embarrassing questions, and the program team is very careful. Maybe they want to talk about this in this program and have a topic.

However, there are always normal questions. Shen Lang looked at it and found that this question was pretty good.

"Tutor, my girlfriend and I have been together for three years. Every time we have a fight, she breaks up. Every time, I end up apologizing. She is only happy after I apologize. I know that I don't want her to leave, but I hate this kind of thing. Due to the situation, I often have the idea of ​​breaking up if I break up, but after all, we have been together for three years and I am a little reluctant to let go. Tutor, please analyze for me whether this is love or habit."

This question is quite in-depth. Of course, it is not too difficult to answer. The conventional answer is that love will gradually become a habit, so just say it.

"This friend's question is very sharp. Let me answer it. Maybe it's just habit, not love." Shen Lang's answer was unexpected, and his answer was even sharper.

"Why?" the baby spoke directly, gossiping.

"You can see it in this friend's question. He said it twice in three years, which means something.

When two people quarrel, when you choose to apologize for her happiness, what you may consider is that I have been with her for three years and there are already sunk costs, whether it is emotional or financial.

My own analysis may be wrong. What you think is that if you don't apologize, your sunk costs in the past three years will be completely wasted. This is not called love, this is called accounting.

Or your idea is that if you don't apologize to her, she will leave you, and you don't care about the sunk cost, you just want to keep her.

Then, her leaving is the only meaning for you to keep her. You must keep her. This is no longer love, but comparison.

What is true love? It is that you have to apologize to her, because when you see her pitiful face, you have to apologize. This is love, just for her happiness, without any reason. "Shen Lang said.

Shen Lang's words silenced everyone. Is the topic such an important one? On the contrary, Wu Tong was very happy, Zhou Dongmei was very happy, and the topic became full again, including Shen Lang's view on love.

"This is a bit unrealistic. It is difficult to make unconditional concessions. It can only be said to be a good wish." Someone began to question. Shen Lang, the audience in the front row, heard it. He could not have answered, but he still said.

In fact, during the filming, someone was in charge not to let the audience talk, otherwise there would be no way to film well.

“Because my answer is based on this question, it may be a bit idealistic and basically difficult to achieve, but that’s how it is with love.

Let’s use a more cliché example for comparison. Have you ever thought about it? My future partner must be tall, beautiful or other conditions. Maybe there are three or four criteria? I love those who are satisfied, but I don’t love those who are dissatisfied.

But you may also have discovered that the standards are only for people you don't like. When the person who makes you really desperate appears, even if she doesn't meet one of them, you will still sink hopelessly.

But for someone you don't love, even if his conditions meet your standards, you can still find the fifth, sixth, or even seventh or eighth reasons for not loving her.

Even if we are together and the standards are met, in fact it is just a matter of weighing the pros and cons. Of course, this is my family's opinion. Everyone's understanding of love is different, and there is no right answer. "Shen Lang said.

These words are indeed very heavy. To be honest, this kind of situation is common nowadays. What we talk about in love is not about love, but about suitability. Talking about love is more childish, okay?

Shen Lang actually knew that what he said was too idealistic, but he didn't say it to himself, but to others.

In fact, Shen Lang wanted to say a lot, but the situation was not right and saying too much would be too pretentious.

Shen Lang withdrew. He was the only one who could leave without being polite to the others. They were still filming, so they had to get more material. Shen Lang was a semi-guest mercenary.

After returning to the hotel and resting for a while, we went directly to the cinema. The premiere of "Detective Chinatown" was here.

"Sister Tiantian, I haven't seen you for a long time. I finally have a chance to see you. It's not easy." Shen Lang said to Tiantian. At this moment, he was already waiting for the red carpet.

"Come on, it seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time. I was there when your movie premiered." Datian said sweetly.

"Haven't you heard of a saying? Not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns. No kidding aside. How have you been lately?" Shen Lang said.

"Generally, there are no movies that break box office records," Da Tiantian joked.

In fact, Da Tiantian speaks very softly, but that doesn't mean she doesn't joke. Shen Lang and she can still talk about it together. I don't think about it, Shen Lang was on the set of "The Great Wall" at the time, and he just communicated with her when he had nothing to do. The relationship was still OK.

Otherwise, the partner on the red carpet today wouldn't be Da Tiantian. By the way, Shen Lang didn't invite her, Shen Lang just knew she was coming.

It's normal for her to come. Isn't it normal for her to come to a movie that Wanda invests in?

"It's okay. It's not easy to break the record. The highest is not easy, the lowest is difficult, but it's definitely not that difficult." Shen Lang said.

"Okay, if any of my movies has a low box office, I know who to call." Da Tiantian joked.

"Speaking of this, I just wanted to tell you that there is a project that I want to cooperate with you. Are you interested?" Shen Lang thought of his "Zhu Xian".

As for what role Da Tiantian is suitable for, she is actually suitable for everything. Although she is not included in the Bawuhua inventory, she can actually replace anyone.

"What project?" Da Tiantian was a little surprised. Although she had no shortage of projects, Shen Lang was not an ordinary person.

Shen Lang himself is now a real star, and a movie that has reached the top of film history will be a great addition to him.

And it’s not just one movie that luckily has a high box office, it’s several movies in succession. Even if it seems that there are external factors for each movie’s high box office, a high box office means a high box office, and the dividends are guaranteed.

"I'll send you the script later. I'm not in a hurry. I'll finish all the things I'm doing." Shen Lang said.

"Okay." Da Tiantian's gentleness also reveals her honesty. Da Tiantian's character is really good. I really want to be a scumbag. No, I really want to cooperate with her.

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